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Guild Introduction Edit

As the Night elf people recover from the tragic events of the Shattering and are busy dealing with the recent incursion of the new Warchief, Garrosh and his horde into Ashenvale, the Windsong faction has been deployed to the forefront of the Sentinel Army. With the aid of powerful allies, the intrepid Windsong represent the Kaldorei in the struggle to assure the destruction of the Twilight Cult and the infamous Deathwing.

Having returned to Azeroth from their operations in Sylvanaar to watch over the surrounding territories of south-western Kalimdor, places such as Feralas, Silithus, Desolace, Stone Talon Mountains and reaches into the mid-lands of Ashenvale are now regularly patrolled and protected by Windsong scouts. Signs of Horde or Twilight Cultist activity are observed in stealth and dispatched quickly by Honor Guards, while Seekers measure out over the land in search of precious relics and scrolls that could prove calamitous if fallen into the wrong hands. Originally formed by a trio of friends from the Third War, the fellowship was gradually joined by other members of the Alliance. The Cenarion Circle and Sisters of Elune realized their success and began to support and guide its activities. Since that time, the Windsong have become officially sanctioned by the Sisterhood, undertaking increasingly dangerous quests near and far from the kaldorei homelands as a special faction within the Sentinel Army. In an oath of vengeance for the fallen of Auberdine and Rut'theran Village, the Windsong have vowed to wipe out Deathwing and any remnants of the Twilight Cult and provide refuge to those that request it. Now based within the fortified walls of Feathermoon Stronghold, with secondary accommodations in Stormwind by the generosity of King Varian Wrynn, their missions have expanded to encompass not only the will of the kaldorei nation, but at times the Alliance itself.

AllianceSavaena Windsong
Image of Savaena Windsong
Title Arch Druid, Guardian of Cenarius
Gender Female
Race Night elf
Level 80
Class Druid
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kaldorei, Druid of the Wild, Quel'dorei
Location Quel'Danas; Sylvanaar
Relative(s) Arthorn Windsong; Ferlynn Windsong; Sisters: Isildien, Lorenthalis (adopted), Arcurius (adopted); Brothers: Aramyll, Demael; Husband: Larimore Dragonsbane (deceased); Son: Kaelris; Daughters: Ilaera, Tarisiel, Amnestrya (deceased); Thero'shan and former lover of Eldamari Windrunner

Fears: becoming addicted to magic, losing herself to her own power. Of becoming a warlock or something evilly corrupted by the Nightmare. Death, especially of her children and mates. She is still haunted by the loss of her first two mates, one by corruption, the other by death at the battle of the Wrath Gate in Northrend.

Early life:

- Showed great potential as a mage, to the dismay of her parents - Began to learn of druidism at the age of seven, from her first teacher Eldamari Windrunner - Extremely close to her older brother Demael - Joined the Sentinels at 150 years old, she was restless and wanted adventure, wanted to see more of the world, was a Scout with fellow apprentice druid Renferal - War of the Shifting Sands - Third War

Savaena Windsong is one of the more unique druids in World of Warcraft found on the realm Scarlet Crusade. In the Role Play aspect, she is a descendant a Highborne family of night elves revered for their powerful connections to both nature and spirit. In normal game play she is the balance druid of the raiding guild Ladies of Destiny, currently exploring the progression content of Northrend.

Position in society: Matriarch of House Windsong, Friends to the Sisters of Elune and while she is a Devotee of the Cenarion Circle, she appears to oppose Fandral Staghelm as the true leader of the Cenarion Circle. After the Dark Portal was re-awakened, Savaena was assigned to lead the Cenarion Expedition into Draenor and establish a presence there. She is the Arch Druid of Sylvanaar, where she and her druids there watch over the activities of the Bladespire Ogres and Gruul the Dragonslayer, as well as working to bring new life to the barren landscape of Blade's Edge Mountains. It was not until much later that she learned this was to keep her away from the main activities of the Cenarion Circle. However this has not deterred her from returning to Azeroth frequently to convene with the druids at their gatherings, much to Fandral's dismay.

