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Ulgrax the Devourer

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BossUlgrax the Devourer
Image of Ulgrax the Devourer
Race Unknown (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Grand Rampart, Nerub-ar Palace

Ulgrax the Devourer is a boss in Nerub-ar Palace.

Adventure Guide

Driven mad by endless hunger, Ulgrax is the ravenous protector of Queen Ansurek's court.


Ul'grax attempts to devour players with Voracious Hunger and uses Viscous Slobber to place pools of Syrupy Drool throughout the arena. At zero energy, Ul'grax goes mad with hunger and continually gains applications of Insatiable Rage until returned to 100 energy.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • While a player is within Syrupy Drool they are rooted.
  • Ravenous Spawn continually place applications of Disembowel on a player.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Digestive Venom inflicts significant damage to nearby allies when removed.
  • Each application of Instiable Rage increases Ul'grax's damage.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Ravenous Spawn continually place applications of Disembowel on a player.
  • Coordinate with another player to manage applications of Tenderized.


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Ability devour.png Slathering Maw Deadly — Ul'grax spews web fluid at his current target, inflicting 422197-749491 Nature damage divided between all players within 10 yards of impact. Afterwards, all players hit are pulled closer to Ul'grax. Players within 45 yards after 4 Sec are Devoured.

  • Ability druid ferociousbite.png Devoured — Ul'grax devours the player inflicting 126659-224847 Physical damage every 1 sec for -0.001 Sec.

Spell nature acid 01.png Stalkers Webbing — Ul'grax shoots webs over random destinations, inflicting 0 Nature damage to players within 4 yards of impact and leaves behind Stalker Netting.

  • Inv misc food legion goochocovanilla pool.png Stalker Netting — REUSE traps players, rooting them for 12 Sec. Players trapped suffer 9851-17488 Nature damage every 2 sec.

Ability poisonsting.png Venomous Lash — Ul'grax whips around, inflicting 49256-87441 Nature damage on impact and an additional 5629-9993 Nature damage every 1 sec for 12 Sec to all players. Players within 20 yards get knocked back.

  • Ability creature disease 03.png Digestive Venom — Your veins burn, inflicting 16888-29980 Nature damage every 2 sec for 6 Sec. Once removed venom erupts from your skin, inflicting 28146-49966 Nature damage to players within 7 yards and dissolving any Stalker Netting.

Inv misc claw lobstrok purple.png Brutal Crush Tank Alert — Ul'grax crushes players in a cone in front of him, inflicting 161842-287305 Physical damage. In addition, the attack also afflicts players with 20 applications of Tenderized.

  • Inv misc food 89.png Tenderized — Afflicted players receive 10% reduced healing. This effect stacks, but loses an application every 1 sec.
  • Ravenous Spawn — Emerging from Ul'grax, the ravenous swarm must feed.
    • Ability gouge.png Disembowel — The beetle bites at the player's guts. inflicting 21110-37475 Physical damage and an additional 4222-7495 Physical damage every 2 sec for 10 Sec.
    • Inv misc organ 08.png Chunky Viscera Important — On death, the beetles innards spill across the floor creating a tempting appetizer.
      • Ability racial cannibalize.png Feed — Hurl viscera into Ul'grax's gullet to sate his hunger.
  • Ability warlock shadowfurytga.png Juggernaut Charge — Ul'grax tears across the field, leaving Stalker Netting in his wake and inflicting 126659-224847 Shadow damage to players in his path and knocking them back. At his destination energy erupts from Ul'grax inflicting 140732-249830 Shadow damage to players within 20 yards and 28146-49966 Shadow damage on impact and 4222-7495 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 8 Sec to everyone else.
  • Ability warlock voidzone.png Swallowing Darkness — Ul'grax emerges from under his prey, inflicting 133696-237339 Shadow damage to all players within 30 yards.
  • Ability fomor boss shout.png Hungering Bellows Important — Ulgrax screams for food, inflicting 16888-29980 Nature damage to all players on impact and an additional 2815-4997 Nature damage every 1 sec for 10 Sec. Each time Ulgrax screams, he gains an application of Insatiable Rage.
    • Spell nature shamanrage.png Insatiable Rage — With each Hungering Bellows Ulgrax grows angrier, gaining 25% increased damage done for 30 Sec.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Hulking Crash — Ulgrax smashes the ground inflicting 140732-249830 Nature damage to players within 300 yards, 0 Nature damage to players outside the impact zone and knocks all players back.

Related achievements





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