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Hello, all!

I'm a sporadic contributor since October 2007. I don't normally have running projects, but just add things if I am looking for but can't find them, or see something else that I think I can improve (and am not feeling lazy at the moment).

I currently have no project, as usual.

WoW/MMO History

I started playing World of Warcraft back in July 2006 and am still playing my first character as my main. At that time, my character was a Tauren warrior named Ishotala on the Rexxar server.

At level 8, I joined a guild with my coworkers named Morbid Fury. We MFers were just starting to raid, but still PUGing to fill out 20-mans. I was told by a friend and more experienced player at lv 12 that the purpose of a warrior was not to do damage, and have been a tank since then, levelling Protection. While now I know more and realize that may have been erroneous (and certainly has changed since) I still haven't ever changed my primary and preferred role of tank. By level ~50, MF had merged with Solace and I raided ZG, AQ20, Onyxia, and MC pre-BC. I was attuned for BWL but we never quite got there (or Naxx or AQ40) as a guild, and I was something like the 7th tank anyway so when the leadership filled with PUGs I was never included.

After BC, the guild masters adopted some policies without informing the membership, and since I disagreed with both the policies and the behind-the-back behavior, I voiced my observations on the forums and left. Within a month of my post, the guild had stopped raiding and most of its membership had gone. I therefore claim credit for the destruction of Solace. The old GM transferred servers but kept the guild name locked with an alt toon until the end of BC. (The Solace guild currently on Rexxar is unrelated.) Most of the former MFers transferred to an Oceanic server, though some reverted to MF. I made my own guild to use as a bank and PUGed thing, but mostly played on first Firetree and then Smolderthorn. I was levelling toon to play with my brother (a draenei warrior on Firetree, and a tauren druid on Smolderthorn), but RL interfered on both his part and mine, and I eventually moved back to Rexxar.

Back on Rexxar, I joined the guild Ultimate Ownage via an online friend with whom I had levelled one of my alts. Ultimate Ownage either was already or soon went into a state of disarray when the guild founder gave up guild leadership and transferred with no warning, and after much deliberation a group of us split off to form Hand of Thrall, which would focuse on PvE raiding, leaving Ultimate Ownage to be our sister PvP guild. I ended up bringing my druid from Smolderthorn to heal when we had enough other tanks, but never enjoyed healing as much as tanking. There was unfortunately a lot of baggage and a lot of drama, and because of high player turnover we never really got past Kara, though for a few months we were regularly doing Gruul and Mags as a co-op with another guild before reverting to Kara when the partner guild fell apart. After much drama and rebuilding from scratch several times, both in BC and WotLK, my husband and I gave up on Hand of Thrall, doled out the bank to the members in guild at the time (at least those who bothered to log in and say what they wanted out of the vault), and left Rexxar.

During the fall of Hand of Thrall, in addition to checking out and applying to other guilds both on and off Rexxar, we also checked out other games, notably Warhammer Online and City of Heroes. Though Warhammer Online supported PvE raiding, the player base was largely uninterested and we were unable to find groups for the most part. City of Heroes had problems with instances being excessively broken - in the pieces sense, not the unfunctional sense (one had a loading screen between every room) - and, though interesting, ultimately unwieldy. Also, CoH had stated an intention to create PvE raids but had not yet implemented anything beyond 5-man instances. Since both my husband and I primarily wanted to play online games for PvE raid-level content, we came back to WoW. Beyond this brief foray, I have not played any other graphic-based MMORPGs (and very few text-based ones when I was in high school) and do not consider myself an experienced MMORPGer.

Upon our return to WoW, we transferred to Muradin, where an IRL friend and coworker of mine was playing, and we faction-changed and joined the guild he was in, Noble Blade. (We made low-level alts and spent a couple weeks in the guild to check it out beforehand, and were pleased with the attitude and activity of its members.) Since the faction change, my character has been named Tihikea, which is Taurahe for "traitor" in the in-game translator.

