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Broodtwister Ovi'nax

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BossBroodtwister Ovi'nax
Image of Broodtwister Ovi'nax
Race Unknown (Aberration)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Nerub-ar Palace

Broodtwister Ovi'nax is a boss in Nerub-ar Palace.

Adventure Guide

Deep within the bowels of the queen's palace, Broodtwister Ovi'nax conducts abominable experiments with the black blood found in Azj-kahet. This corpulent horror lumbers through the palace's cavernous depths, regurgitating inky sludge onto hatchlings to observe its gruesome effects.



Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Black Blood Burst causes nearby eggs to hatch, unleashing the horrific experiments incubating within.
  • Unstable Web inflicts Nature damage and roots players nearby when dispelled.
  • Utilize crowd control to keep Blood Parasites from being able to Infest and multiply.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Black Blood Burst causes nearby eggs to hatch, unleashing the horrific experiments incubating within.
  • Broodtwister Ovi'nax inflicts increasing Shadow damage and healing absorbs as he receives more Black Bood Infusion.
  • Heal tanks affected byVolatile Concoction to prevent heavy raid damage.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Volatile Concoction inflicts damage to the raid based on your missing health when it expires.
  • Black Blood Overflow causes any eggs it touches to hatch, and mutates any creatures it comes into contact with.
  • Colossal Spiders inflict increasing damage with Vicious Bite .


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Spell deathknight bloodplague.png Experimental Dosage — Broodtwister Ovi'nax injects an Experimental Dosage in all players, afflicting them with either Poisoned Blood or Black Blood.

  • Spell deathknight bloodplague.png Black Blood Important — Injected with Black Blood inflicting 2815-4997 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec. Upon expiration Black Blood erupts inflicting 35183-62458 Shadow damage and absorbing 40 healing within 4 yards and causes nearby eggs to hatch.
    • Sha spell shadow shadesofdarkness nightborne.png Black Blood Burst — Upon expiration Black Blood reacts violently, inflicting 35183-62458 Shadow damage and absorbing 30 healing received from all players within 4 yards and causes any nearby eggs to hatch.
  • Ability creature poison 05.png Poisoned Blood — Injected with Poisoned Blood inflicting 5629-9993 Nature damage every 0.5 sec.

Sha spell shadow shadesofdarkness nightborne.png Consume Black Blood — Upon reaching full energy Broodtwister Ovi'nax seeks out the nearest source of Black Blood to Consume Black Blood, inflicting 35183-62458 Shadow damage and absorbing 50 healing received by all players every 5 sec. Consuming Black Blood from the container causes Black Blood to overflow from the source and grants Broodtwister Ovi'nax Black Blood Infusion.

  • Sha spell shadow shadesofdarkness nightborne.png Black Blood Overflow — Black Blood Overflow inflicts 5629-9993 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec and absorbs the next 6 healing received.
    • Ability xavius corruptingnova.png Violent Reaction Important — Black Blood causes a Violent Reaction when it touches an egg, causing the egg to hatch and inflicting 21110-37475 Shadow damage to all players every 3 sec for 30 Sec.
  • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth.png Black Blood Infusion Healer Alert — Black Blood's power radiates from Broodtwister Ovi'nax, inflicting 7037-12492 Shadow damage, absorbing 5 healing received by all players, and unleashing a Black Hemorrhage every 7.5 sec.
    • Inv artifact bloodoftheassassinated.png Black Hemorrhage — Black Blood overloads Broodtwister Ovi'nax's system, unleashing a massive Black Hemorrhage inflicting $s2 Shadow damage on impact to players in the area.

Inv misc web 01.png Unstable Web — Broodtwister Ovi'nax covers several players with an Unstable Web inflicting 4222-7495 Nature damage every 0.5 sec and reducing movement speed by 70%. When dispelled a Web Eruption is triggered.

  • Inv misc web 02.png Web Eruption — Inflicts 70366-124915 Nature damage and roots all players within 10 yards.

Spell shadow unstableaffliction 2.png Volatile Concoction Tank Alert — Broodtwister Ovi'nax injects his target with a Volatile Concoction inflicting 42220-74949 Nature damage and 21110-37475 Nature damage every 1 sec for 8 Sec. Upon expiration, inflicts Nature damage based on the target's missing health. Colossal Spider

  • Inv qiraj skinsandworm.png Mutation: Monstrous — Coming into contact with Black Blood Overflow mutates Colossal Spiders increasing health by 100% and reducing the cooldown of Vicious Bite by 50%.
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Poison Burst Interruptible — Inflicts 42220-74949 Nature damage to all players within 100 yards.
  • Inv giantspider2 black.png Vicious Bite — Inflicts 56293-99932 Nature damage and increases all damage done by 25%.

Voracious Worm

  • Inv qiraj skinsandworm.png Mutation: Ravenous — Coming into contact with Black Blood Overflow mutates Voracious Worms increasing all damage done by 100% and increasing casting speed by 75%.
  • Ability hunter pet worm.png Consume — Voracious Worm attempts to Consume its target, drawing them in with a void web inflicting 0 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec. Run away to avoid being Consumed!
    • Ability hunter pet worm.png Consume — Voracious Worm consumes its prey inflicting 126659-224847 Shadow damage and stuns for 4 sec.
  • Spell nature web.png Web Blast — Inflicts 14073-24983 Nature damage to a random player.

[Blood Parasite]

  • Spell holy prayerofshadowprotection.png Mutation: Unstoppable — Coming into contact with Black Blood Overflow mutates Blood Parasites increasing their movement speed by 75% and preventing crowd control.
  • Ability fixated state red.png Fixate — Blood Parasite fixates on its prey, attempting to Infest it and consume its flesh.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Infest — Blood Parasite burrows into its target, inflicting 11259-19986 Nature damage every 1 sec for 10 Sec. Upon expiration, 2 Blood Parasites erupt from the player and seek new prey.

Related achievements






  • During the alpha, the boss was named Eggtender Ovi'nax.

Patch changes

External links