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The Market Reeve of the Forgegrounds

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NeutralThe Market Reeve of the Forgegrounds
Start Bevrusi
End Vokgret
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 10,400
Rewards 28g 9s
Previous N [70-73] Security Through Trade
Next N [70-73] Opals and Runes


Acquire a Vial of Liquid Opal from Vokgret.

  • Vokgret approached
  • Fresh Mug of Cinderbrew Mead
  • Cinderbrew brought to Vokgret
  • Ask about obtaining a Vial of Liquid Opal
  • Speak to Loldren
  • Bills of purchase signed
  •  [Loldren's Market Audit]
  • Speak to Nernabel
  • Sizzling Magma Core
  • Nernabel's signature acquired
  • Completed Market Audit


I've heard liquid opal tastes remarkable but no matter how often I peruse the auctions here, it's never for sale. It's quite rare.

Luckily for you, there is one person who can find the stuff. Vokgret, the market reeve of the Forgegrounds. Nothing circulates in the city's flow of trade without her knowledge.

I don't often try to do business with one as... connected as her. But you'll have no qualms about it, I'm sure!

At this hour, you'll find her over by the inn.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 10,400 XP


<Vokgret speaks without looking up from her paperwork.>

The city certainly is a busy place.


Each corner of the Forgeground works in unison with each other like cogs in a machine.

All it takes is a single piece to fail to bring it all down.

But despite the disruptions, you have proven yourself resourceful.

Keep this up and the right people will begin to notice.

If they have not already.

<Vokgret peers at you over her spectacles and smiles.>


Upon meeting with Vokgret near Stonelight Rest inn:

Vokgret says: Another outlander come to do business. Be a dear and grab me a mug first.

Whatever business you're here for will have to wait, dear.

It's been a terribly long day and I've yet to have my first mug of cinderbrew.

I don't do business until I have had a taste of its sweet fire.

Gossip (Quest) Here's your cinderbrew. Now, can we do business?

My, that was quick!

Thank you, dear.

You must need something very urgently.

I am Vokgret, reeve of the Forgeground and markets. How may I serve?

Gossip (Quest) I am looking for liquid opal. I am told you have the resources to acquire some.

Vokgret says: I can acquire liquid opal, but in return I require a favor. My auditor, Loldren, is late with this week's records. Fetch them for me.

<Vokgret takes a sip of her cinderbrew before looking up at you.>

Finding your liquid opal will take time, my precious little pebble.

So while my moles around the market sniff out what you seek, I would appreciate if we put your resourcefulness to use.

Go to Loldren in the Inscription shop in the Forgegrounds:

<The earthen doesn't acknowledge you as he pours over the stacks of scrolls and paperwork around him.>

Gossip (Quest)  Vokgret sent me to collect some paperwork.

Loldren says: Vokgret sent you? Well, if she wants her paperwork, then you're helping me with mine. Start with that open manifest and fill in the blanks!

Interact with Auditor's Manifest nearby:

<The Auditor's Manifest is covered in checklists and spaces to note details of recent transactions.

Several categories and sections remain blank, evidently left unfilled by a merchant who had hastily filled it out.>

Gossip (Quest)  <Begin filling out the blank sections on the form.>

<The first section of the audit was filled out by a famous earthen author. They seemed to have forgotten to record the title of their most popular book. Fill in the blank!>

Name: Malukh

Occupation: Historical Author

This cycle's best selling novel: ______

Gossip  Lord of the Pans: A historical guide to Earthen Cooking Tools

Gossip Cut to the Chase: Styled Wireweaving for Beginners

Gossip A Steaming Freelance Novel: Firebath Mercenary

Gossip  The Legendary Adventures and Crazy Antics of <class hall title> <name>

Gossip  Forgery 101: The Art of Forging Official Documents

Gossip  "I'm panicking and don't know what to write."

Gossip  Scribble in a bunch of nonsense.

<The second section of the audit was authored by a local crystal tender. Somehow, they forgot to record their name.>

Name: ______

Occupation: Crystal Tender

This cycle's best selling product: Malachite Bites

Gossip  Belga

Gossip  Magni

Gossip  Malachitey McBitey

Gossip  <name> the <race>

Gossip  Dagran Thaurissan II

Gossip  Steelvein

Gossip  Taivan

<The third section of the audit was authored by someone selling spiced oil. They seemed to have forgotten to record their occupation.>

Name: Kordan

Occupation: ______

This cycle's best selling product: Spiced Gunder Oil

Gossip  Spicy Pepper Vendor

Gossip  Oil Rig Operator

Gossip  Gundar-oil and gundar-oil Accessories

Gossip  <class hall title>

Gossip  Trading Post Mannequin

Gossip  Councilward of Dornogal

Loldren says: There. That is most of what she needs. Except... you will need to get this work order signed by Nernabel next door.

Go to Nernabel in the Jewelcrafting store nearby:

Task... interrupted? I'm a little busy at the moment.

If you are here to make an order, please see Uthaga outside!

Gossip (Quest)  Loldren requires your signature on this document.

Loldren should know the chaos here in the city has backed up our supply lines!

My order of magma cores from the Deeps never materialized. I cannot complete this work order, much less sign a form stating I have.

Gossip (Quest)  Where can I find a magma core for you?

Nernabel says: In the Forgegrounds furnace. Depleted magma cores are used to keep the forges hot.

Go acquire the Sizzling Magma Core from the center of the Forgegrounds. When picked up, a Enraged Magma Fury appears. After defeating the elemental, return to Nernabel:

The magma core is the last reagent for this repair.

It is an old heirloom for someone out in the--well, it is an old heirloom. That is all that matters.

Gossip (Quest)  I've brought you a magma core. An elemental attacked me for my trouble.

Nernabel says: Another magma elemental in the forge? I am sorry. Hopefully my signature is compensation for your trouble.
Nernabel says: I will have this fitted before the courier arrives. Thanks again!

Return to Vokgret:

<Vokgret's attention remains on the paperwork in front of her.>


  1. N [70-73] How Scandalous!
  2. N [70-73] Seizing Evidence
  3. N [70-73] Withheld Information
  4. N [70-73] Something Hidden
  5. N [70-73] Report to the Councilward
  6. N [70-73] The Councilward's Summons
  7. N [70-73] Dornogal's Benefactor
  8. N [70-73] Security Through Trade
  9. N [70-73] The Market Reeve of the Forgegrounds
  10. N [70-73] Opals and Runes
  11. N [70-73] The Machine Speakeasy
  12. N [70-73] Sedition
  13. N [70-73] Damage Mitigation & N [70-73] Dispelling Rumors
  14. N [70-73] Forcing My Hand
  15. N [70-73] Bad Business

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