Character List


  • Tihikea lv 85 IconSmall Human Female.gif human Warrior Protection warrior tank (Fury dps offspec)
    • Mining-sm.gif Miner / Blacksmithing-sm.gif Blacksmith
    • formerly Ishotala IconSmall Tauren Female.gif on Rexxar
  • Thornapple lv 84 IconSmall Gnome Female.gif gnome Warlock Destruction warlock
    • Tailoring-sm.gif Tailor / Jewelcrafting-sm.gif Jewelcrafter
    • formerly Pushdugg IconSmall Orc Female.gif on Rexxar
  • Kalaiza lv 84 IconSmall Draenei Female.gif draenei Shaman Elemental shaman dps
    • Enchanting-sm.gif Enchanter / Inscription-sm.gif Scribe
  • Sioji lv 83 IconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Rogue Assassination rogue dps - Alchemy-sm.gif Alchemist (elixir) / Engineering-sm.gif Engineer (goblin)
    • formerly Sioji IconSmall Troll Female.gif on Rexxar
  • Eismyre lv 70+ IconSmall Dwarf Female.gif dwarf Paladin Holy paladin healer (Protection tank offspec)
    • Blacksmithing-sm.gif Blacksmith / Jewelcrafting-sm.gif Jewelcrafter
  • Zinfalori lv 40+ IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Hunter Beast Mastery hunter
    • Skinning-sm.gif Skinner / Engineering-sm.gif / Engineer (gnomish)
    • IconSmall Lynx.gif Brazen - red lynx pet
    • IconSmall Crab.gif Softshelled - blue crab pet
  • Boomsicle lv 30+ IconSmall Human Female.gif humanMage Fire mage dps
    • Enchanting-sm.gif Enchanter / Inscription-sm.gif Scribe
  • Werechicken lv 20+ IconSmall Worgen Female.gif worgen Druid Feral druid dps/tank (will be Balance boomkin after lv 30)
    • Leatherworking-sm.gif Leatherworker / Skinning-sm.gif Skinner

Other Servers


  • Nemori lv 80 IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Druid Feral druid tank (Restoration healer offspec)
    • Enchanting-sm.gif Enchanter / Leatherworking-sm.gif Leatherworker




Page to build: Buff and Debuff Redundancies:

Personal Buffs and Debuffs are not included. If it lets YOU ignore armor, or if it increases YOUR damage, but not everyone else's, it will not be in this table.


    • = looking for in-game confirmation

Primary Attributes

+5% to Strength, Agility, Stamina, and Intellect
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell nature regeneration.png Mark of the Wild Druid Druid all see also Resistances
Spell magic greaterblessingofkings.png Blessing of Kings Paladin Paladin all see also Resistances
**Ability hunter pet spider.png [Embrace of the Shale Spider] Hunter Hunter Beast Mastery Beast Mastery Shale Spider pet

Strength and Agility

549 to Strength and Agility (at 85)
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Inv misc horn 02.png Horn of Winter Death Knight Death Knight all
Ability warrior battleshout.png Battle Shout Warrior Warrior all
**Spell nature earthbindtotem.png Strength of Earth Totem Shaman Shaman all Earth Totem
**Ability hunter catlikereflexes.png [Roar of Courage] Hunter Hunter all Cat or Spirit beast pet


585 to Stamina (at 85)
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell holy wordfortitude.png Power Word: Fortitude Priest Priest all
Ability warrior rallyingcry.png Commanding Shout Warrior Warrior all
Spell shadow bloodboil.png [Blood Pact] Warlock Warlock all Imp pet
(usually Destruction Destruction spec)



Mana Regeneration

326 mana per 5 seconds
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell holy greaterblessingofkings.png Blessing of Might Paladin Paladin all see also Attack Power

Melee and Ranged Haste

Attack Power

10% attack power
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell holy greaterblessingofkings.png Blessing of Might Paladin Paladin all see also Mana Regeneration

Spell Haste

Pushback Reduction

35% less casting or channeling time lost
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell holy mindsooth.png Concentration Aura Paladin Paladin all Holy Holy talent also grants immunity to silence and interrupt effects

Critical Strike Chance

5% increased critical chance
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Ability warrior rampage.png [Rampage] Warrior Warrior Fury Fury


