User:Tigertot/World of Warcraft: N'Zoth's Vengeance/Arakkoa

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Character classes Hunter, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior, Death knight, Mage, Paladin, Priest
Main language Ravenspeech
Starting zone Shattrath City
Racial leader IconSmall Arakkoa.gifRilak the Redeemed
Capital Skettis's Fall, Wetlands.
Racial mount IconSmall Talbuk.gif Talbuk

The Arakkoa of Shattrath City are a playable Alliance race in the upcoming expansion, N'Zoth's Vengeance.


The arakkoa have lived on Draenor for years to come. Yet when the Horde was forming, many arakkoa fought against the Horde, but were defeated. When Draenor shattered, the arakkoa were decimated. Some of them turned to worshipping the Light and the Naaru, and were cast away by Terokk, leader of the arakkoa. These arakkoa found refuge in Shattrath City. Now, as an arakkoa, you must uphold your ancient ways of life as your people go down a dark path.

Brann Bronzebeard connects the origins of the arakkoa to Anzu, but they were actually created by the sun goddess Rukhmar. Rukhmar created them after Anzu was cursed by Sethe and vanished into the darkness. The arakkoa represent Rukhmar's grace and Anzu's cunning. The initial arakkoa civilization was the Apexis, which lived in Spires of Arak and the region known today as the Blade's Edge Mountains during a time known as the "Age of Order". Apexis technology was solar-powered. The Apexis vanished from history without warning, with the only sign they existed being the relics left behind and the ruins of their grand civilization that dot the Spires. The Adherents of Rukhmar were the next arakkoa civilization, whose power was based in Skyreach atop the mountain spires of their homeland. The greatest king of the Adherents was known as Terokk, and it was said that he and the goddess Rukhmar were one and the same. However, the sages of the Adherents were jealous of Terokk. Turning on him, they tossed him into the pools at the Sethekk Hollow, which were made of the blood of the dead god Sethe. The blood mutated Terokk, transforming his body and shriveling his wings. Terokk became the first of the Arakkoa Outcasts and built the city of Skettis as a refuge. Other lawbreakers would be tossed into the pools, until the Arakkoa Outcasts were a force that lived in the shadowed trees at the base of the Spires of Arak. Rukhmar and her Adherents feared and hated the Outcasts, and so waged a war on them. To aid in their battles, the Adherents searched for ancient Apexis technology, such as golems and turrets that fire beams of concentrated light to burn at Outcasts towns. However, as the years went on Terokk's health declined, grief tore at his heart, and Sethe's curse chewed at his mind. He began to hate the world, abandoning Skettis and even sacrificing the lower castes of his own people to dark powers in search of a cure. The arakkoa did not seem to know the reason for this abandonment and attributed it to them turning away from the worship of Rukhmar. Hoping to rejuvenate their king, the Talonpriests sealed Terokk away in a realm of shadows. All that was left of Terokk were several artifacts he left behind, among them his spear, his mask and his writings. At some point during the war between the orcs and draenei, the arakkoa abandoned their deities - Rukhmar, Anzu, and Sethe - in favor of a Summoned Old God. They attempted to summon their new master to stop the Horde, but Gul'dan had them slaughtered. The only remnant of the old religions are in the Grishna cult that continues to follow Anzu, and that Terokk is still revered despite connections to Rukhmar. The arakkoa continued their existence on Draenor for decades, though they suffered terribly during the Horde's first wars across Draenor. The resulting grudge against the orc race encouraged an arakkoa, Grizzik, to serve as a tracker and guide for Danath Trollbane's forces during the Alliance's expedition to Draenor. This arakkoa, seemingly alone, led Trollbane's soldiers to Auchindoun, and aided in the battle. When Draenor shattered and became Outland, the Adherents vanished with the Spires of Arak. All that remained were the cursed Arakkoa Outcasts, who took on the name Skettis after their city and moved into the Terokkar Forest. Today, the minions of Terokk work in his name to commit evils throughout Terokkar Forest. At Veil Shienor and Veil Reskk, the Eyes of Skettis allow Terokk to spy on those areas. At Veil Skith, the arakkoa use the Darkstone of Terokk as an altar of worship. At Veil Rhaze, Terokk raises the spirits of the dead arakkoa killed in the Auchindoun explosion. At Veil Lithic, his minions corrupt the avians into his service. At Veil Shalas, the closest colony to Skettis, the arakkoa sages conduct wars against the Light. Recently, however, some have broken away from Skettis - some to free themselves from Terokk's evil, and others deluded by power. The Skettis Exiles, taken in by the naaru A'dal, reside in the Lower City of Shattrath, where they battle against Terokk's forces. Thse arakkoa are the playable arakkoa.

Eventually, the Steamwheedle Cartel attacked Shattrath in search of arakkoa artifacts that the arakkoa in the city posessed. The arakkoa fought off the goblins, and before long, draenei arrived, led by Yrel. They helped defeat the goblins, and the Arakkoa journeyed to the Wetlands, where they became part of the Alliance.


The arakkoa start in an instanced Shattrath City, and they eventually end up in Ironforge, where they continue questing.

Starting attributes

Base Hunter Priest Shaman Warlock Warrior Death Knight Mage Druid
Strength 23 23 24 24 23 26 111 23 24
Agility 17 20 20 17 17 17 70 17 20
Stamina 22 23 23 23 23 24 100 22 23
Intellect 17 17 17 18 19 17 26 20 17
Spirit 23 24 23 25 25 23 44 25 23

Racial traits

Keen Eyesight - passive
Ability rogue bloodyeye.png The range of all your ranged abilities is increased by 5 yards, and your melee abilities by 2 yards.
Medical Aid - passive
Inv misc bandage 03.png First Aid skill increased by 10.
Wings Reborn - instant
Ability druid flightform.pngSprout your wings, allowing you to fly. This racial is unlocked through a quest chain.
Burst of Wind - instant - 2 min cooldown
Spell nature cyclone.png You unleash a burst of wind at the foe, rooting them in place for 3 seconds.


  • Hunter - Arakkoa have hunted talbuk and beasts across Draenor, so hunting isn't strange to them. Arakkoa hunters tend to prefer the use of bows.
  • Priest - Arakkoa priests spread the word of the Light to their allies, believing that the Naaru watch over everyone.
  • Shaman - The arakkoa learned how to commune with the elements from orcs in Shattrath. They see the elements as powerful, and use it alongside the power of the Light.
  • Warlock - Several arakkoa believe that they can use the Legion's power against it, thus giving birth to Arakkoa warlocks.
  • Warrior - The Arakkoa tend to utilize swords and weaponry in combat alongside magic. Arakkoa warriors are more subtle.
  • Death Knight - Several Arakkoa from Shattrath ventured into Azeroth. They made their way to Northrend, but were killed by Scourge and transformed into death knights. They made their way into the Alliance thanks to Thassarian's assistance.
  • Mage - The arakkoa enjoy the use of magic, as they see it as powerful. Arakkoa magi blast their enemies to pieces with the Arcane.
  • Paladin - Several arakkoa warriors wanted to harness the power of the Naaru alongside their weapons. So then, a new order was formed: The Vindicators of Arak.