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This article is a player character biography page for Eliysa of Wyrmrest Accord US created by TheKaldorei1.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Please make sure player character articles are named properly - see the player character articles policy.

NeutralEliysa Greenwood
Image of Eliysa Greenwood
Gender Female
Race Night elf
Level 90
Class DeathKnight Necromancer
Formerly Priest Priest
Location The Ebon Hold
Status Undead/Alive(?)
Relative(s) Archdruid Hecren Thislemantle(Husband)


War of The Ancients

Eliysa was a young elf when the War of the Ancients Started,she watched Queen Azshara become decived by the Dark Titan Sargeras.She was the Apprentice to Tyrande and her future husband was of the few druids who were trained before it was widely practiced,When the War of the Shifting Sands came,Hecren Thistlemantle(Archdruid of the Emerald Ring)proposed to Eliysa,and they were married, they fought in the war and Hecren was killed by a Silithid Prophet.

The Third War

Fast foward a to The Third War After the kingdoms of Dalaran,Quel'thelas and Lordaeron fell the night elves meeting the Orcish Horde and the Theramorian Soilders,Jaina Proudmoore of Kul'tiras Thrall Son of Durotan and Malfurion Stormrage with his wife Tyrande Whisperwind all meet with the mysterious Prophet Medivh,after the meeting Eliysa a young priestess at the time began serving as a "Combat-Priest" to go into the fields and fight AND heal.She was killed by Arthas Menethil,After being slain--Arthas ressurected her in the time of The Burning Crusade.

The Burning King

Preparing to strike at the puny Human Reisistance in Tyrs Hand.After the defeat of Tyrs Hand they moved onto the Lights Hope Chapel with Tirion Fordring holding the line while on par with Darion Mograine,The Lich King now at the time began to go on to kill Tirion, but the Ashbringer was now wielded in his hands and purified.

Wrath of the Earth Warden

Eliysa was one of the few who became free Necromancers of The Ebon Blade lead by Darion Mograine himself to get revenge on Arthas for not giving them a peacefull life in death.Eliysa had then-being free of the curse of the Scourge begin aiding their "breathren" in Gilneas due to the Horde Attack on Gilneas She fought on til the Gilnean Survivors could escape along with an Adventurer.She was sent to Stormwind with Genn Greymane during the Cataclysm. After the Cataclysm and Thrall becoming the new Earth Warden words of the Prince Anduin Wrynn being lost on unknown land and Eliysa with more Adventurers were sent to the land,meeting up with Horde combations the Prince was safe and escaped the land,but expeditions were being sent still,too claim the land for the Alliance.

The Mists of Draenor

After years of fighting Vol'jin has put up an Open rebellion on the so called "True Horde" or whatever Hellscream calls himself the time was now for the Siege of Orgrimmar every Alliance and every Rebellion member was waiting for, to kill Garrosh Hellscream Once and for all, Though he wasen't killed Vol'jin and Varian have been put on good terms,for being once at a peace with another wise Warcheif leading the Horde.


Spell deathknight unholypresence.png

Unholy--Practicing in raising higher undead ex:Abominations,Frost Wryms

Spell deathknight frostpresence.png

Frost--Learning how to create A Frostwrym

Spell deathknight bloodpresence.png

Blood--Being taught by necromancers how to create abominations




IconSmall DragonBronze.gif Zorialstraz†
IconSmall Worgen Male.gif Fairmir†


IconSmall LichKing.gifLich King
IconSmall Grom.gifGrom Hellscream
IconSmall Lich Male.gifKel'thuzad
IconSmall Malygos.gifMalygos
IconSmall Kil'jaeden.gifKil'jaeden
IconSmall Archimonde.gifArchimonde
IconSmall DarkTitan Male.gifSargeras
IconSmall OldGod.gifC'thun
IconSmall OldGod.gifN'Zoth
IconSmall Yogg-Saron.gifYogg-Saron
IconSmall Azshara.gifQueen Azshara


NeutralEbon Blade
NeutralAvengers of Hyjal


Spell holy guardianspirit.png

Call of the Vry'kyr Summons one Vry'kyr to aid the death knight,cannot be used in Cataclysm Raids

Spell shadow deathcoil.png Death Coil The Target is coiled in death and decay.

Spell misc warsongfocus.png Veteran of The Third War Increases your total Stamina by 9% and your chance to dodge by 2%.

Inv misc bone skull 01.png Call of the Bones The Target is surronded by bones,closing them in bones--giving them 12 seconds not to breath(like in water)

Spell deathknight armyofthedead.png Army of Abominations Four abominations are called to defend the Death Knight,lasts for 70 seconds