Aelric Leid

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MobAelric Leid
Image of Aelric Leid
Gender Male
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 75-78
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Order of Night
Former affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi
Occupation Leader of the Order of Night
Former occupation(s) Lamplighter
Location Veneration Grounds, Hallowfall[33.4, 54.61]
Status Killable

Aelric Leid is the founder and leader of the Order of Night, a cult of the Hallowfall Arathi that serves the Void and has allied with Xal'atath. He is the main antagonist of the Hallowfall storyline.


Aelric was once a Lamplighter. For years, he worked with his comrades to the keep the dawntowers lit and save Arathi from darkness, and the other Lamplighters all trusted him.[1] With time, he lost hope and became convinced that the Arathi's struggle was meaningless and that Beledar's Light was only an anomaly in its natural state of darkness.[2] He betrayed the Arathi and formed the Order of Night,[1] recruiting fearful Arathi to his cause by telling them that the Light had abandoned them and that the darkness offered them freedom.[3] Aelric at one point ambushed the Lamplighter Andari. Andari's friend, Faerin Lothar, considered Aelric the most terrible person she knew of.[1]

The Order of Night allied with Xal'atath and began a plot to corrupt Hallowfall's dawntowers[4] by turning their Sacred Flame into Darkfire. Aelric and his followers performed a ritual to corrupt the Cliffside Beacon, but were interrupted by Alleria Windrunner. Aelric told Alleria that Xal'atath had informed him of her arrival, then teleported away before she could shoot him.[1] General Steelstrike put the Arathi Army on high alert for Aelric after being informed of the events at the Cliffside Beacon.[5]

Shortly after, Aelric and his kobyss allies attacked the Veneration Grounds.[6] Protected behind a Void barrier, he attempted to turn the Eternal Flame into Darkfire, with the kobyss assisting him by funneling Void energies into his ritual. Beledar shifted to shadow, and Aelric triumphantly declared that "Renilash begins".[7] Alleria Windrunner destroyed Aelric's shield, allowing adventurers to kill him and end his efforts. Faerin Lothar then led the Arathi in turning the Eternal Flame back to Light.[8]


  • Ability rogue shadowyduel.png Darkening Strike — Slashes his target inflicting X Shadow damage and weakens the targets[sic] defenses increasing damage taken by 25% for 6 sec.
  • Spell fire twilightnova.png Darkfire Nova — Unleashes a Darkfire nova inflicting X Shadow damage to players within 40 yds.
  • Spell shadow shadowfury.png Shadow Wreath — Inflicts X Shadow damage every 0.5 sec. Creates an AoE on the ground.


Main article: Shadow upon Shadow#Notes
Main article: The Shadow Rising#Notes
The Harbinger spoke of you.
50% health
She has taken an interest in you.
10% health
Harbinger! Do not forsake me!

Objective of


Patch changes


  1. ^ a b c d N [75-78] Shadow upon Shadow
  2. ^ A Worn Down Book
  3. ^ Order of Night Poster
  4. ^ Lore Book: Hope in Solidarity
  5. ^ N [75-78] To Mereldar
  6. ^ N [75-78] The Bell Tolls
  7. ^ N [75-78] The Shadow Rising
  8. ^ a b N [75-78] A Candle in the Dark
  9. ^ N [75-78] A Candle in the Dark - Alpha version

External links

Preceded by:
Leader of the Order of Night
Succeeded by:
Speaker Shadowcrown