To many she seems a restless and enigmatic creature, often leaving for long periods without word, even for weeks at a time. If questioned, she will only whisper softly something about her duties as a Guardian, and has been caught letting the name Ysera slip from her lips.

Physical Description (abridged): Average height for a Kaldorei woman, dark sapphire hair, plaited with skin pale and flawless like moonlight save for one long white scar line that runs from the top of her right shoulder diagonally to her left hip bone, a serene expression and deepset eyes that glow silvery green. (think if the +81 healing enchant graphic but in a silvery-green light) Additionally, a marked icon of the druids was magically branded into her skin by her shando at birth to protect her. It sits just above where her posterior meets her torso on the right side.


Savaena was born in Hyjal during what the mortals celebrate as Winter Veil, 1,000 years before the Highborne were banished to the Eastern Kingdoms, making her 8,329 years old today. Despite the caution and outright animosity that was sometimes shown between the Kaldorei and Quel'dorei, others were more accepting of their cousins and sought peaceful relations in their new home in the aftermath of the War of the Ancients. Among these were the houses of Windsong and Windrunner, who had long maintained close ties. Both families agreed that an arranged marriage between the house of Windsong and the house of Windrunner would serve to strengthen their bonds of friendship. As each heads of households had first born sons, it was decided that the first born daughter of the Windsong would be promised to to the eldest son of the Windrunners.

Throughout her childhood, Savaena knew only happiness and peace as any child could; Hyjal had become a sheltered sanctuary to which the Kaldorei had receded from the rest of the world. And in this paradise, she flourished. Gifted with an angelic voice, her mother Raeyena taught her songs in old elven, weaving the lyrics with the Lore of their people. Her father Sornath, a druid himself, saw also her affinity towards magic and the natural way she wielded it in small ways. Concerned that she may endanger herself if allowed to continue, for the use of magic was forbidden, he encouraged her and her older half-brother, Demael, to learn all they could about Nature, the cycles of the seasons, animals, plants, ect. Together, brother and sister became quickly adept at understanding the natural world around them, and by the time she was seven Savaena was formally introduced to her Shando, Eldamari Windrunner.

As a champion of the Shattered Sun Offensive, she has joined with an elite team of heroines known as the Ladies of Destiny who've been tasked to destroy any chances of Kil'jaeden entering Azeroth through the Sunwell. In addition to this heavy burden, Savaena has recently taken on her first Thero'shan, Xaneria Firemoon, who has been a long time companion to her.

The Windsong

"I wish I had known the time before the War of the Ancients, when the world was younger and ever lush forests crowned my clan's temple. There was a time, that we were all content, aware and in harmony with the energies of spirit and forces of nature that surrounded us. We were the Windsong, revered by our people for our pious communion with Elune, and dedication to the new teachings of Druidism. Our intimate construct of the Balance - it was perfect. Our own secrets of the Well were safely guarded from the Quel'dorei, who sought to master a magic as old as the Aspect of Time. It was that greed to wield something far beyond us that led to our near distruction; led and betrayed by our own Light of Lights: the Queen Azshara. And it was in our own division that erupted a feud within my clan, those faithful to our queen, and those faithful to a higher power. Kin rose against kin, even as their blood stained our temple grounds at the hands of the Legion. I am Savaena Windsong of the Shen'drashan, and this is my story..."


