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Down with the Quilboar (Alliance)

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AllianceDown with the Quilboar
Start Austin Huxworth [62.7, 69.9]
End Lindie Springstock [56.2, 59.1]
Level 1-10 (Requires 1)
Category Exile's Reach
Experience 200
Rewards 15c
Previous A [1-10] Northbound
Next A [1-10] The Scout-o-Matic 5000
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [1-10] Down with the Quilboar.


Geolord Grek'og
The quilboar performing a ritual on one of the expedition members.

Slay Geolord Grek'og.


From what I can gather, the quilboar are performing a necromantic ritual on one of the expedition members.

Their chief is Geolord Grek'og. He is the one who seeks to drain the life from our friend.

Slay Grek'og and save the captive member of the expedition. He may know where the others were taken.


You will receive:


Thanks for saving my life! They said this would be a run of the mill, uneventful expedition.

It definitely was NOT! And I couldn't be happier!


Huxworth offers multiple quests, so pick them both up:

Captain Garrick says: Let's go. Those monsters have my son.
Austin Huxworth says: Henry? I didn't see him... but I'm sure he's still alive.
Captain Garrick says: I know. I raised him to overcome any challenge.
Garrick and Huxworth run to the north before disappearing.

The quilboar are the first hostile enemies that players encounter. Unlike the murlocs and other wildlife, the quilboar will not wait for the player to start combat and will aggro should players get too close!

Keep an eye out for the rare Ogre Overseer, who will be marked on the minimap with a star. He drops the  [Battered Cloak].

Find Geolord Grek'og further in the briarpatch, holding Lindie Springstock with some spell:

Geolord Grek'og says: Intruders! You will be our next sacrifice!
Lindie Springstock says: Help! I'm too brilliant to die!

Defeat Grek'og:

Lindie Springstock says: I knew the Alliance would rescue us! Let's get out of here!
Springstock runs uphill to the northwest.

On approach:

Lindie Springstock says: You're Captain Garrick! Henry's mother! He always said you'd come for us!
Captain Garrick says: Well, he was right. Now, where's the rest of the expedition?
Lindie Springstock says: I'm not sure, but I know how we can find out.


  1. A [1-10] Warming Up
  2. A [1-10] Stand Your Ground
  3. A [1-10] Brace for Impact
  4. A [1-10] Murloc Mania
  5. A [1-10] Emergency First Aid
  6. A [1-10] Finding the Lost Expedition
  7. A [1-10] Cooking Meat
  8. Classes besides hunter: A [1-10] Enhanced Combat Tactics or A monk [1-10] Enhanced Combat Tactics
  9. A [1-10] Northbound
  10. Hunter: A Hunter [1-10] Taming the Wilds
  11. A [1-10] Down with the Quilboar & A [1-10] Forbidden Quilboar Necromancy
  12. A [1-10] The Scout-o-Matic 5000
  13. A [1-10] Re-sizing the Situation
  14. A [1-10] Ride of the Scientifically Enhanced Boar
  15. A [1-10] Stocking Up on Supplies
  16. Complete the following:
  17. A [7-10] To Darkmaul Citadel
  18. A [7-10] Right Beneath Their Eyes
  19. A [7-10] Controlling their Stones & A [7-10] Catapult Destruction & A [7-10] Like Ogres to the Slaughter
  20. A [7-10] Dungeon: Darkmaul Citadel
  21. A [7-10] An End to Beginnings

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


My scouting reports indicate the savage quilboar are performing a necrotic ritual on one of the expedition members.

The quilboar call their lader[sic] Geolord Grek'og. He is the one trying to drain the life from our friend.

Slay Grek'og and save this member of the expedition. He may know where the others were taken.

Patch changes

External links