User:Tigertot/World of Warcraft: N'Zoth's Vengeance

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World of Warcraft: N'Zoth's Vengeance by Tigertot.

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World of Warcraft: N'Zoth's Vengeance
Developer(s) Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher(s) Blizzard Entertainment
Platforms Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X
Release TBA
Genre(s) MMORPG

World of Warcraft: N'Zoth's Vengeance is an expansion to WoW.


After the Iron Horde's defeat, Yrel, Durotan, Kaz the Shrieker, and Grommash Hellscream, who has joined the Horde, came to Azeroth, as Gul'dan fled to Azeroth. Thrall had to remain behind to maintain the link between Azeroth and Draenor, and in his place, Varok Saurfang leads the orcs.

However, the Old Gods are at work. N'Zoth's agents have gone to Outland and stolen Arakkoa artifacts, forcing several Naaru-worshipping Arakkoa to join the Alliance. The Stonemaul Ogres have also lost their home in Dustwallow Marsh to naga, and have retreated to the Barrens. Trade Prince Steamwheedle has been corrupted by the Old Gods, and now leads the Steamwheedle Cartel in obliterating the Alliance and Horde, with the help of the naga and Queen Azshara.

The Alliance and Horde are now sending troops to the South Seas, with Vol'jin commanding Horde forces to fight N'Zoth and find Darkspear Isle, and Jaina leading the Alliance troops to work with Kul Tiras.

Read more at War in the South Seas.

New Races: Arakkoa and Ogres

The Arakkoa start in an instanced Shattrath City in Outland, and eventually make their way to Azeroth with the help of Yrel, who has gone to Outland due to the Old God presence. They eventually set up camp in the Wetlands, as the dwarves of Ironforge offered them land there. Arakkoa can play Warrior, Priest, Mage, Death Knight, Warlock, Shaman, Hunter, and Paladin.

The Stonemaul Ogres, led by Tharg, start in an instanced Dustwallow Marsh, and eventually make their way to the Barrens, where they begin to aid the Horde more. They can play Warrior, Shaman, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Warlock, Druid, and Death Knight.

Ogre Death Knights are Ogres that were killed by the Scourge in the Third War, while Arakkoa Death Knights were Arakkoa explorers from Skettis that ventured to Northrend and fell to the Scourge.

Ogres ride Boars, and Arakkoa ride Talbuks.

Read more at The Arakkoa and The Ogres.

New Class: Tinker

The Tinker class can be played by Goblins, Gnomes, Dwarves, Orcs, Draenei, Forsaken, Humans, Blood Elves, Worgen, and Trolls. It isn't a hero class, but it gets an exclusive profession which cannot be replaced: Tinkering. Tinkering is an enhanced form of Engineering that is needed to craft several Tinker weapons, as well as equipment, such as rocket-launchers. You also have Mining, and you cannot switch professions.

Read more at The Tinker Class.

The South Seas

As part of your military service in the South Seas, you are given a ship, similar to the one in Thousand Needles, but it gets better. You can recruit followers who will stay on your ship and perform certain tasks such as profession work.

Alliance Kul Tiras: Alliance 100-102 Zone:

Jaina has become the new Queen of Kul Tiras, and now works to combat the Steamwheedle presence on the island, as well as Naga attacks. The city of Boralus is the Alliance city for the expansion.

Horde The Lost Isles: Horde 100-102 Zone:

Vol'jin, with the help of the Bilgewater Offensive in the South Seas, has turned Gallywix Docks into the Horde city for the expansion. The Naga can be seen here, still in their ruins. In addition, SI:7 troops are on the island and refuse to believe that the Alliance-Horde War has ended.

Neutral Kezan: 102-104

The Bilgewater Offensive has secured Gallywix's Villa, and gnomish forces led by Mekkatorque have built a base near Bilgewater Port. The Steamwheedle Cartel has a heavy presence on the island, mining Kaja'mite in the ruins of the KTC headquarters. The first dungeon, the Kaja'mines, is located here, as well as a tunnel to Undermine that is heavily guarded.