The Windsong Clan of Night Elves were most noted for their close ties to both the Goddess Elune and Demi-God Cenarius. While Malorne was also worshipped by this familiy of priests, their initial dedication was to Elune herself. This remained so until Cenarius openly began to openly teach the Kaldorei about druidism. The Windsong not only embraced this form of natural magic, but integrated druidism with the way of the Light. After several generations of this practice a new form of druidism was derived: Shen'drashan or Balance Druidism. It was considered by all Kaldorei to be the ultimate harmony of Spirit and Nature, and it's teachings began to spread across the empire to all druids wishing to learn. The Favored of the Gods, or Kanaleari as the Windsong were also called, were granted gifts that would be passed down from parent to child. Other gifts were bestowed to those outside of the bloodline who chose to follow this way, the greatest to take on the likeness of Elune's precious creation of the Moonkin. Shan're Shando (literally Balance Keeper in Common) is a title of respect among the Night Elves that walk the path of Shen'drashan.

Today, the practice of Balance Druidism is common, but only a few descendants of the Windsong still remain, notably Arthorn Windsong who traveled with Savaena to Outland and now studies in nearby Evergrove, and Ferlynn Windsong who has traveled to the Borean Tundra on Savaena's behalf to assist in establishing Valiance Keep. As the final figurehead of her family line, Savaena has bore witness to the last of noble families of Night Elves dwindle and meld to indistinction with the rest of Kaldorian Society. Despite this, the rich family histories of these clans remain documented and preserved within the Temple of the Moon. Priests and Priestesses encourage the younger generations of their people to study these scrolls and tomes, so they do not forget their origins and those that came before them. So it is here that the history of the Windsong is also kept, if not fragmented. A single tome remains written in the elegant runic script of Xalem Moonwhisper and the mysterious priest known only as Incarna. Both were granted the title of An'delar (Lore Keeper) of this ancient family, and have spent the last three years chronolizing the rise and fall of the Windsong. Portions of this are found below:

To date we know not the ancestors beyond Elitharil, those records are uncoverable. But we know that he was a son of the Windsong family, and the patriarch at the time of the first war. Theirs were a House of the holy way of Elune, and worshipped in their temple in Ashenvale. It now lay in ruins, a tragic monolith, home to wild striders by the southern pass from Darkshore into Ashenvale and east of the coastline. May it never be home to anyone but the Wild. At the time of Elitharil's rise to leadership, having succeeded his father, we know that the temple was newer. It has been suggested by several of my colleagues that this clan originated from Zin-Azshari, and moved to outside of the great city perhaps 6,000 solar cycles before Elitharil's birth. And as a singular structure, isolated by the forests and sea, we can agree that this was done purposely to cultivate the path of Shen'drashan. While curious to explore the secrets of untold magic that lay in the depths of the Well of Eternity, they recognized early on the potential dangers that could arise from its use, and swore to guard the knowledge they had gathered. By Cenarius's teachings they flourished there for several thousand more solar cycles, and the people of Bashal and Ameth'Aran, even as far north as Mathystra were greatly cared for by the guidance and presence of these druid priests.

"We have begun to see changes among them, they have indeed been graced. Their golden healing light is now green and ripe, and when those of the Claw turn bear, and those of the Talon reach out to soar, these druids of the Wild don the likeness of the Wildkin." -from a torn page from an old journal, in the hand of Anaya Dawnrunner

Around this same point in time, the beautiful Azshara and Quel'dorei (Highborne) were actively seeking to unravel the mysteries of the Well of Eternity. At her command, many Highborne mages began to plumb its secrets and reveal its true purposes to the world. Watching their ceaseless work to understand and manipulate the energies focused in the Well, Elitharil became sickened. He ordered his clan to burn all scrolls of knowledge about the Well in their posession and commit to memory all that they had destroyed, in hope of preserving their world. Yet, in the end, the Windsong were unable to prevent the devastation that was to come.

As a last resort, Elitharil traveled to the city of Zin-Azshari, where he requested a private audience with his beloved queen. To his great suprise, Azshara consented, (knowing that he was a priest of noble Quel'dorei descent), and he was led to her private garden to await her arrival. What actually transpired within the garden walls, even I am not at liberty to say. But for three days and three nights the Queen and Clan Patriarch were not heard from, and on the morning of the fourth day, Elitharil was summarily dismissed from the palace and escorted west to the Windsong homestead, with hopes that he had convinced the queen to stay her hand from the Well.

