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Title <Captain of the Sureki>
Gender Male
Race Nerubian (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sureki
Location Nerub-ar Palace
Status Killable

Sikran is a boss in Nerub-ar Palace.

Adventure Guide

Born into a noble family, Sikran established himself as an arrogant duelist within Queen Ansurek's court. Never knowing the cut of an enemy's blade, Sikran dispatched his rivals one-by-one and was proclaimed Captain of the Sureki by the queen herself. This indomitable fighter now ensures that any who threaten the throne fall before its might.



Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers


Healer Alert Healers


Tank Alert Tanks



Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Text formatting

Inv enchant essencecosmiclesser.png Eldritch Wound Healer Alert Important — Sikran's spear leave a lingering essence from the cosmos that inflicts 28146-49966 Shadow damage every 4 sec for 40 Sec. Inv artifact bloodoftheassassinated.png Rupturing Wound Healer Alert Important — Sikran's swords cut deep into his targets, causing them to bleed uncontrollably, inflicting 8444-14990 Physical damage every 2 sec for 40 Sec. Inv cosmicvoid debuff.png Cosmic Scar Deadly — The cosmos itself seals the wounds inflicted on the player, leaving behind a scar that inflicts 42220-74949 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 10 Sec. Inv misc web 01.png Silken Shot — Sikran fires a shot imbued with webbing, pulling all players into where it lands, inflicting 5629-9993 Nature damage every 1 sec over 4 Sec. After 5 seconds, the arrow erupts inflicting

  • Inv misc questionmark.png Silken Explosion Heroic Difficulty — Sikran's arrow explodes after 6 Sec inflicting 84439-149898 Nature damage to players within 8 yards.

Inv spear 08.png Rain of Arrows — Sik'ran fires a volley of arrows into the air, falling throughout the area inflicting 28146-49966 Shadow damage to players within 3 yds of impact.

Dual Swords

  • Ability warrior shieldcharge.png Bladework — Sik'ran marks players and prepares a true display of swordmanship. He then lunges towards a marked target inflicting 70366-124915 Physical damage. With each dash he tethers subsequent targets with Surekian Tethers . Additionally, Sik'ran inflicts 70366-124915 Physical damage to players caught in between his lunges.
    • Spell nature web.png Surekian Tethers — Sik'ran tethers players together, inflicting 11259-19986 Shadow damage every 1 sec. Moving 20 yards away from the player will snap the tether.

    • Warning On Mythic difficulty, breaking Surekian Tethers inflicts damage to all players.
  • Ability rogue shadowyduel.png Captain's Flourish Tank Alert — Sik'ran assails his target with a flurry of blows. The first two strikes inflict 0 Physical damage and increase Physical damage taken by 200%. The final strike inflicts 125 Physical damage and 140732-249830 Shadow Damage.
    • Ability rogue sabreslash.png Expose — Sik'ran slashes at his target inflicting 140732-249830 Physical damage and creating a weakness, increasing Physical damage taken by 200% for 12 Sec.
      • Ability warrior shieldbreak.png Exposed Weakness — Sik'ran exposes his targets armor, increasing Physical damage taken by 200% for 12 Sec.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Lunge — Sikran pierces his primary target, inflicting 140732-249830 Shadow damage, 175915-312288 Physical damage and applying Pierced Defences.
      • Ability warrior sunder.png Pierced Defences Deadly — Sik'ran's Lunge pierces through his targets defenses, causing them to take 500% increased damage from Lunge for 30 Sec.
  • Ability butcher whirl.png Ravaging Steel — Sikran throws his swords into the ground, causing them to spin wildly outward inflicting 70366-124915 Physical damage, stunning players hit for 1 Sec, and applying Rupturing Wound.


  • Inv cosmicvoid missile.png Despotic Devastation Important Deadly — Sik'ran marks a target to be detained, and subsequently decimated per the order of The Queen.
    • Inv cosmicvoid missile.png Detain — Sik'ran hurls his spear at a player, inflicting 422197-749491 Shadow damage split between all players hit and applying Surekian Tethers pulling and tethering them to the targeted player. Getting hit by Detain increases damage taken from Detain by 0% for 40 Sec.
      • Spell nature web.png Surekian Tethers Heroic Difficulty — Sik'ran tethers players together, inflicting 11259-19986 Shadow damage every 1 sec. Moving 20 yards away from the player will snap the tether.

      • Warning On Mythic difficulty, breaking Surekian Tethers inflicts damage to all players.
    • Inv cosmicvoid wave.png Decimate Important Deadly — Sik'ran swings wildly at his detained target, inflicting 281465-499661 Physical damage to all players in a cone in front of him. and applying an Eldrtich Residue.
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Surekian Strike Tank Alert — Sik'ran gathers silk threads around his spear, and smashes it into his primary target, inflicting 126659-224847 Shadow damage. Additionally, the closest five players are pulled to the tank, and afflicted with Surekian Tethers. After 6 Sec sec, the target explodes in a Localized Nova.
    • Inv cosmicvoid groundsate.png Localized Nova — Sikran's spear leaves a festering remnant of the cosmos in his target, which explodes inflicting 98513-174881 Shadow damage and increasing damage taken from Surekian Strike by 500% to all players within 15 yards of his target. This effect stacks.
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Death from Below — Sikran empowers his spear with cosmic energy, and slams the ground causing copies of his spear to erupt underneath players inflicting 49256-87441 Shadow damage to players within 7 yards. The final eruption leaves spears lingering, inflicting 35183-62458 Shadow damage every 2 sec to players within 7 yards.

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