Warsong Gulch

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MobWarsong Gulch
Level: 10-70
Warsong Gulch loading screen BfA.jpg
Races Night elfNight elf Night elf
OrcOrc Orc
Major settlements Alliance Silverwing Hold
Horde Warsong Lumber Mill
Location Between the Barrens and Ashenvale
PvP status Combat zone
Conflict in Warsong Gulch
Location Warsong Gulch
Result Unknown, ongoing

Alliance Alliance


Horde Horde

Commanders and leaders

Alliance Alliance


Horde Horde

Next Conflict in Arathi Basin
Warsong Gulch tcg.jpg

Warsong Gulch (WSG for short) is a battleground nestled in between the southern part of Ashenvale forest and the northern area of the Barrens. It is located near the area where Grom Hellscream and his orcs chopped away huge swaths of forest during the events of the Third War. Despite disagreements from Thrall and the shamans, some orcs have remained in the vicinity, continuing their deforestation to fuel the Horde's expansion. They call themselves the Warsong Outriders.

The night elves, who have begun a massive push to retake the forests of Ashenvale, are now focusing their attention on ridding their land of the Outriders once and for all. And so, the Silverwing Sentinels have answered the call and sworn that they will not rest until every last Orc is defeated and cast out of Warsong Gulch.

Warsong Gulch is a 10v10 capture the flag battleground. Each side tries to take the opponent flag and "cap" (score) it at their own base. You can only "cap" the flag if the enemy isn't carrying yours. The winner is the first team to achieve 3 caps, or the team with the most caps when the allotted time expires.

Official overview

The gleaming purple-and-emerald forests of Ashenvale are more than just pleasant woodland. To the Warsong orcs who name themselves Outriders, they’re a prize cache of building planks; to the night-elven Silverwing Sentinels, they’re home. Where the turned soil and tree stumps surrounding Horde lumber mills start to encroach on Ashenvale’s timberlands, these two factions clash.

Each group recruits heroes from far and wide – the Horde to batter back the defenders and clear the forests, and the Alliance to shatter the aggressors and stop the disappearance of their precious land. Capturing flags might seem like an unorthodox method of settling this dispute, but it’s symbolic (and hardly without bloodshed). Whoever holds their defeated foes’ banner will show all who look upon the forest that their claim is the strongest – and dictate the future of one of the most important, ancestral lands of the Kaldorei.[1]


A valley bordering Ashenvale Forest and the Barrens, Warsong Gulch hosts a constant battle between the Horde and Alliance. As a 10 vs 10 capture-the-flag battleground, the first faction to capture three flags is victorious. Eager to aid their allies, members of every race in Azeroth rush to the Gulch to lend sword, or spell, to the conflict.


Maps and subregions

Map of Warsong Gulch.

Joining the battle

The Alliance entrance to Warsong Gulch.

As with all battlegrounds, players of sufficient level (in this case level 10) can queue for Warsong Gulch through the PvP interface, found on the micro menu. Players can also queue by speaking to battlemasters in capital cities.

Warsong Gulch also has its own heavily guarded entrances in the game world, one for each faction. Originally, these served as one of the only ways to join the battleground. However, with the advent of the PvP interface in 3.0.2, these now serve mostly a decorative purpose.


The Alliance entrance is located in Silverwing Grove, southwest of Silverwing Outpost and Fallen Sky Lake in Ashenvale Forest. The Silverwing Outpost is near the junction of the main road through Ashenvale and the road south to the Northern Barrens. Be very careful if you are below level 20; in the area around the Silverwing Grove are many spiders with strong venom.


The Horde entrance is on the mountainside to the west of Mor'shan Base Camp at the northern end of the Northern Barrens.


The Horde charge into battle.
Tactical map of the bases.


Warsong Gulch is a 10v10 Capture the Flag battleground, with a duration of 20 minutes. The object of the game is to capture the enemy team's flag, while defending your own against capture.

The game ends when one team has scored 3 captures, or after 20 minutes. After that time, the team with the most flag captures wins. If this would result in a tie, the team that captured the last flag wins. If neither side has captured a flag, then the game ends in a tie.

Each team has one flag in their flag room. Players see the enemy's flag as a clickable object. Clicking on it causes the player to pick it up. To score a capture, the capturing team must have their own flag at its base and bring the enemy's flag to that same spot. If both flags are being carried, neither team can complete a capture. After a capture, both flags will reset to their original locations after 20 seconds.

