Asyuna Nightwind

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Lore: user:Jeon Moonn/Characters
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
AllianceAsyuna Nightwind

Asyuna Nightwind.png

Asyuna Nightwind (Priestess of the Moon).png
Title Lady Nightwind,
The Elune Archer,
Heroine of Kal'doreis,
Champion of Azeroth,
Winter's Envoy,
Protector of Ardenweald
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Class Hunter, Wrath-Logo-Small.png Elven ranger, Bc icon.gif Druid, WoW Icon update.png Priestess of the Moon
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kal'dorei, Sentinels, Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune, Army of the Black Moon, Night Fae Covenant, Alliance
Occupation The Elune Archer, Heroine of Kal'dorei, Champion of Azeroth
Former occupation(s) Priestess of the Elune
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Unnamed Father
Unnamed Mother
Ayune Nightwind (Sister)
Eliysra Arcanlune ("Cousin")
Jin Si-Yuan (Love Interest)
Mentor(s) Tyrande Whisperwind, Alleria Windrunner, Winter Queen
Companion(s) Wwblz (Dear Friend)
Jeon Moon (Best Friend)
Nyx (owl)

Asyuna Nightwind (pronounced "Ah-syuh-una"), is the Night elf born in an inner city of Teldrassil, Asyuna grew up with the desire to become a Priestess of Elune in the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus, capital of Teldrassil, and in the end she became one.

Over the years asyuna felt she could do more for her people, so she tried to become a druid, but she had no vocation, she found herself in archery, becoming a formidable archer and hunter, became the Heroine of the Kal'dorei and later The Elune Archer.

currently Asyuna has gained the trust of the Night fae of Ardenweald and the Winter Queen, promising to help them save Ardenweald from drought.

🌘 Asyuna's Story 🌒

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Priestess of Elune

Asyuna Nightwind is a Night Elf born in Dolanaar, a town in the countryside of Teldrassil, but not far from the capital, Darnassus, Asyuna has a younger sister Ayune, and both grew up and followed the path of the Sisterhood of Elune, starting from Dolanaar and going to the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus.

Over time Asyuna felt that she needed to do more than just heal the wounded, not being able to bear to see the sufferings of both her people, so much of others, asyuna decided she would fight for the weak and oppressed and their people.


Moonglade, the haven of druids.

Asyuna then left the Temple of the Moon and left for Nordrassil on Mount Hyjal, there she started preparations to become a druid, asyuna trained a lot but despite her great love for forests and animals, her connection with Druidry did not it was enough.

After trying and trying she realized that Druidry was not really her vocation, she was a little sad and went to reflect in the lake of Nordrassil, after reflecting she did not let herself be shaken, as this was an experience and she was determined now more than ever to find her vocation.

The Sentinels and the Heroine of the Kaldoreis

After returning from Mount Hyjal, Asyuna heard that Shandris, adopted daughter of Lady Tyrande, needed help to expel the feathermoon Nagas in Feralas, Asyuna soon offered her help, getting there asyuna took a bow and arrow for the first time in his hands, moved by intuition and willingness to help those people, asyuna fired a wave of arrows at once, which defeated several nagas in front of him, impressing the Sentinels.

After the battle the Sentinels managed to expel the nagas, Lady Tyrande had arrived to visit her daughter and see how Asyuna had attracted attention for being very good with the bow, Tyrande then calls and offers her the position of leading the Sentinels, which Asyuna refuses and asks to pass this position to Shandris, Asyuna tells to do part of the Sentinels would be enough and that she would like to fight not only for the Night Elves, but for everyone who needed help and salvation, Tyrande was proud to hear that and then gave it to asyuna the title Heroine of the Kal'doreis.

Champion of Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

After officially becoming a Sentinel, Asyuna became well known both among the people of the Alliance, and among the people of the Horde for being known as a hero between the two factions, Asyuna was summoned by Magni to meet with he in Silithus because Azeroth asked him to give his heart to asyuna for this merit, Asyuna had become now the Champion of Azeroth.

