User:Tigertot/World of Warcraft: N'Zoth's Vengeance/Tinker

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Gelbin Mekkatorque.jpg
Gelbin Mekkatorque, a Gnome Tinker.
Favored by

GnomeGnome Gnome
GoblinGoblin Goblin
DwarfDwarf Dwarf

OrcOrc Orc
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
UndeadUndead Undead
HumanHuman Human
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
WorgenWorgen Worgen
TrollTroll Troll
Role(s) Tank, Melee DPS, Healer, Ranged DPS
Specializations Medic, Sniper, Brawler, Steam Warrior.
Resource(s) Heat
Primary attribute Strength,Stamina, or Intellect
Weapon proficiency Bows, Crossbows, Guns, Fist Weapons, and One-handed Sword, Axe and Mace
Armor proficiency Cloth, Leather, Mail
Skill(s) Has an exclusive profession, Tinkering. Can use rockets, bombs, and a variety of constructs to aid them.

Tinkers are the inventors and researchers of Azeroth. Constantly developing equipment to assist them, they show tenacity in the face of their enemies.


Tinkers can tank, heal, do melee DPS, or attack from afar. For melee combat, they tend to rely on dual-wielding weapons and showing off their strength. In ranged combat, they assault their enemies from far away, shooting them and blasting them to pieces.


Tinkers use a unique resource known as heat. Their abilities either increase or decrease how much heat you have. You start with 0 heat, and the more heat you have, the faster you attack or heal.. However, if you have too much heat, you overclock your equipment, causing you to take damage over time unless the extra heat is gone.


There are three Tinker specializations: Medic, Sniper, and Brawler.

  • Medic is a healing spec that relies on HoTs and damage redirection.
  • Sniper is a DPS spec focusing on attacking enemies from extremely long range, unlike hunters and casting classes.
  • Brawler is a DPS spec that dual-wields weapons to pummel their enemies while using constructs.
  • Steam Warrior is a tanking spec that relies on dodging attacks and assuming the form of a Mech/Shredder to crush their enemies.


Inv alchemy crystalvial.png A medical specialist and alchemist, using strange concoctions to heal their allies and prevent them from being harmed.

Medic tinkers are masters of alchemy, using potions and concoctions to heal their allies and ensure that they stay in the fight. They are also capable of unleashing several potions that redirect damage to the enemy, assisting their allies in dealing damage.


Inv musket 04.png A fearless sharpshooter that stays away from the battle, picking off targets from afar.

Sniper Tinkers are ranged attackers, relying on using ranged weapons and staying away from the battle. They tend to stay in a secluded area, picking off targets, as several of their abilities deal more damage the farther away the tinker is from the target.


Inv gauntlets 09.png A fierce inventor that thrives in the midst of battle, beating their enemies to a pulp.

Brawler Tinkers are melee fighters, wielding a weapon in each hand to tear through their enemies and increase how much damage they suffer.

Steam Warrior

Ability vehicle siegeengineram.png

A mechanized fighter that safeguards their allies, using technology to do so.

Steam Warrior Tinkers are tanks, relying on dodging attacks and using mechanical creations to protect their allies. They can periodically assume the form of a Gnomish Mech/Goblin Shredder to assist their allies.