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The Silken Court

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BossThe Silken Court
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Race Nerubian (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Nerub-ar Palace

The Silken Court is a boss in Nerub-ar Palace.

Adventure Guide

Scarab Lord Anub'arash and Skeinspinner Takazj are among Queen Ansurek's most trusted advisors. Yet, these two powerful nerubians harbor a hatred for each other even more powerful than their loyalty to the throne. While unleashing their considerable strength onto their enemies, each is also fighting to ensure their counterpart does not survive.



Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers


Healer Alert Healers


Tank Alert Tanks



Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Text formatting

Stage One: Clash of Rivals

  • Anub'arash
    • Ability piercedamage.png Piercing Strike Tank Alert — The Scarab Lord pierces its target, inflicting 112586-199864 Physical damage and increasing damage inflicted by Piercing Strike by 250% for 40 Sec. This effect stacks.
    • Spell nature insect swarm2.png Stinging Swarm — Anub'arash unleashes swarms of insects at $s3 players, inflicting 3 Nature damage every 2 sec until removed. The damage taken increases 25% every 2 sec.
    • Spell druid feralchargecat.png Reckless Charge — Anub'arash unleashes a $@spellname44999333 before he charges forward, inflicting 0 Nature damage and knocking back any player in the way. Anub'arash releases a shock wave if he collides with a wall, inflicting 154806-274813 Nature damage to all players.
      • Ability druid challangingroar.png Web Ripping Roar — Anub'arash unleashes a violent roar, knocking back and removing Binding Webs from all players within $s3 yards.
    • Ability demonhunter demonspikes2.png Impaling Eruption — Anub'arash unleashes a cone of spikes erupting from the ground, inflicting 49256-87441 Nature damage afflcting all players in front of him with Impaled.
      • Inv sword 1h naga a 01.png Impaled — Anub'arash impales a player on a spike, inflicting $s3 Physical damage every $t3 sec. and stunning the player until the spike is destroyed.
  • Skeinspinner Takazj
    • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Poison Bolt Tank Alert
    • Ability creature disease 03.png Venomous Expulsion — The High Priest overloads 3 players with poison causing them to explode, removing Stinging Swarm and inflicting 14073-24983 Nature damage to all players within 8 yards every 1.5 sec for 12 Sec.
    • Inv misc web 01.png Web Bomb Important — Skeinspinner Takazj launches explosive webs at players, inflicting 28146-49966 Nature damage to all players within 10 yards. If more than one player is in the area, they are bound together with Binding Webs, slowing movement by 30%. If bound players move more than 25 yards apart or if Anub'arash charges through the webs, they will break and remove Binding Webs.
    • Ability heroicleap.png Skittering Leap — Skeinspinner Takazj leaps to a new location.
    • Ability rogue deviouspoisons.png Mordant Nova Important

Transition: Void Ascension

  • Inv cosmicvoid wave.png Shatter Existence — Skeinspinner Takazj shields himself, absorbing 2000 damage. While the shield holds Skeinspinner Takazj spins 8 cones of webs in succession . While in the webs, player movement is decreased by 30 and the take 4222-7495 Shadow damage every 1 seconds. After 6 Sec the cones of web explode, inflicting 2000 Shadow damage and knocking back anyone on the web.

Stage Two: Grasp of the Void

  • Skeinspinner Takazj
    • Inv cosmicvoid missile.png Void Blast
    • Spell nature web.png Web Vortex — Skeinspinner Takazj launches a web burst at a target, exploding and inflicting 42220-74949 Nature damage and pulling all players within 80 yards to the target's location and attaching. If more than one player is in the area, they are bound together with Binding Webs, slowing movement by 30%. If bound players move more than 25 yards apart or if Anub'arash charges through the webs, they will break and remove Binding Webs.
    • Spell priest voidsear.png Strands of Reality — Skeinspinner Takazj rips reality, killing all Seeking Swarms and inflicting 49256-87441 Shadow damage and knocking back all players in front of him for $d.
    • Ability priest voidentropy.png Void Step — Skeinspinner Takazj enters the void and exits at a nearby location.
    • Inv cosmicvoid groundsate.png Shred Reality — Skeinspinner Takazj rips a hole in reality, creating a Void Tear and reopening Void Tear that have been closed.
      • Inv cosmicvoid missile.png Entropy Bolt — The Void Tear launches energy from the void at 2 random players every 0.5 sec., inflicting 8444-14990 shadow. This occurs as long as there are no players close enough for the Void Tear to apply Devouring Void.
      • Inv cosmicvoid beam.png Devouring Void — The Void Tear pulls the life essence from the player, slowly closing the Void Tear and inflicting 4222-7495 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec.

Transition: Raging Fury

  • Spell winston rage.png Raging Fury — Anub'arash erupts in anger, dealing 25 increased damage. Enraged Ferocity is triggered upon expiration.
  • Ability hunter barbedshot.png Spike Storm — Anub'arash shields himself, absorbing 2000 damage. While the shield holds, multiple Spike Eruption erupt around Anub'arash.

Stage Three: Unleashed Rage

  • Anub'arash
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Burrowed Charge — Anub'arash burrows underground and charges at a players location, inflicting 168879-299796 Nature damage at the center of the impact and decreasing the further away a player is.
    • Spell nature insectswarm.png Unleashed Swarm — Anub'arash unleashes a swarm of biting insect that inflicting 11259-19986 Nature damage to all players every 1 sec for 8 Sec. The damage inflicted is increased by 30% every 1 sec.
    • Achievment boss spineofdeathwing.png Spike Eruption — Anub'arash launches a series of $s2 groupings of spikes, inflicting 49256-87441 Nature damage and afflicting the players in the area withImpaled.
      • Inv sword 1h naga a 01.png Impaled — Anub'arash impales a player on a spike, inflicting $s3 Physical damage every $t3 sec. and stunning the player until the spike is destroyed.

Related achievements





Patch changes

External links

Anub'arash Skeinspinner Takazj