User:GoldenYak/Tyr, Watcher of Order

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MobTyr, Watcher of Order
No image available
Race Titanic watcher (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Location The Dreadforge, The Dreadforge
Status Killable
The Dreadforge

The former Watcher of Order in Ulduar.

Dungeon Journal

The missing watcher of Ulduar. Tyr departed from his seat amongst the watchers before Loken moved to capture them, and his whereabouts have been the source of much speculation. At last, the missing watcher is found - deep beneath the Storm Peaks, Tyr has led the dread iron dwarves in the creation of a terrible dark city, forged from the sea of Yogg-Saron's blood. Caught in the grip of Yogg-Saron's corruption even in the wake of the fiend's death, Tyr's new vision of order will threaten all of Azeroth.

The Encounter

Phase One - The Dread Legion

Tyr floats above the Dreadforge and uses it to bring forth legions of dread iron dwarves to attack the players. The Dreadforge will also produce three unique Eidolons as the encounter progresses, each Eidolon becoming active shortly after the previous Eidolon has been defeated. Shortly after all three Eidolons have been slain, the second phase of the encounter will begin.

Shared Eidolon Abilities

  • Sha ability rogue envelopingshadows.png Power of the Dreadforge —  Stacking buff that an Eidolon will gain for every previously slain Eidolon. Increases attack damage by 50%.
    • Sha spell fire blueflamestrike.png Dread Shock —  Used when an Eidolon dies with two stacks of Power of the Dreadforge. Deals a burst of nature damage to all players and any Chaosforged enemies still active.
  • Spell frost iceclaw.png Thunder Claw  —  The Eidolon's electrified talons rend flesh and melt armor. This stacking debuff reduces armor. At 10 stacks the target becomes stunned for eight seconds and deals nature damage to nearby allies.
  • Spell fire meteorstorm.png Molten Rain —  If the Dreadsteel Eidolon has been slain, this ability will be granted to any active Eidolon. Causes boulders of molten steel to rain down at random locations, dealing flame splash damage.
  • Spell lightning lightningbolt01.png Skyfire  —  If the Skyfire Eidolon has been slain, this ability will be granted to any active Eidolon. Causes bolts of lightning to strike random locations, dealing nature splash damage.
  • Spell nature wispsplode.png Voltage Bomb  —  If the Stormscream Eidolon has been slain, this ability will be granted to any active Eidolon. Causes Voltage Bombs to appear at random locations. After a certain time they will detonate, dealing lethal nature damage to anyone within 25 yards of them.

Stormscream Eidolon

  • Spell shaman staticshock.png Discharge Voltage  —  The Stormscream Eidolon periodically releases Voltage Orbs that impact random locations, dealing splash damage when then strike. Voltage Orbs will deal periodic nature damage to all players while active. If the Stormscream Eidolon comes into contact with them, they will deal a burst of nature damage to all players and disperse. Voltage Orbs will eventually detonate and deal lethal damage to all players if not dispersed.

Skyfire Eidolon

  • Ability thunderking lightningwhip.png Searing Skyfire  —  The Eidolon sears the ground in front of it with a Skyfire Strike, turning it molten with burning power. Strike deals a massive burst of nature damage to all enemies caught in it, and the bubbling ground deals periodic flame damage to anyone standing on it.

Dreadsteel Eidolon

  • Ability warrior shieldbreak.png Haunted Fragments  —  As the Dreadsteel Eidolon takes damage, it sheds fragments of its iron-bound body, each containing a portion of its power. Haunted Fragments manifest as separate enemies that remain stationary and cast Burning Fury. Haunted Fragments expire over time.
    • Spell fire fire.png Burning Fury  —  Deals flame damage to all enemies within 15 yards of the Haunted Fragment.

The Dread Legion

Chaosforged Juggernaut
  • Dreadcharge  —  The Juggernaut charges a random target, dealing a burst of physical damage and knocking them back.
  • Growing Dread  —  Increases damage by 10%. Every time the Juggernaut uses Dreadcharge, he gains a stack of Growing Dread.
  • Throw Stormhammer  —  The Juggernaut hurls his Stormhammer at a random target's location, instantly dealing a burst of nature damage to all players within 8 yards. The hammer remains embedded in the ground, dealing periodic nature damage every second to anyone close by. The Juggernaut's attack damage is reduced by 15% as long as he is without his hammer.
  • Call Stormhammer —  The Juggernaut recalls his thrown Stormhammer to his hand. Anyone struck by the returning hammer is stunned for 1 sec and takes a burst of physical damage.
Chaosforged Thundermaster
  • Aura of Iron Mending  —  Nearby enemies take nature damage every 0.5 seconds and nearby allies are healed every 0.5 seconds.
  • Focus  —  Thundermasters ignore threat and move towards the Eidolon with the lowest health.
  • Crackling Footsteps  —  Thundermasters leave behind trails of lightning that deal nature damage to anyone standing on them and persist as long as the Thundermaster lives.
  • Thunderfall  —  The Thundermaster flings an arcing bolt of ball lightning at a random target, dealing a burst of nature damage.
  • Dispersal  —  When under 25% health, Thundermasters lose Aura of Iron Mending, begin rapidly regenerating health, and cast Thunderfall much more frequently.
Chaosforged Headtaker
  • Cut Down  —  Inflicts a burst of physical damage to the target and causes them to take additional damage from physical attacks for 1 min. This effect is removed if the target is fully healed.
  • Lightning Step  —  The Headtaker transforms into ball lightning and leaps to a random player's location, dealing a burst of nature splash damage.
Chaosforged Doombringer
  • Lightning Bullet  —  Deals a blast of nature damage to the target.
  • Stormfall Shot  —  Bolts of lightning strike down repeatedly from above in a line that moves towards a random target. Bolts deal nature splash damage. Lightning will fall for 20 seconds.