97 to all resistances (at 85)
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell nature regeneration.png Mark of the Wild Druid Druid all see also Primary Attributes
Spell magic greaterblessingofkings.png Blessing of Kings Paladin Paladin all see also Primary Attributes
195 frost, fire, and shadow resistance (at 85)
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell fire sealoffire.png Resistance Aura Paladin Paladin all


2038 armor (lv 85)
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell holy devotionaura.png Devotion Aura Paladin Paladin all Holy Holy talent raises to 4076 armor

Damage to Attackers

**129 Holy damage to attackers (lv 85)
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell holy auraoflight.png Retribution Aura Paladin Paladin all Holy Holy talent raises to 258 Holy damage
Retribution Retribution talent also grants +3% damage done

Movement Speed

20% mounted speed
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell holy crusaderaura.png Crusader Aura Paladin Paladin all


Prevent Action

These debuffs prevent most or all actions. Many of them are commonly used for crowd control, and most will be broken with damage. Stuns, however, do not break from damage but generally too short in duration to be effective crowd control for targets that will be killed later; instead they are generally used to keep a target from acting while it is killed.


Incapacitate effects are broken by any damage.

reduces movement speed by 50%
Ability Name Duration Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell holy prayerofhealing.png Repentance 1 min Paladin Paladin all


He who uses Fear as a crowd control technique in PvE should be wary, as running mobs may run into friends who will join the fight. However, some fears hold a target in place instead of sending them running. Fears can be broken by damage but can take some damage before breaking.

reduces movement speed by 50%
Ability Name Duration Source Class Source Spec Notes
Ability golemthunderclap.png Intimidating Shout 8 sec Warrior Warrior all multitarget, one stays in place while others run
Spell holy turnundead.png Turn Evil 20 sec Paladin Paladin all


Horror effects are outwardly similar to fear effects, though they are generally shorter. Perhaps more importantly, Horror effects cannot be prevented by [Fear Ward] or removed by [Tremor Totem] or similar effects and cannot be broken by damage.


reduces movement speed by 50%
Ability Name Duration Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell holy sealofmight.png Hammer of Justice 6 sec Paladin Paladin all see also Interrupts
Ability thunderbolt.png Concussion Blow 5 sec Warrior Warrior Protection Protection
Inv mace 62.png Throwdown 5 sec Warrior Warrior Arms Arms Battle Stance only
Ability warrior shockwave.png Shockwave 4 sec Warrior Warrior Protection Protection multitarget (cone)
Spell holy purifyingpower.png Holy Wrath 3 sec Paladin Paladin all multitarget, affects Demons and Undead
can be glyphed to also affect Dragonkin and Elementals
Ability rogue sprint.png [Intercept] 3 sec Warrior Warrior all Berserker Stance (usually Fury Fury spec)
Protection Protection warriors can use in any stance

Limit Movement

These debuffs slow or immobilize their targets. Some apparently redundant status markings affect subsequent abilities differently. For example, (mage spell vs Frozen vs merely Immobilized)

Reduce Movement

The "Daze" effect also reduces movement speed by 50%, but some abilities may have additional effects on Dazed targets.

reduces movement speed by 50%
Ability Name Duration Source Class Source Spec Notes
Ability shockwave.png Hamstring 15 sec Warrior Warrior all Battle or Berserker Stance only
(usually Arms Arms or Fury Fury spec)


reduces movement speed by 50%
Ability Name Duration Source Class Source Spec Notes
Ability warrior shieldbash.png Shield Bash 6 sec Warrior Warrior all Battle or Defensive Stance only
(usually Arms Arms or Protection Protection spec)
Spell shadow deathscream.png Piercing Howl 6 sec Warrior Warrior all Fury Fury talent tree, but reachable by other specs

Limit Run Speed

These effects do not actually slow a target, but rather make it so the target cannot benefit from movement increasing effects, such as [Sprint] and any mount.

limit maximum run speed for 5 sec
Ability Name Duration Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell holy sealofwrath.png Seal of Justice 5 sec Paladin Paladin all reapplied by melee attacks

Damage Reduction

These debuffs are aimed at reducing the damage dealt by their targets.