Neutral Darkspear Isle: 104-106

Vol'jin's forces have secured the Horde base that was used here during the Third War, and have made contact with a group of Horde soldiers that stayed behind, including a group of half-troll and half-orc people. The Alliance has secured a Kul Tiras base on the island as well. Murlocs, Naga, and the Steamwheedle Cartel can be found here. A raid, Murlocian Caverns, can be found here.

Neutral The Wandering Isle: 106-108

Shen-zin Su has become an actual island due to the fact that he passed away. The Steamwheedle Cartel has developed a factory to produce weapons of war, and has enslaved the native Hozen to do menial labor. The Tushui and Huojin have set up camps on the island, and are working to liberate the island. The second dungeon, Steamwheedle Foundry, is located here.

Neutral Zandalar Isle: 108-110

After the Thunder King's defeat, several Mogu took over the remains of Zandalar Isle. Several Zandalar trolls have enlisted the help of Alliance and Horde to reclaim the island. To make matters worse, the Steamwheedle Cartel and the naga are raiding the ruins in search of artifacts. Two dungeons, Shrine of the Zandalari and Ruins of the Zandalari, are located here, as well as a raid: Zandalar Spire.

Neutral Undermine: Level 110 PvE Zone

Before you access this zone, you have to do a quest chain that involves securing a foothold in Undermine. The zone is similar to the Timeless Isle, with world bosses and small amounts of PvP, but also has the traditional dailies and attacks on Steamwheedle encampments to retrieve machinery that can be turned in to Mekkatorque/Gallywix for rewards. Two dungeons, Venture Co. Headquarters and the Kaja'vaults, are located here as well as one raid: Steamwheedle Headquarters. Another raid will be added in X.2: Trade Princes' Sanctum.

Mob Tomb of Sargeras: Level 110 PvP Zone

The Alliance has allied with Night Elven watchers that stayed behind on the island when Maiev was there, while the Horde has aligned themselves with the Stormreaver Clan. The island's PvP is similar to Ashran, but it possesses vehicles and several other elements. There is one raid which can be accessed without PvPing, the Tomb of Sargeras, where the Burning Legion is working on something sinister. You can also do naval combat against Alliance and Horde players here.



Outside the Tomb of Sargeras, a great battle takes place between the Alliance and the Horde over the ruins of the city of Suramar. Gameplay is similar to Ashran, with a large battle occurring in the center, but there are also other objectives, such as capturing five key buildings: the Airbase, Barracks, Seaport, Workshop, and Mage Tower each provide their own buffs to your allies in the battlefield.

New Battleground: Vault of the Zandalari

A new king of the hill battleground has emerged: the Vault of the Zandalari. The statue in the center of the ruins is contested between Alliance and Horde alike.

World PvP: Relevant Once Again

Each neutral zone in the South Seas has a minor PvP element, which can be avoided by those who don't seek to PvP. In addition, you gain twice as much Honor and Conquest Points if you do World PvP.

With World PvP enhanced, city assaults have also been enhanced. You now gain small bits of Honor from killing guards, and a huge amount of Honor and Conquest points if you kill a racial leader. However, when one or more racial leaders have been killed, portals open up to the other cities so that you can help defend, and if all of them have died at least once within a certain timeframe, you get a buff that increases damage dealt to opposing players out in the world.

Read more at World PvP.

Naval Combat

Your ship is your primary means of travel in the South Seas, and you can choose several upgrades for it as you venture to new zones, such as improved cannon fire or more stamina. As you sail across the ocean, pirates, naga, the Steamwheedle Cartel, or the opposing faction at the Tomb of Sargeras may attack your ship. Your ship also levels up, like your character, and you get new abilities and features for it. You ship has ten levels it can go through. Read more at Naval Combat

Updated Blood Elf and Draenei Zones

Flying has been allowed, and several other changes have been made:

Horde Eversong Woods: Silvermoon is expanding towards the Ruins of Silvermoon, where Twilight's Hammer cultists are based, fighting off Scourge troops. The Dead Scar has expanded drastically due to Deathwing's return.

Alliance Azuremyst Isle: The Exodar has been repaired. Twilight cultists are stealing some of the crystals on the isle as well. A volcano has also appeared on the isle due to the Cataclysm.