Very honored and happy for this new title asyuna returned to Teldrassil anxious to tell her sister Ayune and their leader Tyrande, about the new title she had won, but she didn’t know what was coming.

The Burning of Teldrassil

In the middle of the silithus trip to Teldrassil, Asyuna observed that the sky was getting darker and grayer as she approached home, a huge gray mist hung over the sea, asyuna felt the temperature gets hot when suddenly a burning leaf falls on his face, asyuna quickly removed the leaf from his face where he had left a burn scar, after the fog had subsided, asyuna was faced with the worst scene of his life.

Teldrassil was on fire, his house was on fire and its people running to despair, asyuna went into shock and desperate started to cry and needed to get to Teldrassil as soon as possible because he wanted to help evacuate his people from the world tree, asyuna was acting in despair, without thinking.

A night elf raft approached and saw asyuna going in the opposite direction, quickly they pulled her onto the raft and left those refugees from the raft and asyuna on the beach Darkshore, where they were teleported to Stormwind, the capital of the Alliance and the kingdom of humans, there they evacuated and housed the maximum of night elves that managed to save from the burning of Teldrassil, Asyuna still in shock fell in despair and crying, next to his people who cried and cried out for revenge.

The Elune Archer

After the burning of Teldrassil the Night Elves were still in mourning, while others cried out for revenge, Tyrande the leader of the night elves, would not stand still while the enemies desecrated what was left of their lands, Teldrassil the tree from the world, it had now turned to ashes, but below Teldrassil was the coast of the continent of Kalimdor, called Darkshore.

Asyuna learned that her Leader Tyrande had left for Darkshore alone, in order to expel enemies from our lands, concerned asyuna and a group of Night Elves left after their leader to help her expel enemies from our lands, whatever what he knew was that Tyrande had started a very dangerous ancient ritual where he became the avatar of the fury of Elune, the Goddess of the moon and the night elves, when asyuna and the others arrived at tyrande, it was too late, a huge black moon hovered under the Darshore sky and there was no way to interrupt the ritual, so Tyrande, Asyuna and all the Night Elves present there went through the ritual, with Tyrande becoming the Night Warrior and Asyuna The Elune Archer, all present there lost their eyes with colors lunar, for now eyes with colors of the black moon, representing the fury of Elune, and now the night elves will have justice, because the Night Warrior lives in its leader, Tyrande Whisperwind.

After expelling the horde and its enemies, Darkshore was once again the night elves, Asyuna and her sister Ayune today resist at Nordrassil on Mount Hyjal as a temporary home, and Asyuna and neither Tyrande will stand still until the night elves have justice for Teldrassil.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Nordrassil Dark Abduction.png

After spending time in Nordrassil, Asyuna and her sister Ayune were reflecting on the latest events with their people and wondering what the future awaited them, then suddenly the Nightwind sisters observed that the sky had suddenly darkened,the sisters saw flying beings and shadows descending from the sky and attacking the leader of the night elves, Tyrande Whisperwind, Asyuna soon went to help her leader against the winged creatures, while Ayune opened a huge barrier to protect herself and the common citizens there.

Tyrande, Shandris and Asyuna fight the creatures with Tyrande dealing the final blow to the winged creatures, Asyuna then receives a call from Highlord Bolvar, to leave for the Icecrown Citadel in Northrend and tells Tyrande to attend too, Tyrande tells Asyuna go ahead because she was going to solve a problem before and then Asyuna leaves for Northrend.