When both flags are held, after a short while the flag carriers will receive a stacking debuff, increasing their damage taken by 10%. Every few minutes the flag carriers will receive an additional stack of the debuff, increasing the effect. The debuff stacks up to 10 times for 100% increased damage taken.

Certain actions will cause the flag carrier to drop the flag. These include that player being killed, summoning a mount, entering [Stealth] (including via [Vanish]), receiving a paladin's [Divine Shield] or [Blessing of Protection] ("bubble"), and [Ice Block]. The carrier can also drop the flag by clicking on their own flag buff (received while holding the flag). Actions that do not cause the flag to drop include shapeshifting (cat, travel, ghost wolf), [Divine Protection], and using battleground power-ups. Also, picking up the flag breaks stealth.

When the flag is dropped, it becomes a clickable object where it was dropped. A capturing team member can pick it up again and keep running, but the player who dropped it will not be able to personally pick it up again for 3 seconds. Or, a defending team member can click on it and it will instantly teleport back to their base (this is called "returning" the flag). If no player picks up or returns the flag for about five seconds, it will return itself.


Main article: Warsong Gulch strategy

There are at least four different strategies commonly used in Warsong Gulch; Split into O and D, Mid Control, All Escort the FC, and Zerging. The final is most common in PUGS and least likely to produce a victory while any of the first three can be made to work depending on the composition of the given team.

  • Split into Offense and Defense. As simple as it sounds: part of the team protects your flag while another part goes to get the enemy flag. In the case that the enemy gets your flag D will try to chase the enemy flag carrier down and retrieve it while O may or may not assist depending on the tactics. It is very important that O sticks together to make this strategy work. Generally, all stealthers (rogues, druids) go to the enemy base, while the rest of the team stays back to stop any intruders.
  • Middle Control. The team attempts to establish control of the middle of the field by sending most, if not all, of the team there and attacking the enemy as they can. The goal is to prevent any enemy from reaching your fort, or to prevent any enemy flag carriers from returning to their fort. While the middle is held, class appropriate flag carriers are sent into the enemy fort to get their flag.
  • All Escort the Flag Carrier. Everyone stays in a group, charges across the field, and takes the enemy's flag. Everyone escorts the FC back to a safe spot and then some protect your FC while others go look for the enemy FC as they will almost certainly have taken your flag by now as well.
  • Zerging. This strategy involves most of the team charging the enemy flag in a random way and largely as individuals or groups of two. Against any of the organized strats zerging is unlikely to produce a victory, however, it is the strat most commonly used by PUGS as it requires no communication or planning at all.

The key to victory is communication with the other players in your faction. Take the time before the game starts to agree on what strat you will be using but be prepared to change if you need to as events develop. By communicating, your teammates will have the edge and be able to anticipate your enemies' position and movements. It is useful to know, for example, if the opposing faction has characters camped at your graveyard. When allocating parties within a raid group, attention should be focused on not only the classes and abilities of the players involved but also their levels. For example, it is foolish to send in some level 25 characters when you know that the enemy flag is guarded by multiple level 29s. It is important to keep in mind abilities that can root or snare a player, as well as speed enhancements, and the ability to successfully get away from a group. As in any PvP situation, the key ability to develop with your character is the ability to adapt.

You are much more powerful in Battlegrounds when you are at the higher levels of your bracket. If you're playing in a 25–29 Battleground you will be more effective in direct combat as a level 29 than a level 25-28 because you will be much stronger, have more powerful spells, and stronger, higher leveled weapons with more DPS. You will also notice the other faction attacks you depending on your level because a level 29 will know a player two or more levels below them is an easy fast kill and takes only a few hits.

Remember, Totems are a lifesaver! When you are on your way to capturing the flag, lay a couple of totems, this will make a powerful escape route for you and your allies.

Team Buffs are essential for flag capturing! Aspect of the Pack can speed up your team as they protect the flag, also Blood Pact is great for EVERY ally. Defending, Healing or Attacking.

Hunters, lay a Freezing Trap just on the flag. If an enemy captures it, they'll be "sticking around" for a while. Also, lay another damaging trap above to add insult to injury.

NEVER LEAVE THE FLAG CARRIER ALONE. Have at least one person with him/her at all times.

Communicate effectively and efficiently. Don't spam the battleground chat with things not necessary to PvP.


