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The Machine Speakeasy

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NeutralThe Machine Speakeasy
Start Merrix
End Merrix
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 13,000
Rewards 56g 18s
Previous N [70-73] Opals and Runes
Next N [70-73] Sedition


Merrix believes this feud can be solved peacefully and without conflict.

Enter the speakeasy in the tunnels below Dornogal then confront Obstorn.


Machine Speakers are odd and secretive units, some prone to paranoia.

Even so, the grievance they have against Steelvein must be smoothed over.

As you have seen in the Forgegrounds, their quarrel with a single smuggler has put the entire city at risk. As Councilward, I will not stand for it.

Let us go talk to Ardgrin's employee, Obstorn, and see if he can deliver a diplomatic message to his overseer in the Deeps.

I will meet you in the tunnels.


You will receive:

  • 56g 18s
  • 13,000 XP


I would have us exchange words, not blows.


I abhor violence, <name>.

Dissent. Desperation. Distrust. These are the consequences of ruling through fear.

<Merrix frowns for a moment before glancing down at Obstorn.>

But, sometimes, violence brings about clarity--and with it, revelations.


Upon accept:

Merrix says: Now that we have the passrune, let's pay a visit to Ardgrin's employee and have a chat with him, shall we? Meet me in the tunnels below.

After meeting with Merrix inside the Corridors:

Merrix says: The High Speaker petitioned for this space a long time ago. In all my years as Councilward, I have never entered it.
Merrix says: Trace the passrune on the golem. Then, we shall make our introductions inside.

A Speakeasy Runeguard stands guard at the entrance:

<The golem stands unmoving in front of a doorway. Faint markings are etched into its heavy chassis.>

Gossip (Quest) <Trace the passrune onto the golem.>

Merrix says: Machine Speakers... always so secretive with their possessions.
Rugnug walks out as you enter.
Rugnug says: Hey, uh, Obstorn? I've got to, uh, strip some cams! Titans keep ya!

Confront Obstorn:

<Obstorn narrows his eyes at you.>

So! The Councilward doesn't just have Steelvein in his pocket, but the outlanders too?

I should've guessed.

Gossip (Quest)  Hear him out. Merrix just wants you to relay a message to Ardgrin.

Obstorn yells: I'm not hearing anyone out! You and Merrix are in league with Steelvein!
Merrix says: You Machine Speakers and your ridiculous conspiracies...
Obstorn says: Ridiculous? How else would you have known to come here? Steelvein's in your pocket--or worse...
Obstorn says: You're in his!
Merrix smiles.

When defeated:

Obstorn says: Hold your weapon! I've had enough. You win, Councilward...

Upon completion:

Merrix says: Now that you have come to your senses and are willing to listen, let me be clear. I am not in league with Steelvein.
Merrix says: I am Steelvein.
Obstorn shakes his head at the Councilward, scoffing in disbelief.
Obstorn says: You, the Councilward? Dornogal's most notorious smuggler?
Merrix says: Precisely. And now that you know that, you have two options. You can bring this news to Ardgrin, or... you can join me in fixing this.
Obstorn says: Why would I do that?
Merrix says: Because if you reveal this truth to Ardgrin, your operation, my network... They both collapse.
Merrix says: Oathsworn and Machine Speaker alike will suffer as they go without, more of them leaving Gundergaz and Dornogal.
Merrix says: Talk to Ardgrin. He sought to wound Steelvein, not all earthen. Only you can avert the crisis this rift will cause.
Obstorn hesitates for a moment, then sighs heavily.
Obstorn says: You're right. Ardgrin just wanted to get back at Steelvein, er, you. He won't be swayed easily but... I can try.
Merrix says: Excellent! I told you this would be settled amicably, <name>.


  1. N [70-73] How Scandalous!
  2. N [70-73] Seizing Evidence
  3. N [70-73] Withheld Information
  4. N [70-73] Something Hidden
  5. N [70-73] Report to the Councilward
  6. N [70-73] The Councilward's Summons
  7. N [70-73] Dornogal's Benefactor
  8. N [70-73] Security Through Trade
  9. N [70-73] The Market Reeve of the Forgegrounds
  10. N [70-73] Opals and Runes
  11. N [70-73] The Machine Speakeasy
  12. N [70-73] Sedition
  13. N [70-73] Damage Mitigation & N [70-73] Dispelling Rumors
  14. N [70-73] Forcing My Hand
  15. N [70-73] Bad Business

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