Horde Ghostlands: The Argent Crusade is attempting to cleanse this area from the Scourge, and Naga can be seen on the western coast of the area.

Alliance Bloodmyst Isle: Titan ruins have been revealed, and the constructs within are desecrating the isle.

Neutral Isle of Quel'danas: The Naga have launched an assault on the Sunwell, hoping to use it's power to locate N'Zoth's prison. The Sunwell raid has been revamped as part of this, and you go to the island as part of a quest chain. The Shattered Sun Offensive is also working to repel the naga invasion. However, Scourge forces are working to take the Sunwell for their own reasons, as well as the Burning Legion's forces, who have recently received support in the form of Gul'dan and his Iron Horde troops from Draenor.

Significant Characters

NeutralIconSmall OldGod.gif N'Zoth: The main antagonist of the expansion, seeking vengeance for his failed escape during the Cataclysm. This time, he has two of the most powerful groups in Azeroth on his side.
NeutralIconSmall Goblin Male.gif Trade Prince Steamwheedle: The Old Gods have managed to corrupt him, making him one of the expansion's two secondary antagonists alongside Queen Azshara.
NeutralIconSmall Azshara.gif Queen Azshara: She has answered the Old Gods' call to war once more, and is the other secondary antagonist.
AllianceIconSmall Jaina.gif Jaina Proudmoore: Leader of the Alliance forces in the South Seas, and Queen of Kul Tiras. In her place, Khadgar leads the Kirin Tor, and has restored it's neutrality.
HordeIconSmall Vol'jin.gif Vol'jin: As Warchief of the Horde, Vol'jin wants the Horde to fight off the Old Gods, and find the home of the Darkspear Tribe once more.
HordeIconSmall Gallywix.gif Trade Prince Gallywix: Gallywix seeks to reclaim the Bilgewater Cartel's territory on Kezan.
AllianceIconSmall Mekkatorque.gif Gelbin Mekkatorque: Leading Gnomish forces into the South Seas, and is part of the Tinker's Legendary Quest for Wrenchcalibur, which has been stolen by the Steamwheedle Cartel.
AllianceIconSmall NightElf Male.gif Jarod Shadowsong: Leading night elven Watchers at the Tomb of Sargeras to claim the ruins of the ancient night elf city of Suramar.
HordeIconSmall Orc Male.gif Drak'thul: Chieftain of the reborn Stormreaver clan, which as already set up a home at the Tomb of Sargeras and refuses to leave without a fight.