There are three types of power-ups found in Warsong Gulch. To use them, simply walk up to one. They will respawn after a short period of time.

  • BerserkingPowerUp.jpg Berserking - Increases all damage caused by 30%, all damage taken by 10% and increases your size by 10%. Lasts 1 min.
  • RestorationPowerUp.jpg Restoration - Restores 10% of your health and mana every second for 10 seconds. Attacking or being attacked will cancel the effect.
  • SpeedPowerUp.jpg Speed - Increases movement speed by 100% for 10 seconds.

Honor rewards

Warsong Gulch in the comic series
Patch 8.1.5 remaster.

The game awards bonus honor to everyone on your side of the match for reaching certain goals. Those goals are:

  • Capturing the opponent's flag
  • Winning the match

Other scored events do not grant bonus honor. These include: killing blows, picking up the opponent's flag, and returning your flag to your base. Honor is awarded for honorable kills as normal. Losing a complete match (0 captures and a loss) also gives you no bonus honor.

While it is possible to lose a match and still accumulate honor from honorable kills, a careless attitude about losing is generally frowned on, and considering that a winning match grants a substantial honor bonus, winning matches allows for accumulating honor points much more rapidly.

During the Warsong Gulch Call to Arms, completing the battleground will earn players bonus [Honor] and [Conquest Points].

The winning team receives an 18 Honor Point bonus for each capture the opposing team is prevented from completing. This means every capture below 3, up to a maximum of 54 bonus Honor if the losing team had 0 captures.


  • Flag Capture - 35 reputation for entire team

Warsong Gulch items

Warsong Gulch items are available by spending honor accumulated with Illiyana Moonblaze (Alliance) or Kelm Hargunth (Horde). Though some of the Sentinel and Outrider factions items have different names and artwork, their bonuses and equip effects are identical. More powerful versions of some items can be purchased as you gain levels, allowing higher level players to receive faction rewards with better equipment bonuses. However, the epic quality bracer rewards are only available from level 40, and the epic quality leggings are only available at level 60.

Item (Alliance/Horde) Type Level Cost
 [Silverwing Battle Tabard]
 [Warsong Battle Tabard]
Tabard 1 Mark of Honor
 [Rune of Duty] Trinket 10, 17 1 Mark of Honor
 [Rune of Perfection] Trinket 10, 17 1 Mark of Honor
 [Caretaker's Cape]
 [Battle Healer's Cloak]
Back 9, 12, 16, 21, 24 1 Mark of Honor
 [Sentinel's Medallion]
 [Scout's Medallion]
Neck 9, 12, 16, 21, 24 1 Mark of Honor
 [Lorekeeper's Ring]
 [Advisor's Ring]
Finger 9, 12, 16, 21, 24 1 Mark of Honor
 [Protector's Band]
 [Legionnaire's Band]
Finger 9, 12, 16, 21, 24 1 Mark of Honor
 [Lorekeeper's Staff]
 [Advisor's Gnarled Staff]
Staff 9, 12, 16, 21, 24 3 Mark of Honor
 [Protector's Sword]
 [Legionnaire's Sword]
Sword 9, 12, 16, 21, 24 3 Mark of Honor
 [Outrunner's Bow]
 [Outrider's Bow]
Bow 9, 12, 16, 21, 24 3 Mark of Honor
 [Sentinel's Blade]
 [Scout's Blade]
Dagger 9, 12, 16, 21, 24 3 Mark of Honor
 [Berserker Bracers] Wrist (Plate) 17, 21, 25 1 Mark of Honor
 [Dryad's Wrist Bindings] Wrist (Cloth) 17, 21, 25 1 Mark of Honor
 [Forest Stalker's Bracers] Wrist (Leather) 17, 21, 25 1 Mark of Honor
 [Windtalker's Wristguards] Wrist (Mail) 17, 21, 25 1 Mark of Honor
 [Sentinel's Silk Leggings]
 [Outrider's Silk Leggings]
Legs (Cloth) 25 2 Mark of Honor
 [Sentinel's Lizardhide Pants]
 [Outrider's Lizardhide Pants]
Legs (Leather) 25 2 Mark of Honor
 [Sentinel's Leather Pants]
 [Outrider's Leather Pants]
Legs (Leather) 25 2 Mark of Honor
 [Sentinel's Chain Leggings]
 [Outrider's Chain Leggings]
Legs (Mail) 25 2 Mark of Honor
 [Sentinel's Mail Leggings]
 [Outrider's Mail Leggings]
Legs (Mail) 25 2 Mark of Honor
 [Sentinel's Lamellar Legguards]
 [Outrider's Lamellar Legguards]
Legs (Plate) 25 25g 6s 10c
24g 63s 2c
 [Sentinel's Plate Legguards]
 [Outrider's Plate Legguards]
Legs (Plate) 25 2 Mark of Honor