Arriving there it didn't take long for Tyrande to arrive soon after, there were some Alliance and Horde leaders there, and then after some discussions between factions, Bolvar began to explain the reason for the shattered sky and the "winged creatures" that were consequences of the acts of Sylvanas Windrunner, who had broken the Helm of domination and with that tore the veil between life and death, and that the winged creatures of the realm of death kidnapped some of our friends like: Jaina, Baine, Thrall and even the King Anduin, said that he and the Knights of the Ebon Blade would open a portal through the shards of the helmet and cross the veil and enter the realm of death, the Shadowlands, in search of her kidnapped friends, Asyuna departed with the knights and Tyrande jumped through the portal at the last second.

The Maw.

After entering the Shadowlads, Asyuna and the knights of the ebony blade discover that they are in the place called Maw, a realm where all the evil souls of the universe go and is led by the The Jailer, after some adventures, Asyuna and the knights of the blade of ebony discover that the only way out of the Maw is through a waystone that is in a place close to where they are, so Asyuna and the knights of the ebony blade leave for the place of the stone and there the stone begins to react to the presence of Asyuna, then asyuna starts channeling the waystone while the ebony blade knights fight the mawsworn to protect asyuna, then she manages to activate the waystone creating a portal, she passes through the portal and ends up in a place called Oribos.

Oribos the eternal city, the heart of Shadowlads, There asyuna meets the brokers and the attendants and one of those attendants was called Tal-Inara. Tal'Inara tells Asyuna that shadowlands are experiencing a drought and an imbalance that started when The Arbiter fell asleep, the arbiter is asleep after some accident that happened thousands of years ago, Tal-Inara says that all evil and good souls are being led away from their rightful afterlife and are being condemned to spend an eternity in the Maw. Tal-Inara asks Asyuna to help the other realms of Shadowlads, one of these realms of the [Afterlife] was a mystical celestial forest called Ardenweald and the ruler of this realm was called Winter Queen.

The Protector of Ardenweald

And that's where Asyuna goes to help, the celestial mystic forest is experiencing a drought as all souls are heading to the Maw there is no anima for the other realms of the afterlife, so the Winter Queen is having the difficult decision to choose, which dream tree shall remain and which shall perish forever.

The Winter Queen in N [55-60] Awaken the Dreamer.
Ysera reborn in Ardenweald.

Asyuna arrives in Ardenweald and meets the Night Fae and helps them on some missions in Ardenweald, until meeting Lady Moonberry one of the Ardenweald faeries who had access to the Court of Night, helping Lady Moonberry, Asyuna could have a direct contact with the Winter Queen, but before Asyuna helped the Night Fae with some Wildseed, and one in specific got very attached to Asyuna, as if they had a bond, after many duties fulfilled the Wildseed was dying and Asyuna along with Lady Moonberry and some Night Fae did everything to save her, but it was not working and there was only one last option left, to take her to the Winter Queen, only she could save the Wildseed, so the Winter Queen answered the request and Asyuna discovers that the soul that slept in that wildseed was the soul of Ysera, the fallen matriarch of the Green dragonflight from Azeroth.

After these events the Winter Queen calls Asyuna in her throne room in the Heart of the Forest, there she says that she learned of all Asyuna's deeds in having helped several woods in Ardenweald and asks if Asyuna would like to join the Night Fae Covenant, which Asyuna accepts and also joins Wild Hunt to protect Ardenweald from the Drusts, so the Winter Queen names Asyuna the Protector of Ardenweald.

After some time, when finally Ardenweald was recovering from the anima drought, the forest was invaded by the forces of the Maw led by Sylvanas, just as it had done in Teldrassil, Asyuna screamed in rage and swore that she would not let the Night Fae pass through tragedy her people had gone through and that her wouldn't let sylvanas do the same atrocity again. Asyuna along with the Wild Hunt army managed to protect the groves and the Queen from the mawsworn, so sylvanas summoned a maw portal and from there came a giant mawsworn, this would turn the tide of the battle to the side of the mawsworn and sylvanas, but luckily from the same portal also came Tyrande who was hunting Sylvanas since she arrived in the Shadowlands, so both fought a duel and Asyuna and Wild Hunt took the opportunity to repel the mawsworns, Tyrande almost manages to finish the banshee and finally have her revenge for Teldrassil, but the power of the night fades and with that sylvanas flees and an exhausted Tyrande passes out.