But this was not to be so. Azshara continued her experiments upon the Well of Eternity and soon found the Highborne could use their new powers to create and destroy at their leisure. They had stumbled upon primitive, old magic and had resolved themselves to its mastery. Azshara began to practice arcane magic with reckless abandon, and distinct changes began to also take effect between the Highborne and the Night Elves.

Role Play Abilities

Speak on the Winds: an inherited trait and gift from Cenarius himself, those of the Windsong bloodline are able to relay messages across great distances using the wind. This can even span continents even to Draenor, where the cosmic winds of space can carry the their words to and from Azeroth.

Attacks and Abilities

  • Spells: Stub.png Savaena uses Moonfire with Wrath under normal circumstances, however she also has two other abilities. She has the power to summon Treants to defend her, as well as call on the power of Elune, increasing her all of her damage and healing by 155 for 20 seconds.


"May Cenarius be your strength, and Elune light the paths you tread."

"Do not meddle in the affairs of druids, for they are fierce and quick to protect nature."

"Nature comprises many things, of which one is a weapon. I am formidably armed."

"With great power, comes great responsibility."

"Look into my eyes and you will see what your love is doing to me. My eyes have learned to smile." (To Larimore Dragonsbane)

"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Run and be free of my wrath or stay and fight to your destruction! Now is the time to shape your destiny! Your fate is in your hands!"

"Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them."

"If my destiny is to forever walk the path of battle, I embrace it as the will of Elune. My scars will be medals for valor, for swiftness, for courage, for passion. My life is freely given to maintain the balance of the worlds. Always."

"You claim to love me but all you have grown to love is the power that flows through my viens. What if that power no longer existed would you remain by my side or seek comfort with another of power?" (To Eldamari Windrunner)

"Trees, protect me!"

"Brothers, come to my aid!"

"Allow my brothers to show you we mean business."

"Come to me, guardians of the wood!"

"Prepare to be Moonstruck!"

"Witness before your eyes the power of Nature: destruction and creation at its finest!"

"Endorel anuminor!"

"Nature has many allies. You shall not prevail against all of them."

"Come forth, you defenders of old!"

"The time is now! Leave none standing!"

"You do not belong here! Ancients, rise against these intruders to nature!"

"Fool! You think a druid fights alone? I have even the trees to fight at my side!"

"Elune, burn TARGET with your wrath!"

"The fire of the moon compels you!"

"Dor neph'o shano ri diel."

"For but a brief moment, I felt the presence of Elune."

"I have seen many things, but I have not yet known defeat."

"A Warden's work is never finished, the hunt is never over. There is only a new prey."

"Many craven races have tempted our wrath over the centuries. None have survived!"

"Diel final."

"Cenarius, grant me the armor of the forest!"

"My strength be yours, TARGET!"

"TARGET, may your spirit be rejuvinated!"

"TARGET, bring honor to yourself and your people."

"TARGET, fight with honor, fight with pride."

"Crafted stone by dwarven hands, and magic laid by mage's spell, take me far now from these lands, to the place I wish to dwell."

"Dath osa fandu anu diev'niel eburi!"

"Truth, justice, and the Night elf way!"

"In the name of Goddess!"

"For nature's survival!"

"Tor ilisar'thera'nal!"


"Bandu Thoribas!"

"Elune, grant me swift victory!"

"Ana'doreini talah!"

"Ana'duna thera!"

"Bash'a no falor talah!"

"Endu'di riffa!"

"Thor falah nor dora!"

"I will destroy those who disrupt nature."

"Look well, my enemy, for I am the last creature of beauty you will ever see."

"I live eternally for the Balance, you will die for it."

"Elune, hear my plea and help me aid my friends!"

"Healing spirits, arise!"

"Tal anu'men no Kaldorei!"

