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Report to the Councilward

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NeutralReport to the Councilward
Start Peacekeeper Kragad
End Open Ledger
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 1,300
Rewards 500x Council of Dornogal
2g 80s 90c
Previous N [70-73] Something Hidden
Next N [70-73] The Councilward's Summons


Take Steelvein's receipts to Merrix at the Councilward's Rise in Dornogal.


Those receipts you found... Steelvein is a known smuggler that we've been chasing for a long time. The Councilward will be pleased to finally have solid evidence on his activities, and maybe even on his whereabouts.

Bring these receipts to Merrix immediately. He will want to study them in detail. He said he was heading back to his office, so you should be able to find him at the Councilward's Rise.

I'll package up the rest of the evidence to be brought to him later. Good work today.


You will receive:


<Seems like there is nothing else to do but leave the receipts on Merrix's desk.>


Upon accept:

Peacekeeper Kragad says: Due to suspected ties with the smuggler Steelvein, this depot is hereby closed indefinitely.
Trader Harthan says: You cannot do this! My directive...

When arriving at the Councilward's Rise:

Oathsworn Councilguard says: The Councilward has stepped away. If your directive is to make a delivery, leave it on his desk.

Interacting with the open ledger in Merrix's desk:

<The office is indeed unoccupied.

A pile of letters is scattered haphazardly over what you assume is Merrix's desk. It appears that he left in a hurry.

The topmost letter is open and unfolded.>

There has been a situation. Expect delays.

- Steelvein


  1. N [70-73] How Scandalous!
  2. N [70-73] Seizing Evidence
  3. N [70-73] Withheld Information
  4. N [70-73] Something Hidden
  5. N [70-73] Report to the Councilward
  6. N [70-73] The Councilward's Summons
  7. N [70-73] Dornogal's Benefactor
  8. N [70-73] Security Through Trade
  9. N [70-73] The Market Reeve of the Forgegrounds
  10. N [70-73] Opals and Runes
  11. N [70-73] The Machine Speakeasy
  12. N [70-73] Sedition
  13. N [70-73] Damage Mitigation & N [70-73] Dispelling Rumors
  14. N [70-73] Forcing My Hand
  15. N [70-73] Bad Business

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