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An End to the End

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NeutralAn End to the End
Start Faerin Lothar
End Faerin Lothar
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 15,250
Rewards 46g 80s
Previous N [80] BOOM Treats!, N [80] The Blacksmith's Fate, N [80] Invasion Disruption
Next N [80] The Sorrowful Journey Home


File:Surek'tak the Sundered.png
Surek'tak the Sundered
High General Zev'kall is about to unleash this malformed upon Hallowfall.

Work with Faerin and Gazlowe to take down the monstrosity known as Surek'tak the Sundered.


I want to honor my friend. But first, we need to deal the killing blow to this Light-forsaken place.

It's known that General Zev'kall has been overseeing the creation of a monstrosity... a void-corrupted, malformed nerubian. The scouting report pinpointed the location at the top of the canyon.

We're going to deprive him of his horrific pet. That should put an end to his plans to invade Hallowfall. At least for a little while longer.


You will receive:

  • 46g 80s
  • 15,250 XP


Thank you, <name>. The people of Hallowfall are in your debt.

I have one last thing to ask if you're willing.


Upon accept:

Faerin Lothar says: Let's find this corrupted nerubian abomination and finish this.
Monte Gazlowe says: I'm with ya!

Upon reaching the Sundered's Crucible where Surek'Tak the Sundered can be found, Zev'kall can be heard talking on a nearby communication device:

Zev'kall says: The queen has such high hopes for you. Do not fail me, Surek'tak.
Zev'kall says: Soon. Soon, you will form the vanguard of our invasion.
Zev'kall says: I will have her ready on time. Husk yourselves in the name of our queen!

Talk to Faerin:

That thing is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. You still with me on this, <name>?

Gossip (Quest) Let's finish this!

Zev'kall says: Hallowfall will burn in our wake!
Monte Gazlowe yells: Look out. That thing's breaking free!
Surek'Tak the Sundered yells: Smash you!
Zev'kall yells: INTERLOPERS! Destroy them, Surek'Tak!
Faerin Lothar says: <Name>, let's put an end to Zev'kall's plans. Gazlowe, get that ballista turned around!
Monte Gazlowe says: I'm on it. Overwhelming firepower coming right up!

During combat Gazlow mains a nearby ballista:

Monte Gazlowe yells: Ready!
Monte Gazlowe yells: On your mark!
Monte Gazlowe yells: If only I had time to add some explosives to this baby.
Monte Gazlowe yells: Locked and loaded!
Monte Gazlowe yells: Ooh, this is gonna hurt.
Monte Gazlowe yells: Just give the word!
Monte Gazlowe yells: One giant spear ready to fly!
Monte Gazlowe yells: This might pinch a little.

Upon defeat:

Faerin Lothar says: By the Holy Flame, how did we survive that?
Faerin Lothar says: Let's get out of here. We'll regroup up the path to the west.
Monte Gazlowe says: You don't have to tell me twice.

Upon catching up with them:

Faerin Lothar says: <Name>, over here!


  1. N [80] Advance to Faerin
  2. N [80] Here's the Plan
  3. N [80] To Arathi's End
  4. N [80] The Blacksmith's Fate, N [80] Invasion Disruption & N [80] BOOM Treats!
  5. N [80] An End to the End
  6. N [80] The Sorrowful Journey Home
  7. N [80] Remembrance for the Fallen

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