Phase Two - The Watcher of Chaos

After the third Eidolon has been slain, Tyr himself will enter the fray. This phase will continue until Tyr is reduced to 40% health.

Tyr, Watcher of Chaos

  • Ability warlock whiplash.png Lash of Ruin  —  Afflicts Tyr's primary target. Their health and armor will gradually crumble down to 10% of normal over the course of 8 seconds. Players are also afflicted with Ruined.
    • Ability warlock soulswap.png Ruined  —  Reduces health and armor by 90%. Health and armor will gradually be regained over the course of 30 seconds. Increases all damage taken by 35% for 30 seconds.
  • Ability rogue envelopingshadows.png Power of Erebos  —  Unknown titan energy pours forth from Tyr's staff, striking all players for shadow damage periodically. Increases in damage as Tyr's health falls.
  • Spell shadow dispersion.png Proemial Forces  —  Tyr calls upon a forbidden energy of the titans. Two globes of Erebos will appear on opposite sides of Tyr and move towards him. Damaging one Erebos globe slows its movement speed but speeds up its opposite. When a globe reaches Tyr, it deals a burst of shadow damage to all players based on the amount of health the globe had remaining. Erebos globes cannot be destroyed.
  • Ability warlock everlastingaffliction.png Erebos Wave  —  Tyr periodically calls on the energies of the Dreadforge, calling it to spill out Erebos across the chamber. Rivers of Erebos will flow from the Dreadforge, covering large swaths of the chamber. Anyone caught in the initial wave will be swept along, becoming stunned and taking periodic shadow damage until the wave reaches the far end of the chamber. Anyone stepping in the Erebos will take shadow damage every second. Rivers of Erebos persist for a short time.

Phase Three - The Avatar of Chaos

Once Tyr's health has been reduced to 40%, this final phase begins. The battle ends when Tyr is reduced to 10% health.

Tyr, Watcher of Chaos

Tyr loses Proemial Forces and Erebos Wave and gains the following abilities.

  • Spell shadow antishadow.png Proemial Darkness  —  Tyr continually summons globes of Erebos from the far edge of the chamber, which move towards him. Globes can be attacked, and they will slow as their health drops. After a short time, the globes burst and release trails of Erebos that flow in four random directions for 30 yards. If a globe reaches Tyr, it deals a burst of shadow damage to all players based on the amount of health the globe had remaining. Erebos globes cannot be destroyed. Erebos trails persist for a short time.
  • Spell shadow shadowfury.png Lash of Dread  —  Tyr focuses all of his dread power into a single blast, striking everything in a 60 yard cone in front of him. Anyone struck takes a massive burst of shadow damage and are flung backwards. A huge mass of Erebos is spawned from the area effected, which gradually expands outwards before dissipating.


Heroic Difficulty Heroic Mode

All of the members of the Dread Legion gain the following ability in Heroic Mode:

  • Spell priest divinestar shadow2.png Dreadborne Spark  —  When a member of the Dread Legion falls, they spawn a Dreadborne Spark, which will move towards the nearest Eidolon, who will consume it. Every spark the Eidolon consumes restores 4% of its health and increases its damage. Dreadborne Sparks cause a burst of nature damage to all players when consumed. Sparks lose movement speed as their health is reduced. Sparks cannot be reduced below 1% health and rapidly regenerate health every second. Sparks despawn instantly if an Eidolon is killed.

Tyr gains the following abilities in Heroic Mode:

  • Spell fire blueimmolation.png Empowered  —  Tyr gains power for everyone globe of Erebos that comes into contact with him, increasing the damage he deals.
  • Ability priest shadowyapparition.png Imbued with Erebos  —  Infuses the power of Erebos into a random player. Imbued with Erebos increases a target's damage and healing, but also increases damage taken. This effect is increased by every player who is Imbued with Erebos. When this effect ends, a burst of shadow damage erupts from the player and Imbued with Erebos will attempt to spread to anyone struck by it.