Three characters from the Shadowlands that were Night Warriors gathered.

Ysera puts her to sleep and says that Tyrande's time is running out because the Night Warrior's power is consuming her and her body won't take it, so Asyuna and Ysera along with the help of Lady Moonberry and others who were Night Warriors in life as Thiernax, Khaliiq and The Stonewright, perform a N [60] Rituals of Night to share Tyrande's burden, but the ritual doesn't go very well and Tyrande is totally consumed by Elune's rage, Lady Moonberry then asks the Winter Queen for help to save Tyrande, the Winter Queen intervenes and helps save Tyrande and then Elune possesses Tyrande's body and talks to the Winter Queen where it is revealed that the two are sisters. after the sisters' conversation, Elune says that Tyrande should choose Revenge or Renewal, and Tyrande chooses renewal so her people can build a new future, with Tyrande and Asyuna cleansing themselves of the Mother Moon's dark powers.

After the events Asyuna returns to Oribos to witness the trial of Sylvanas Windrunner, arriving there the new Arbiter Pelagos tells Sylvanas to entrust her judgment to whomever her heart sends, and she submits to the judgment of Tyrande Whisperwind, so Tyrande tells her that Sylvanas' recent remorse may be genuine, but that will never erase all the bad things Sylvanas has done, so Tyrande says that Sylvanas' penance will be for her to go to Maw and redeem all the souls she sent there unfairly and send them to the Arbiter for may he judge souls with compassion that every soul deserves, and so she will bring renewal to those souls and when the maw is totally empty with no more souls and sylvans is all that's left then yes her penance will come to an end so sylvanas accepts tyrande's judgment and leaves for maw to begin her penance.

After everything is resolved Asyuna decides that before finally returning to Azeroth, she was going to Ardenweald one last time once again say goodbye to the Night Fae and the Winter Queen.

Goodbye Ardenweald

Upon arriving in Ardenweald one last time, Asyuna accompanies Tyrande Whisperwind to Winter Queen's call in [[Grove of Awakening, there the Winter Queen asks Tyrande if she has found justice in her realm, and Tyrande responds that she went there to seek revenge and almost forgot to have Hope which the Winter Queen thanks her because thanks to this choice she and her sister were able to Reconcile and The Sisters' Tear , Winter Queen offers the souls night elves eternal tranquility in the branches of Ardenweald, but they choose to be part of the renewal of their surviving kin, and embeds their essences/souls within the Seed The Sisters' Tear which the Winter Queen offers to Tyrande and wishes her happiness and peace to tyrande and her people, and on behalf of all kaldoreis Tyrande thanks Winter Queen.

After this emotional moment, Ysera says that she cannot return to Azeroth as it is linked to the realm of Ardenweald, but tells Tyrande and Asyuna to look for her daughter Merithra, she had helped Tyrande and the night elves find a new place to plant the seed of The Sisters' Tear.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
[[Teldrassil WoW Icon update.png]] 1-20
[[Temple of the Moon WoW Icon update.png-Wrath-Logo-Small.png]] 20
[[Moonglade Cataclysm]] 30
[[Unseen Path Legion]] 40
[[Silithus Legion]] 48
[[Darkshore Battle for Azeroth]] 50
[[Mount Hyjal Battle for Azeroth]] 59
[[Ardenweald Shadowlands]] 60


Asyuna is a very devoted, kind, and courageous person, but she is also extremely protective and caring towards her sister, Ayune. She is often faithful to her goddess whom she refers to as Mother Moon, she is also very loyal to her people, friends and allies. typically has a cool, calm, and collected personality. Reputable among other peoples for being "too serious." At times, she loses her temper. Asyuna was represented by word/emotion: 信念—"faith."


Patch changes