User:Tigertot/World of Warcraft: N'Zoth's Vengeance/Ogres

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Mogor the Ogre TCG.jpg
Character classes Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior, Death knight, Mage, Druid
Main language Orcish
Starting zone Dustwallow Marsh
Racial leader IconSmall Ogre Male.gifTharg
Capital Stonemaul Refuge, Northern Barrens.
Racial mount IconSmall Boar.gif Boar

The ogres of the Stonemaul Clan are a playable Horde race in the upcoming expansion, N'Zoth's Vengeance.


Many years ago, before the First War, the ogres had a great empire on Draenor. However, this once-great empire was shattered by the Horde, and so, the ogres travelled to Azeroth alongside the Horde. There, after two terrible wars, their people found a new beginning, as they ventured across Azeroth in search of a home. One clan, the Stonemaul Clan, found a home in Kalimdor, where they allied with the Horde. Now, you will show the might of the ogres as a new threat arrives.

Originally from Draenor, ogres were one of the last races of Draenor's giants. Ruled over brutally by their cruel demi-gods, the gronn, ogre territory extended from their homeland in the unnamed continent southwest of Draenor continent and into Frostfire Ridge. They were also the only race in Draenor that has ever established an empire. They later became based in Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge, both before and after Draenor's destruction when the locations became Blade's Edge Mountains. The ogres were blood enemies of the orcs for generations and ogre raiding parties in northern Nagrand were not an uncommon sight. Many orcs had died at the hands of ogres, including Durotan's father, Garad. Despite this a group of ogres and orcs at some point interbred and created the Mok'nathal. During the war against the draenei ; Blackhand, under Gul'dan's instruction, allied with the horde with a group of ogres adding their strength to the orcs in exchange for food, weapons and shelter from their gronn masters. The ogres went on to be powerful weapons in the orcs war taking part in many battles, including the assault on Shattrath. The ogres were for the most part not used in the Horde's war against Stormwind but some ogres did pass through the Dark Portal, including a band led by Turok and the daughter of Blackhand, Griselda who took refuge in the Deadmines.

The ogres were brought through the Portal after the First War to act as enforcers in an effort to quell needless infighting between the Orc clans. The ogres took part in may of the major battles of the war and Orgrim Doomhammer himself had a bodyguard of loyal ogre warriors. A group of ogres were subjected to experiments by the warlock Gul'dan using the stolen runestones of Quel'thalas in an effort to produce new spellcasters for the horde to replace the fallen necrolytes and warlocks. Gul'dan's work bore fruit and lead to the creation of the ogre-magi. This new generation of ogres were two headed, an extreme rarity among ogres before this, more intelligent and more magically gifted than normal ogres, they were used to devastating effect on the alliance.

Following the defeat of the Horde the ogres left the orcs to their fate and spread out across Azeroth, though most remained in locations they fought over during the first and second wars. Some, however, managed to travel to all the way to Kalimdor. The ogres played no part in the defeat of the Burning Legion during the Third War, however, during Admiral Proudmoore's invasion of the new orcish kingdom of Durotar one tribe of ogres, the Stonemaul clan, did rejoin the Horde under their leader, Rexxar, who overthrew the previous chieftain Kor'gall. Despite this most ogre tribes have remained independent and are now hostile to alliance and horde alike.

Eventually, the naga attacked Dustwallow Marsh, and the ogres were forced to move to the Barrens, where they maintain a closer relationship with the Horde.


The ogres start in an instanced Dustwallow Marsh, and eventually make their way to the Barrens.

Starting attributes

Base Hunter Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Death Knight Mage Druid
Strength 23 23 24 24 23 26 111 23 24
Agility 17 20 20 17 17 17 70 17 20
Stamina 22 23 23 23 23 24 100 22 23
Intellect 17 17 17 18 19 17 26 20 17
Spirit 23 24 23 25 25 23 44 25 23

Racial traits

Brute Force - passive
Spell shadow unholystrength.png Increases Strength by an amount that scales by level.
Menial Labor - passive
Inv pick 01.pngMining skill increased by 10 and you mine ore faster.
Highly Durable - passive
Ability warrior shieldmastery.png
Your items take 10% less durability damage.
Enslaved no More - instant - 2 min cooldown
Ability warrior rampage.pngRemoves all movement-impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. This has a cooldown with other similar abilities.


  • Hunter - Ogres have lived in the wilds, and because of this, they have a bond with animals and are capable of firing a bow, though they prefer heavier weapons instead.
  • Rogue - Ogre rogues are less subtle than other rogues, but that doesn't mean that they can't be stealthy! They tend to rely on blending into their surroundings.
  • Shaman - Ogre shaman originate from Draenor, where ogres practiced basic nature magic and harnessed the elements. They may seem to act chaotic with the elements, but they know how they feel.
  • Warlock - Ogre warlocks existed since the Second War, as several magi made deals with demons to harness their power against the Alliance. Still, Ogre warlocks thrive on bending demonic magic to their will, using their brute strength to force the demons to serve them.
  • Warrior - Ogres are very strong, and have long experience with weaponry and fighting. Ogre warriors charge into battle with hopes of smashing their opponents to pieces.
  • Death Knight - Ogres existed in Lordaeron during the Third War, and were killed by the Scourge when it invaded the area. They were resurrected, and eventually made their way into the Horde with the help of Koltira Deathweaver.
  • Mage - Ogre mages have existed for years, due to Gul'dan's experiments. They utilize the Arcane to torment their foes and tear them asunder.
  • Druid - While the Horde was in Draenor, the Stonemaul clan's shaman had a vision from the Emerald Dream, that told them to harness nature and protect the wild. The shaman agreed, and several of them began practicing shamanism, and before long, they were accepted into the Cenarion Circle.