  • Long Live the Legion - Defeat 100 members of the Dread Legion before slaying the third eidolon, then defeat Tyr, Watcher of Order.
  • Cast a Shadow on Darkness Itself - Defeat Tyr, Watcher of Order without allowing any globes of Erebos to reach him after his health has been reduced to 40%.



  • The Dreadforge is complete! All the power of Yogg-Saron is now mine to command!
  • With it, I will succeed where Xarosan failed! I will use Malykriss and the power of the Dreadforge to bring forth the Old Gods ultimate champion!
  • All that stands between me and my new world... is you.
Begin Encounter
  • Legions of the Dreadforge! Come forwards!
Spawning an Eidolon
  • The power of Yogg-Saron's blood is eternal!
  • The fire of the heavens will scorch you down to your bare black bones!
  • The clash of thunder heralds your destruction!
Begin Phase Two
  • Enough! I will destroy you myself! I call upon the power even the titans feared!
Casting Proemial Forces
  • The forbidden power!
  • The essence of anti-life!
  • Vita becomes Erebos!
  • Life becomes death!
Casting Waves of Erebos
  • The blood lives!
  • The power of the Old Gods cannot die!
  • The power of death itself!
Begin Phase Three
  • Witness the truth of the final equation! Gor aes nul skirn mokk!
Casting Lash of Dread
  • Condemnation!
  • Alienation!
  • Judgement!
Killing a Player
  • Failure!
  • Hope becomes folly!
  • Despair!
  • A hero becomes a mockery!
  • This was the only possible outcome!
Encounter Ends
  • No! I will not fall to the likes of you!


  • Tyr yells: I command the power of the Old God of Death!
  • Tyr begins drawing more power from the Dreadforge.
  • Tyr yells: The power of the Dreadforge will strike you down!
  • The Cloaked Stranger appears.
  • Cloaked Stranger yells: Enough! These mortal heroes have bested you. Your mad schemes will come to an end now.
  • Tyr yells: Y-you! No! It cannot be!
  • Cloaked Stranger yells: I command you... submit!
  • Tyr falls before the Cloaked Stranger's mysterious power.
  • Cloaked Stranger says: Champions, I could not have brought this abomination to heel if you had not defeated him. You have my thanks. And I give to you the truth as well.
  • The Cloak Stranger removes his cloak to reveal...
  • Tyr, Watcher of Order says: I am Tyr. The true Tyr. Keeper of Ulduar and Watcher of Order.
  • Tyr, Watcher of Order says: The being you have fought all this while has been my avatar. I created him long ago to oversee matters beyond my temple in the Storm Peaks, as my sister Freya did.
  • Tyr, Watcher of Order says: Before my brother Loken turned to madness, Yogg-Saron subverted my avatar and used it to lure me from my temple. Loken could not have succeeded if I had stood against him with my brothers and sister.
  • Avatar of Tyr says: N-nooo... I am.. the true...
  • Tyr, Watcher of Order says: My avatar has been totally subsumed by corruption. I will need time to see if it can be repaired. But now we can bring this awful chain of events to a final end. I will destroy this abominable engine.
  • Tyr, Watcher of Order says: Wait. What is this..?
  • The necropolis Malykriss suddenly appears, parting the dark clouds overhead.
  • Tyr, Watcher of Order says: The necropolis of the Twilight Cult! This does not bode well.
  • An image of Xarosan appears.
  • Xarosan yells: And so the truth comes out at last. You were only ever a puppet in the end!
  • Avatar of Tyr yells: Xarosan... I am still... master here!
  • Xarosan yells: You are but a construct that has been put to a task, and that task is fulfilled. This engine, forged of the blood of Yogg-Saron, will complete the power of Malykriss!
  • Xarosan yells: I will do what I was born to do! I will usher into this world the master of all the ancient powers! The king of darkness!
  • Malykriss begins drawing forth a tremendous amount of energy from the Dreadforge. The structure around the forge begins to crumble, unfettering all of its power.
  • Tyr, Watcher of Order says: The necropolis is absorbing the power of the forge. It won't be safe to remain here any longer.
  • Avatar of Tyr yells: No! I am the master here! I! The power of the forge is MINE!
  • Tyr, Watcher of Order says: Fool! You'd forfeit your very existence!
  • Avatar of Tyr yells: Then so be it!
  • The Avatar of Tyr breaks free and madly hurls itself into the heart of the Dreadforge. He is totally consumed by the energies within.
  • Tyr, Watcher of Order says: Such a waste...
  • Tyr, Watcher of Order says: Champions. We should all withdraw. It is too dangerous to try and dismantle this engine now. I must consult with my brethren at Ulduar as to our best course of action.