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Bad Business

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NeutralBad Business
Start Steelvein
End Steelvein
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 13,000
Rewards 56g 18s
Previous N [70-73] Forcing My Hand


Meet Steelvein in the Ringing Deeps near Hallowfall Gate, then confront Overseer Ardgrin.


I have not been to the Deeps since their machines shut down. Obstorn will have to guide us to Ardgrin's depot.

Once there, I will attempt a conversation. If Ardgrin is not amenable, which I suspect will be the case, we will respond with equal force. Our goal is to bring him back into the fold, not to beat him into submission. Ruling by fear only breeds resentment.

We will meet you in the Deeps. Come swiftly--and, of course, speak of this to no one.


You will receive:

  • 56g 18s
  • 13,000 XP


Now that Ardgrin is willing to talk, we will talk. And all of this will be settled.

You have my gratitude, <name>.

Criteria of


Upon accept:

Steelvein says: Obstorn, come with me. I would like you to be a witness.
Obstorn says: Yes, Coun-- er, Steelvein.

Upon catching up with Steelvein and Obstorn in Aldgrin's office near the Hallowfall Gate:

Obstorn says: Ardgrin's office is just ahead.
Steelvein says: I am pleased you could join us, Makkarov. Let us finish this.

Speak to Overseer Ardgrin:

I'm busy. What do you want?

Gossip (Quest) Steelvein is here to speak with you.

Overseer Ardgrin says: Steelvein? Well, look at that. You've finally found some bravery.
Steelvein says: I just want to talk, Ardgrin. If we can come to an agreement, I have no quarrel with you.
Overseer Ardgrin says: Too bad, because I have a quarrel with you!

Angrin and Steelvein start fighting, two Sparking Haulbots get activated which need to be defeated.

Once Ardgrin is defeated:

Overseer Ardgrin says: Fine, stop! You want to talk, Steelvein? You have a lot to answer for.

Upon completion:

Steelvein says: I didn't come here to fight you. I just want to talk.
Overseer Ardgrin says: To talk? I want action. I want all the ore we agreed on! And Obstorn back!
Steelvein says: Ore shipments have slowed. You know that. When the Unbound left--
Overseer Ardgrin says: As if Dornogal's issues are the only issues! The Machine Speakers have our own troubles, but we still held up our end.
Overseer Ardgrin says: And you've taken the only person I trust! I heard Merrix arrested Obstorn. Did you pay off the Councilward?
Obstorn says: Ardgrin, I joined Steelvein on my own. I had to do something to keep goods flowing and earthen from suffering.
Steelvein says: Ardgrin, trust us. The situation in Dornogal has improved. I will get you the ore. Obstorn will make sure of it--as my new auditor.
Overseer Ardgrin says: I-- Fine. If you can get the ore... But now you have the Councilward on your trail.
Steelvein says: I believe I can keep the Councilward out of this. Not to worry.
Overseer Ardgrin says: Good. I can't stand that smug bastard.
Overseer Ardgrin says: Let's go talk business... And put this to bedrock.


  1. N [70-73] How Scandalous!
  2. N [70-73] Seizing Evidence
  3. N [70-73] Withheld Information
  4. N [70-73] Something Hidden
  5. N [70-73] Report to the Councilward
  6. N [70-73] The Councilward's Summons
  7. N [70-73] Dornogal's Benefactor
  8. N [70-73] Security Through Trade
  9. N [70-73] The Market Reeve of the Forgegrounds
  10. N [70-73] Opals and Runes
  11. N [70-73] The Machine Speakeasy
  12. N [70-73] Sedition
  13. N [70-73] Damage Mitigation & N [70-73] Dispelling Rumors
  14. N [70-73] Forcing My Hand
  15. N [70-73] Bad Business

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