Physical Damage

reduces physical damage done by 10%
Debuff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Ability warrior warcry.png Demoralizing Shout Warrior Warrior all
Spell holy vindication.png Vindication Paladin Paladin Protection Protection applied by [Crusader Strike] and [Hammer of the Righteous]

Attack Speed

increases time between attacks by 20%
Debuff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell nature thunderclap.png Thunder Clap Warrior Warrior all Battle or Defensive Stance only
(usually Arms Arms or Protection Protection spec)
Ability paladin judgementsofthejust.png Judgements of the Just Paladin Paladin all 2-pt Protection Protection talent but reachable by other specs


In addition to causing the target to attack using unarmed damage instead of weapon damage (generally far less), disarming will also prevent the use of abilities that require a weapon. Most disarm affects only remove the main hand weapon.

disarms the target
Ability Name Duration Source Class Source Spec Notes
Ability warrior disarm.png Disarm 10 sec !Warrior Warrior all Defensive Stance only
(usually Protection Protection spec)


Interrupts stop spell casting and prevent any spell in the same school from being cast for a short duration. However, spells from other schools may still be cast during this time.

reduces movement speed by 50%
Ability Name Duration Source Class Source Spec Notes
Ability warrior shieldbash.png Shield Bash 6 sec Warrior Warrior all requires shield, Battle or Defensive Stance only
usually Protection Protection spec)

see also Daze, Silence

Spell holy fistofjustice.png Rebuke 4 sec Paladin Paladin Retribution Retribution
Inv gauntlets 04.png Pummel 4 sec Warrior Warrior all Battle or Berserker Stance only
usually Arms Arms or Fury Fury spec)
Spell holy sealofmight.png Hammer of Justice 3 sec Paladin Paladin Protection Protection will interrupt creatures immune to stun with talent
see also Stun


Silence effects prevent all spellcasting. Most Silence effects will still interrupt targets that are immune to Silence.

reduces movement speed by 50%
Ability Name Duration Source Class Source Spec Notes
Ability warrior shieldbash.png Shield Bash 3 sec Warrior Warrior Protection Protection Battle or Defensive Stance only
see also Interrupt (Silence effect from talent)
Inv axe 66.png Heroic Throw 3 sec Warrior Warrior Protection Protection Silence effect from talent

Damage Increase

These debuffs make the target take more damage in some way.


reduces armor by 4% per stack (up to 12%)
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Ability warrior shatteringthrow.png Shattering Throw Warrior Warrior all 20%, does not stack (has cooldown)
Battle or Defensive Stance only
(usually Arms Arms or Protection Protection spec)
Ability warrior sunder.png Sunder Armor Warrior Warrior all

Healing Reduction

These debuffs reduce the healing received by the target.

reduced by 10%
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Ability warrior savageblow.png Mortal Strike Warrior Warrior Arms Arms
Ability warrior furiousresolve.png Furious Attacks Warrior Warrior Fury Fury passive proc


Note that some taunt effects do not actually raise threat level - when it expires, the mob(s) will return to their highest aggro target. If an ability is marked "sets threat" then the ability will also put the caster's threat level equal to the current highest threat level, so in lieu of any other aggro source the mob(s) will stay on the taunting character.

forces target to attack you
Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Spell nature reincarnation.png Taunt Warrior Warrior Protection Protection sets threat
Defensive Stance only
(usually Protection Protection spec)
Ability bullrush.png Challenging Shout Warrior Warrior all 6 sec, multitarget

Buff and Debuff Removal

reduces movement speed by 50%
Removes Buff Name Source Class Source Spec Notes
Invulnerabilities Ability warrior shatteringthrow.png Shattering Throw Warrior Warrior all Battle Stance only
(usually Arms Arms spec)
Magic Inv shield 05.png Shield Slam Warrior Warrior Protection Protection


5-man (all buffs/debuffs)

5-man (all but one buff/debuff)

10-man (all buffs/debuffs)