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Here's the Plan

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NeutralHere's the Plan
Start Faerin Lothar
End Faerin Lothar
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 12,200
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [80] Advance to Faerin
Next N [80] To Arathi's End


Help Faerin prepare while she explains her plan.

  • Speak with Faerin Lothar
  • Listen to Faerin
  • Faerin's Shield
  • Faerin's Shield returned
  • Bag of Betelsnax


<Name>, the time has come to deal with the nerubian army. General Zev'kall is massing a sizeable force to the east. He intends to breach the wall and invade Hallowfall. There isn't much time.

We do not have the strength for an all-out assault. To that end, the Weaver has sent Gazlowe here to assist us. I'm willing to do what it takes to save my people.

And as fate would have it, I have a personal matter to attend to while we are there.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 12,200 XP


I'm learning not all nerubians are bad or the same. I just hope the three of us are enough.


I think the three of us will be enough for this. Lean and mean, right?


Faerin's gossip:

I can't let my gut lead the way every time.

Gossip (Quest) What's the plan?

Faerin Lothar says: High General Zev'kall's forces are massing once more to the northeast.
Faerin Lothar says: Intel provided by Gazlowe, under the direction of the Weaver, shows their numbers are too great for our forces to confront head-on.
Monte Gazlowe says: Excuse me, but I do my own direction... er, directing. Gah! You know what I mean.
Faerin Lothar says: On a personal note, I've uncovered a lead. A dear, old friend of mine was captured by the nerubians years ago.
Faerin Lothar says: Rumor is he might be where we're headed. After all this time, I must know what happened to him.
Faerin Lothar says: <Name>, would you mind bringing me my shield?

Gossip (Quest) <Give Faerin her shield.>

Faerin Lothar says: Thank you. Gazlowe, your thoughts?
Monte Gazlowe says: I thought you'd never ask. Yeah, the three of us are gonna go in and hit 'em from behind.
Monte Gazlowe says: To that end, why don't you grab a big ol' bag of Betelsnax.
Monte Gazlowe says: I've got an idea for how to deal with their ballistae. And by deal with them, I mean make 'em go kaboom!

Grab the bag of Betelsnax:

Monte Gazlowe says: Those'll do nicely!
Faerin Lothar says: We should get going.


  1. N [80] Advance to Faerin
  2. N [80] Here's the Plan
  3. N [80] To Arathi's End
  4. N [80] The Blacksmith's Fate, N [80] Invasion Disruption & N [80] BOOM Treats!
  5. N [80] An End to the End
  6. N [80] The Sorrowful Journey Home
  7. N [80] Remembrance for the Fallen

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