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Races Various
Affiliation Hope Covenant
Location Somewhere near the Edge of Reality

Luminar, also known as the Eternal Realm of the Light, True Afterlife, Realm of Light, or simply known as Paradise, is the name of a spatially, infinite, blissful, spiritual realm that is ruled by the Hope Covenant. Located somewhere from within the Edge of Reality, it is the home of the Hope, who are the ones who created the Naaru with the power of the Light while Elune also created the Prime Naaru, according to Archmage Khadgar. The origins of Luminar remain a mystery and it remains unknown if it was created by the First Ones along with other Cosmic Realms, but it has existed ever since mortal life first arose in the physical universe.


Luminar was described to be spatially and infinite, in which it served as a replica to the worlds that were made in the Great Dark Beyond and even those that existed in the Twisting Nether. Located somewhere near the Edge of Reality, Luminar was far beyond the Shadowlands and the Twisting Nether. The stories of Luminar was passed along by the Naaru, who were created by the Hope to bring peace to all mortal civilizations and waylay the forces of the Void. Many different races, such as the Draenei and Orcs, learned a lot from the Naaru about Luminar and found it a sign of hope that their souls would go on to this realm. Even beings of the Shadowlands, such as the Kyrian of Bastion and the Venthyr of Revendreth, have learned a lot of stories about Luminar's existence.

Unlike the Shadowlands, the light of Luminar serves as a infinite replica to all worlds, including Absolarn, Argus, Azeroth, Centralis, Draenor, Elunaria, Fyzandi, Hara'samid, Heraazi, Karkora, Kareth, Khaz'Goroth, Ruvaraad, Sodaraami, and Xarodi. In the Shadowlands, many souls have learned about Luminar's existence while they weren't permanently stuck in their assigned afterlives. When the machinery of Death within the Shadowlands had functioned the way it was supposed to, souls, who had completed obligations in one realm, had the opportunity to travel to some of the other infinite planes within the Shadowlands or move on to find peace in Luminar. It is also said slain Kyrian can choose to be reformed from Amelior or find peace in Luminar.


The origins of Luminar remain a mystery, but has existed ever since mortal life first arose in the physical universe. It is ruled by the Hope Covenant, who were responsible for the creation of the Naaru and overlook the worlds within the Great Dark Beyond. Kyrestia the Firstborne traveled to Luminar several times and shared her stories with the Kyrian about this eternal plane of existence.

According to history on Draenor, many Orcs have always believed that their homeland Nagrand serves as the gateway for their ancestors to ascend to Luminar. The Shadowmoon Orcs of Shadowmoon Valley, who had always derived their magic from the stars, earth, and moon, used Ancestral Talismans to commune with their ancestors from Luminar.

Shadows Rising

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According to history, many beings on Draenor, such as the Draenei and Orcs, have learned many tales of Luminar. Remda, who had trained as a Shaman for years, had been a honorable worshipper to the Light and believed it as a sign of hope for others. After her death, Remda's soul was blessed by the Naaru, who sent her to Luminar rather than the Shadowlands, and found herself somewhere that resembles the grasslands of Draenor. She would guide her son safely to Luminar after his defeat in Icecrown Citadel.

Wrath of the Lich King

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During the War against the Lich King, Crusader Bridenbrad was infected by the Plague of Undeath. Upon his passing, A'dal and his naaru take Bridenbrad's soul into Luminar, ensuring his rescue from undeath and promising him "paradise eternal". By doing so, the naaru bound his soul to the realm of Light away from the Shadowlands.

After Arthas Menethil was ultimately defeated at the Frozen Throne by the combine strength of the champions of Azeroth, the portion of Uther's soul, along with Terenas Menethil II, guided the souls of Arthas' victims to Luminar while the rest wandered the halls of Icecrown while remaining within the shards of Frostmourne. Before Uther departed to Luminar, he met an adventurer onboard the Light's Hammer, who provided a  [Sealed Chest], containing multiple objects, among them a  [Badge of the Silver Hand].


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Mists of Pandaria

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Warlords of Draenor

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In the aftermath of Tirion Fordring's disappearance following the Battle for Broken Shore, Uther's spirit was summoned from Luminar to speak with Maxwell Tyrosus and a champion of the Silver Hand. He revealed that they had to hurry if they wished to recover the Ashbringer and that Tirion still clung to life. After Tirion gave the Ashbringer to the new Highlord of the Silver Hand, his soul was claimed by Uther's spirit, who brought him into Luminar to find peace and reunite with his family.[1]

Varian speaking to his son Anduin Wrynn in Luminar

In the moment of Varian Wrynn's death at the hand of Gul'dan, the Naaru communed with his spirit and took him to Luminar where he would reunite with his wife Tiffin, who had been waiting patiently for him. When Anduin Wrynn was given Shalamayne, he saw a brief vision of Luminar when he encountered the spirit of his father, who appeared to him. Trying to collect his words, Anduin eventually asked what he should do now, to which Varian reminded him on what a king should do.[2]

Before the Storm

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In the aftermath of the Burning Legion's defeat, Wyll Benton, who had served as King Anduin's manservant for years, was dying when his health worsened.[3] While Anduin offered to heal him, he refused since he wanted to see his wife and the rest of his family once again. Just as Anduin used the Light to ease his pain and communed with the naaru from somewhere within the Great Dark Beyond, Wyll took a glimpse of Luminar, but thought he was hallucinating that his dead loved ones were already there waiting for him. After Wyll passed away, his soul was blessed by Anduin and the Naaru, and departed to Luminar where he reunited with his loved ones and found peace. His wife Vellcinda would later be sent to the realm after she was killed by one of Sylvanas Windrunner's loyal rangers, sparking the beginning of the Fourth War.[4]


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While trapped in the Maw, Anduin Wrynn called upon the light of Luminar, which gave him enough power to create a barrier that held off the Mawsworn in order to buy enough time for the Maw Walker to escape to Oribos.[5]

At some point after the Jailer was freed and went after the sigils, Broxigar, Remda, and Dranosh Saurfang traveled from Luminar to the city of Oribos within the heart of the Shadowlands, for where they enlist the aid of the Maw Walker to break Varok Saurfang out of the Maw. After the Maw Walker was successful in breaking Varok out of his prison, he reunited with his family back in Oribos and went with them to Luminar.





  • IconSmall Kyrian Female.gif Korinna