Reputation Factions

  • Alliance Shattrath Arakkoa
    • Leader: Alliance Rilak the Redeemed
    • The Arakkoa of Shattrath City were cast away by Terokk, and were discovered by the Sha'tari, who showed them their way of worship. They began to worship the Naaru, and eventually carved a place for themselves within Outland. When the Steamwheedle Cartel came to attack Shattrath for it's artifacts, these Arakkoa bravely defended the city, but with the help of Yrel and a squad of draenei vindicators, they pushed the invaders back. However, with many of their ancient objects stolen, they joined Yrel and the Alliance in order to eliminate their new enemies. They now reside within a newly-developed district of Ironforge, as well as in the Wetlands.
  • Horde Stonemaul Clan
    • Leader: Horde Tharg
    • The Stonemaul Clan of ogres is an old one, having lived in Dustwallow Marsh for ages, alongside their Horde allies. When naga raiders began to attack their village, Tharg sent his warriors out to defeat them. However, they would have gone extinct if it wasn't for Horde troops coming in to help them. With their village in ruins, they moved to the Barrens, while maintaining a presence in Thunder Bluff.
  • Alliance Alliance Expedition
    • Leader: Alliance Varian Wrynn
    • The Alliance Expedition is the force being sent into the South Seas, in the name of the Alliance.
      • Alliance Kul Tiras
        • Leader: Alliance Jaina Proudmoore
        • The nation of Kul Tiras has existed for years, but after its heavy losses during the Third War, the nation began to fracture. The military seized control, seeking to eliminate the orcs who killed Proudmoore. However, after some time, a resistance movement began, which took over the kingdom and established a democratic government. The Cataclysm may have pushed the nation out to sea and damaged much of the island, but it quickly traded with other islands and grew in wealth once more. When Jaina Proudmoore arrived, she was named Queen of Kul Tiras, but the democratic government makes most decisions while she is leading the military.
      • Alliance Gnomeregan Front
        • Leader: Alliance Gelbin Mekkatorque
        • The Gnomeregan Front is an army of gnomish forces led by the High Tinker himself. They seek to combat the Steamwheedle Cartel and discover new technologies within the South Seas.
      • Alliance Shadowsong Watchers
        • Leader: Alliance Jarod Shadowsong
        • The Shadowsong Watchers are night elven warriors led by the infamous Jarod Shadowsong. Their goal is to reclaim the ruins of the night elven city of Suramar for the Alliance and for the kaldorei, but with the Stormreaver Clan of orcs already living on the island, conflict seems inevitable.
      • Alliance Bronzebeard Campaign
        • Leader: Alliance Brann Bronzebeard
        • The Bronzebeard Campaign is an army sent by the Explorer's League to fight off the naga and obtain relics of power. This faction is added in X.4.
  • Horde Horde Expedition
    • Leader: Vol'jin
    • The Horde Expedition is different from the one in Northrend in that it is based in the South Seas.
      • Horde Bilgewater Offensive
        • Leader: Trade Prince Gallywix
        • The Bilgewater Offensive is an army of goblins dedicated to taking back their homeland of Kezan. Gallywix commands these goblins, and wishes to see the Steamwheedle Cartel destroyed.
      • Horde Darkspear Onslaught
        • Leader: Overlord Volrath
        • The Darkspear Onslaught, made up of orcs, tauren, trolls, and ogres, is also spearheading the Horde Expedition. Led by the newly-promoted Overlord Volrath, they seek to combat the Old Gods and explore the South Seas.
      • Horde Stormreaver Clan
        • Leader: Drak'thul
        • The Stormreaver Clan of orcs saw great change after the Second War. By that time, the clan had broken away from the Legion, wanting to avoid further conflict. Shamanism was reintroduced, but several warlocks and necrolytes continued to use their powers. By the time the Horde arrived at the Tomb, they sided with them, seeking to ensure their survival. However, Sylvanas Windrunner is interested in the Stormreaver necrolytes, and has dispatched Forsaken ambassadors to learn from them.
      • Horde Blightcaller Assault
        • Leader: Nathanos Blightcaller
        • The Blightcaller Assault is the Horde's spearhead in Nazjatar, made up primarily of Forsaken forces. They seek to defeat the naga and to study the magical powers they possess.
  • Neutral Copperfuse Cartel
    • Leader: Trade Prince Copperfuse
    • The Copperfuse Cartel is the oldest goblin cartel on Kezan, formed after the Trade Wars. During the Second War, they sided with the Horde, but once the war ended in defeat, the future Trade Prince Steamwheedle broke away and established his own cartel, which waged war against the Copperfuse. After the war, the Copperfuse recruited gnomes into it's ranks in order to defeat the Steamwheedle, and now they lead the campaign in Undermine.
  • Neutral Cavescale Exiles
    • Leader: Chieftain Xal'glish
    • The Cavescale Tribe of murlocs had lived on Darkspear Isle for years, eventually coming under the control of Zar'jira. However, after Darkspear Isle's initial flooding, a group of murlocs broke away, establishing their own village. They fought a brutal war for their survival, eventually being aided by the humans, orcs, and trolls on the island. They then began to study the magics of these races, learning the arcane arts, shamanism, and voodoo magics. Now, they aid the Alliance and Horde in defeating Zar'jira.
  • Neutral Wandering Pandaren
    • Leader: Zhang Xi
    • The Wandering Pandaren are a group of Pandaren that chose to remain on the Wandering Isle. Led by Shang Xi's son, Zhang Xi, they lived in isolation for some time, until the Steamwheedle Cartel began their campaign on the isle alongside the naga. Now, with Alliance and Horde forces returning to the isle, they can finally reclaim their homeland.
  • Neutral Zandalari Survivors: Members of the Zandalari tribe that seek to retake their homeland from the Mogu.
  • Neutral Earthen Vanguard: Members of the Earthen Ring sent to Nazjatar to free Neptulon. (Added in X.4.)