"Alana be'lendor!"

"Poisons are of Nature and turn harmless at my command."

"Taste the fury of nature!"

"The Stormrage be upon you!"

"For Cenarius!"

"For the Stormrage!"

"You dare challenge the Arch Druidess of Sylvanaar?!"

"Be'lemer an-delei!"

"Felomin Ashal!"

"Be'lanen dalorai!"

'"raises her staff to the sky and calls out in a strange language. The sky darkens and begins to fall upon TARGET."

"Poisons are of Nature and turn harmless at my command."

"Fear not any poison that may try its course with you, TARGET. All whims of Nature bend to a druid's touch."

"May you be gifted by the Mark of the Wild."

"May the Mark of Cenarius be your strength, TARGET."

"Andu fala dor, TARGET, tal ande'thoras ethil."

"We ride with Victory in our midst!"

"Run, soar with the wind at our heels!"

"Ildareth, show me the meaning of haste."

"Thando bala fare'thal del a'nah!"

"Elune! Hear my call and restore life to TARGET!"

"Goddess of the Night, hear the call of your humble daughter. Grant TARGET life!"

"TARGET, arise, you have not yet begun to fight!"

"Arise, my TARGET, return to the world of Life."

"Return to us, TARGET, for your destiny is not yet fullfilled, your duty yet unbound."

"Anar'alah belore TARGET, shindo fallah na zin-Eluni!"

"Your lack of bravery this day is duly noted."

"You seek others to fight for you? You die with no honor!"

"Halt in your tracks, TARGET!"

"Oh, were you going somewhere?"

"I think you're better off being firmly rooted in place, TARGET."

"In your place, TARGET, remain and dare not move."

"The art of bondage is a secondary nature to me."

"It is only by the grace of Elune that your death is swift and merciful. Otherwise I'd be wearing you as a coat by now."

"What we have here, TARGET, is a failure of a cummunicate."

"You do not know whom you play with."

"You will never know what hit you."

"Cry for mercy!"

"For Naisha! For Maiev!"

"You will regret approaching me."

"Truth, justice, and the Night elf way!"

"The arrow is a physical manisfitation of a hunter's will. It passes through the woods in silence and strikes down it's prey while alerting noone."

"If I had to rank the horde in a scale of which is my favored prey I would list the Taurens as my first. They make far nicer boots when I'm done with them."

"Comparing Dwarven to Night elf hunters is like comparing catapults to quill pens. Both can get the job done, but one with far greater subtlety and grace."

"I, like my hunter counter parts, was born a predator. It's taken fletchers hundreds of years to create a bow to my standards."

"Justice may be blind, but I'm not."

"We're wasting time here."

"Won't catch me standing still."

"I am the iron hand of justice."

"A Warden's work is never finished, the hunt is never over. There is only a new prey."

"Today was a good day for -you- to die."

"What is in a name, if not in word and deed?"


Honor (World PvP): Stub.png Killing this character will award you the honor equivalent of a Master Sergeant of the Alliance.


This article is a player character biography page for Savaena of Wyrmrest Accord US

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Please make sure player character articles are named properly - see the player character articles policy.

Savaena the Immortal is a level 85 night elf druid on the Wyrmrest Accord server, originally from Scarlet Crusade.

Savaena Windsong
Image of Savaena Windsong
Faction Alliance
Gender Female
Race Night elf
Class Druid
Talent Spec Balance, Restoration
Professions Alchemy, Enchanting
Realm Wyrmrest Accord

Appearance and Personality

Savaena marks her stride with absolute confidence that precedes her elegant, serene form. Of average height and weight for a Kaldorei woman, she graces others with a knowing gaze that belies a sense of clever wit.

Her lavender complexion is fair with claw-stylized facial tattoos that frame her eyes. Dark and slightly wavy sapphire hair falls freely about her shoulders and down her back. At times it may be kept braided closely to the nape of her neck. Her eyes shimmer with an arcane blue glow, which she claims is due to a fanciful pastime of enchanting. However, those who know her intimately know better.