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.2.7

Useful terminology

During the course of playing, you may hear the following frequently used acronyms and terms used by players to give out directions:

  • fr: Flag Room
  • fc: Flag Carrier
  • efc: Enemy Flag Carrier
  • inc: Incoming enemy players
  • cap: The act of successfully capturing the opposing team's flag - "capping" "a quick cap" - or an instruction to capture the flag, often given when the fc is in a position to cap, but has yet to do so - "cap!"
  • gy: Graveyard (the area or in the proximity of the area in which players re-spawn after death)
  • ramp: Refers to the sloping terrain on the other side of the base (gy being on the left and ramp on the right as you are looking at the base from the middle)
  • roof: Refers to the area above the respective flag rooms, accessed via the side exit in each tunnel
  • tun: Refers to the tunnel leading in and out of the base
  • mid: Refers to the middle of the map, between the bases



Patch changes


  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12): Zone graphics updated to current expansion quality.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-10-17): Capturing a flag should award reputation once more.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2014-03-11): The winning team now receives an 18 Honor Point bonus for each capture the opposing team is prevented from completing. This means every capture below 3, up to a maximum of 54 bonus [Honor] if the losing team had 0 captures.
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2014-03-04): Focused Assault debuff is now applied to flag carriers once both team’s flags have been picked up starting at the 1-minute mark (down from 3 minutes).
  • Mists of Pandaria Hotfix (2012-10-04): The time limit for Warsong Gulch has been reduced from 25 to 20 minutes.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.1.0 (2011-04-26): The graveyards outside both bases have been lowered in elevation and are no longer on the same plane as the main flag room entrances to either respective base. This means it is no longer possible for players to travel directly from their graveyard to their base or flag room.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.3.3 (2010-03-23): Players no longer receive Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor from participating. All rewards now take the form of honor or reputation.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08): The timer has 25 minutes now.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04): There is a now a 20 minute timer on this battleground. After that time, the team with the most flag captures wins. If this would result in a tie, the team that captured the last flag wins. If neither side has captured a flag, then the game ends in a tie awarding a single mark to all participants.
  • Bc icon.gif Hotfix (2008-03-30):
    • The time before players with flags in Warsong Gulch receive the [Focused Assault] and [Brutal Assault] debuffs has been reduced
    • The timer for Focused Assault and Brutal Assault in Warsong Gulch will now reset whenever both Flags are returned to their bases
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.8.0 (2005-10-10): Players of levels 10 - 19 will now be able to participate in the battle for Warsong Gulch.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-13):
    • Warsong Gulch will now be level-banded as follows: 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60
    • System Messages have been added to Warsong Gulch to replace the heralds.
    • Losers of Warsong Gulch are now given a "Ribbon of Sacrifice" which they may turn in to Captain Shatterspear or Sentinel Farsong for a faction reward.
    • Offensive use of damage immunities no longer causes the flag to drop in Warsong Gulch.
    • A bug that allowed ghost players to pass through the Warsong Gulch starting gate has been fixed.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12):
    • Warsong Gulch has new item rewards at the appropriate faction vendor near the entrances to the zone. These are available starting at Honored faction.
    • Friendly flag carriers are now displayed on the overhead map in Warsong Gulch.
    • Both the Warsong Outrider Supply Officer and the Silverwing Sentinel Supply Officer of Warsong Gulch now offer distinct tabards for purchase. Those heroes who are of Exalted status with one of these factions may purchase the tabard for 5 gold (discounts not included).
    • Players now receive a faction bonus for completing the repeatable Warsong Gulch quests.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.5.0 (2005-06-07): Added.


  • WoW Icon update.png Hotfix (2020-05-28): In Warsong Gulch, several locations outside of the intended play area have been blocked off.

See also


External links

Classic BfA 8.1.5

es:Garganta Grito de Guerra fr:Goulet des Chanteguerres pl:Warsong Gulch