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How Scandalous!

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NeutralHow Scandalous!
Start Aldra
End Peacekeeper Kragad
Level 70-73
Category Dornogal
Experience 300
Rewards 2g 80s 90c
Next Seizing Evidence


Investigate the disturbance near the Forgegrounds in Dornogal.

  • Disturbance investigated near the Foregrounds


It's dreadful!

I was just at the Forgegrounds picking up a jewelry commission and all of a sudden everyone started shouting! I haven't heard anything half so bad since the Coreway incident!

Some peacekeepers were heading towards the depot where crafting shipments are sent up from the Deeps. I bet it's something to do with the machine speakers! Strange fellows.

I tried to see what was going on but they were ushering people out of the area. Maybe you can slip past and catch a glimpse?


You will receive:

  • 2g 80s 90c
  • 300 XP




Move along. This is an ongoing--Oh, <name>, my apologies.

We may actually need your assistance.


On approach
Aldra says: Did you hear the commotion? I think they might be shutting the whole thing down!
On accept
Aldra says: I bet the Councilward will be displeased. How exciting!
Oathsworn Dignitary says: I do hope he makes a personal appearance. I need to see what cloak he's wearing this season.
Approaching Peacekeeper Kragad
Peacekeeper Kragad says: Operations here are suspended on suspicion of smuggling. Be advised relaying your last tasks truthfully is in your best interest.
Trader Harthan says: I swear by the Edicts that this is an honest operation!


  1. N [70-73] How Scandalous!
  2. Seizing Evidence
  3. Withheld Information
  4. Something Hidden
  5. Report to the Councilward
  6. The Councilward's Summons
  7. Dornogal's Benefactor
  8. Security Through Trade
  9. The Market Reeve of the Forgegrounds
  10. Opals and Runes
  11. The Machine Speakeasy

Patch changes

External links