Her toned physique is evident of centuries spent sculpting her slender but muscular frame. Most of her noteworthy scars are hidden by clothing, except for one long line that runs near the top of her right shoulder.

Small silver rings hang from her long tapered ears, often toyed with when she appears nervous or contemplative. A dainty, smaller ring adorns her right nostril. Upon her slender neck, a simple silver chain carries a delicately cut of Shadowsong Amethyst: hewn from the legendary stone, Heart of Night.

Her modesty appears in her choice of garb, consisting of soft leathers that are ascetic and fitted for quick movement. However, when the opportunity arises, her wardrobe reluctantly comprises of 2-3 elegant gowns ready to display her Highborne heritage's esteem.

Skills / Abilities

Class Knowledge: Druid and Mage

Primary Professions: Enchanting, Alchemy, Herbalism

Secondary Professions: Cooking, Fishing, Archaeology

Languages Spoken: Darnassian, Thalassian, Common, Troll, Orcish, some Draconic


The Moon Guard Academy - Studied Arcane Arts and Combat until the Sundering.

The Sentinels - Served as a forward scout in Ashenvale until she joined the Cenarion Circle.

The Cenarion Circle - One of the first females allowed into the organization, though she had been a druid for quite some time before this.  Trained by her father and later by Remulos.

The Aessinian Circle - Member of a small order of female druids who follow the path of the mysterious nature spirit Aessina, and revere her as a goddess.


Prior to the Third War, Oriseus was an apprentice to Silvermoon City's premier botanist and gardener; he helped maintain public gardens in western Silvermoon as well as conducting research and experiments on his master's estate. His master sent him on a wild goose chase to Kul Tiras shortly before the Scourge descended on Quel'thalas, thus ensuring his survival, but Oriseus returned to find his homeland in ruins. Eventually he was found by a blood elf patrol (with a warlock in their midst) who brought up to speed on what had befallen his race. Oriseus generally refrains from giving details as to how and why he took up warlocking, preferring to cite desperation and then immediately change the subject. Most inquiries about his family are met with similar misdirection.

Like most of the blood elves who remained on Azeroth, he took what work he could find in Eversong Woods and the Ghostlands before branching out into more far-reaching adventures. During his service there, Tranquilien came under attack by a kaldorei druid. Eventually the alarms were answered by a Forsaken by name of Centus MacManus – also known as Centimanus – who tracked the marauding druid down and made mince of him. The undead hero remained to chat with the elves he'd just saved. Centus used it as a prime opportunity to evangelize his Queen's "compassion:" swift aid to friends and swift death to foes. Thus was set into motion a series of events that led to Oriseus swearing fealty to Lady Sylvanas over Prince Kael'thas and Lor'themar Theron, becoming a Courier of Compassion.

Oriseus continued his training all across Azeroth and later Draenor. His fellow Couriers informed him of Prince Kael's betrayal weeks before he began working in Outland; it was a foregone conclusion that he would side with the Scryers, and he now boasts exalted status with the defectors as well as the whole of the Horde. When the Couriers were dissolved, Oriseus chose to remain in the Dark Lady's service rather than retire or take a letter of recommendation to another group.

His unquestioning loyalty and daredevil attitude landed him a long-term mission soon afterward. After two years in the field, presumably undercover among the Cult of the Damned, he returned to the Undercity with a lengthy report. While the details are still largely classified the end result of his work was the destruction of a large Cult cell that had posed an increasing threat to Sylvanas' forces. The lasting effects on the warlock himself remain to be seen.


Above all else, Oriseus is motivated by a hatred of demons and Scourge. Warlocking seems a strange choice of professions but he sees it as a means to an end: he seeks nothing less than total subjugation, then destruction, of the Burning Legion. The demons bound to him do not serve by choice or contract, but as slaves, having been summoned and literally beaten into submission. The normally-gentle sin'dorei has a mile-wide sadistic streak where his minions are concerned, regularly tormenting and physically abusing them as well as inviting others to do the same.

