The battleground contained a humanbarracks and an orcishstronghold on each side. Separating them were three main paths, with other neutral buildings spread throughout the area: a scout tower in its center, a goblin laboratory close to the tower, three mine entrances (one in each path), two small moonwells, and several forest troll huts.
Like the iterations of Azshara Crater, the Kalidar map was also used to test two other battlegrounds:
One with a tileset similar to Elwynn Forest, where a guard tower opposed a scout tower, with two mine entrances and a currently-unused castle set-piece in the center.
One similar to a smaller Alterac Valley, where a dwarven keep opposed an orcish barracks (each flanked by two towers), with two ice caves (one with a troll village and a moonwell in front of it) and a version of the Field of Strife in the center.