Surek'Tak the Sundered

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MobSurek'Tak the Sundered
Image of Surek'Tak the Sundered
Gender Male
Race Nerubian hulk (Humanoid)
Level 78-80 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Azj-Kahet
Location Sundered's Crucible, Azj-Kahet
Status Killable

Surek'Tak the Sundered is a nerubian hulk located in the Sundered's Crucible in Azj-Kahet.


  • Ability evoker seismicslam.png Double Impact — The caster slams down their massive claws, inflicting X Physical damage to all those unfortunate enough to be standing beneath them.
  • Inv enchant voidsphere.png Sundered Wrath — Launches an overwhelming barrage of void projectiles around the area randomly, each inflicting X Shadow damage.

Objective of


Main article: An End to the End#Notes

Patch changes

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