His hatred of the Scourge has led him to work extensively for the Argent Dawn and its subsidiary, the Argent Crusade. He is one of the founding members of the Argent Vanguard Coalition and participated in every strike the Coalition made against Naxxramas. However, Oriseus considers Kel'thuzad and his citadel of horrors to be but a large hurdle on the way to the true enemy: the Lich King himself. This attitude of viewing what some might consider a primary goal to be a stepping-stone to something greater is typical of Oriseus' mindset. He is, by his own admission, willing to go to great lengths and stoop to untold lows in order for the sake of what he believes he must ultimately accomplish.

Magical Dualities: Druid gone a-Casting

Recently, Savaena has been spotted wearing lighter armor and keeping the company of the recently returned Highborne. She had in fact, at her father's insistence, originally trained in the art of druidism to mask her inherent magical talent. out of fear prior to the Exile of the Highborne.

In sharp contrast to the general fear of relationships he has with his minions, he seems to have a deep, fraternal affection for his animal companions.

This comes as no surprise to those who know him, given the size of his menagerie at home.

His primary hunting partners are the mysterious spirit beast Tâd-amair (short for Padam'tretâd-amair, "he walks through two worlds") and the haughty blue frostsaber Darthanant ("the long-awaited one").

It would appear that his inborn connection to nature has finally resurfaced through the taint of warlock magic: as he specializes in [Exotic Beasts] as a hunter.

Public knowledge and rumors

  • Savaena is rumored to be truly immortal, though the night elves have not yet regained their immortality as a people. Third and fourth-hand information from observant sources have intimated that this particular night elf has been blessed with this gift by dragons, though the circumstances that would have led to such an endowment remain a mystery. Only those in closest confidence to the druid may know the whole story.

  • Oriseus openly admits to having been a strike-force leader in the infamous Twenty-Three-Minute Raid – specifically, the team that invaded the Exodar and felled the Prophet Velen. This, along with numerous other incursions against the draenei and the Exodar in particular, have earned him the epithet "Prophet-Slayer."
  • He is vehemently anti-Alliance but makes concessions for individuals who earn his respect. In particular he is an outspoken defender of the human paladin Siggy's pilgrimages to Undercity – the very place whose defense the Couriers hold paramount.
  • Much to the dismay of numerous women in both the Horde and Alliance, Oriseus is openly gay. He is also an incorrigible flirt with a wandering eye. His flirtations are largely harmless, though, if not meant entirely in jest: his eyes may wander, but his heart doesn't stray.
  • He suffers from a moderate stutter which he keeps suppressed most of the time. It gets out of control when he's tired or stressed. He took up singing in his youth to learn to control his speech, and writes songs as well.
  • Oriseus is a master alchemist specialized in transmutations.
  • Oriseus is exalted with numerous factions, covets titles, and has an extensive collection of mounts and vanity pets.
  • His player coined term "A-side" (meaning Alliance), which has since seen widespread use on the Moon Guard forums, and gave the Argent Vanguard Coalition its official name.
  • His surname's resemblance to the Horde guild Knights of the Last Dawn is purely coincidental, if awkward.

"Through the fire and devastation that harbinged Deathwing's cataclysmic arrival into Azeroth, through the deforestation at the tainted hands of the Twilight Cult, and even the elementals that threatened to destroy the World Tree a second time with their blazing spirits, the Children survived. Ten mere acorns, salvaged from beneath the charred earth of the mountain by Aessina's champion; the seedlings were delivered to the Arch druid, Runetotem, and found life by the sheer miracle that is Nature's will. Now they stand tall, shouting out their rebellion against the powers of darkness by the sheer majesty of their silent, living vigil. Their message is clear: Nature will always find a way. -We- will always find a way."