New dungeons Raids Updated raids
  • The Kaja'mines
  • Steamwheedle Foundry
  • Shrine of the Zandalari
  • Ruins of the Zandalari
  • Venture Co. Headquarters
  • The Kaja'vaults
  • Caverns of Time: The Battle of Blackrock Spire
  • Murlocian Caverns
  • Zandalar Spire
  • Steamwheedle Headquarters
  • Tomb of Sargeras
  • World Bosses
  • Sunwell Plateau


  • The Kaja'mines - The KTC's mines have been taken over by the Steamwheedle Cartel, to use the Kaja'mite within to fuel their war machine. However, something darker is located within...
  • Steamwheedle Foundry - A factory on the Wandering Isle produces weapons and forces the Hozen to work, assembling abhorrent mechanical creations.
  • Shrine of the Zandalari - The worshipping grounds of the Zandalar trolls have been put on lockdown by the Mogu, with the loa inside going crazy.
  • Ruins of the Zandalari - Ancient Zandalari catacombs beneath their cities hold ancient weapons and equipment- and the Mogu want to be the first to get it.
  • Venture Co. Headquarters - The headquarters of the Venture Co. hold many secrets. Both the Steamwheedle Cartel and the combined forces of the Alliance and Horde seek to take the headquarters, without letting it fall into the other faction's hands...
  • Caverns of Time: The Battle of Blackrock Spire - The Infinites have gone back in time to the Second War, seeking to prevent the war from going the way it was meant to go.
  • The Kaja'vaults - This storage facility for Steamwheedle weapons and equipment holds some secrets of the titans-just what they need to eliminate their enemies.


  • Murlocian Caverns - Zar'jira's armies are gathering in their underground catacombs, where they will prepare to oust their enemies from Darkspear Isle in the name of their new allies...
  • Zandalar Spire - Zul's Mogu armies control this great tower, waging war against their enemies. However, it will soon fall.
  • Steamwheedle Headquarters - The Steamwheedle Cartel's citadel towers over the rest of Undermine, but will eventually fall.
  • Tomb of Sargeras - The Tomb once stood silent-but now, demonic activity within the Tomb has led to an assault-even though the rest of Suramar is contested.
  • Sunwell Plateau - Contested between naga, Burning Legion, Scourge, and Shattered Sun/Alliance/Horde forces, the Sunwell will soon give in to one of these factions...

Read more at Dungeons and Raids.

Legendary Quest

The legendary quest is different this xpac in that each class gains their own legendary quest that allows them to forge an ultimate weapon or two.

  • Death knights will forge a new runeblade from the remnants of Frostmourne: Icemourne.
  • Druids will assemble the Staff of the Wild from ingredients acquired from the Emerald Dream.
  • Hunters will assemble the Bow of the Great Hunt.
  • Mages will


Even numbered patches are raid patches.

Patch X.1: Discovery of Tel Abim-The island of Tel Abim has become a battlefield between the Alliance, Horde, and the combined forces of the Steamwheedle Cartel and the Naga, as all three sides seek to take the titan artifacts within Tel Abim.
Patch X.2: Fall of the Steamwheedle Cartel-The campaign in Undermine is nearing it's end, and the Steamwheedle Cartel is running out of time.

Patch X.3: Quel'danas's Doom-The battle on Quel'danas intensifies, with more fighting going on, and Gul'dan plotting.
Patch X.4: Siege of Nazjatar-The naga are next in line to be defeated, after a bloody and triumphant campaign in Nazjatar.

Patch X.5: Ox Temple Siege-Naxxramas now looms over Pandaria, and now Lei Shen's helmet must be protected.
Patch X.6: N'Zoth Unleashed-The Cult of the Damned has allied with N'Zoth, and has revealed Ny'alotha to the world-Azeroth's fate lies in your hands.