User:GoldenYak/The Warmachine

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Race Construct (Mechanical)
Level ?? Boss
Location The Foundry, The Dreadforge
Status Killable
The Dreadforge

A creation of the Dread Iron dwarves, an automaton powered by thunder and hatred.

Dungeon Journal

An engine of destruction, this construct is the dread iron dwarves' ultimate weapon. Infused with the thundering spirits of the iron dwarves that were slain in Ulduar, the Warmachine is no mere mechanism - it is a machine that seethes with hatred and malice for the order of the surface world races.

The Encounter

The battle takes place in a vast open terrace divided into four major areas. The Warmachine moves between these four areas in phase one.

Phase One - All-Out War

  • Spell fire masterofelements.png All-Out War — Players may instantly mount up, cast spells while moving, and attack while mounted during Phase One. Removed by damage. Will automatically reapply if damage is avoided for 3 seconds.
  • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Killing Field — Any area that the Warmachine does not currently occupy will be filled with lethal weapons fire from the dread iron dwarves manning the upper walls. Anyone standing in an un-occupied area will take massive fire damage periodically.

The Warmachine

  • Ability warrior intensifyrage.png Indestructible — Immune to all damage. Determination that is incorruptible.
  • Ability vehicle siegeenginecannon.png Shelling — Bombards random locations with destructive weapons fire. Periodically launches 10 shots simultaneously.
  • Spell fire blueflamebolt.png Tracking Lasers — Follows several random targets with lasers that deal periodic fire damage to anything they strike.
  • Ability vehicle demolisherflamecatapult.png Magma Mortar — Launches a massive explosive device at a random location. Deals a heavy burst of fire damage to all players. Damaged is reduced based on distance from the impact. Trails of fire spread in four random directions. A terror to behold.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Earthquake Rush — Deals a burst of physical damage to all targets. The Warmachine will rapidly move to his next area at high speed. Killing Field will not be active for a short time. Annihilation will be unavoidable.


The Warmachine's four tank-like treads can be attacked and destroyed individually.

  • Ability garrosh siege engine.png Rolling  — Anyone caught under the Warmachine's treads will be crushed and killed instantly.
  • Ability warrior sunder.png Blown Out  — When destroyed, periodically releases a trail of flame in a random direction. The trail deals periodic flame damage to anyone standing on it.

Dread Iron Legion

Dread iron troops will periodically enter the battle throughout Phase One. They can be affected by Killing Field.


A dread iron dwarf mounted atop an oroch.

  • Heavy Cleave  —  Deals damage to the target and its nearest ally within 5 yards.
  • Oroch Stomp  —  Knocks back all nearby targets.
Dread Iron Soldier
  • Explosives  —  When killed, Dread Iron Soldiers drop Explosives. These can be picked up and thrown by players. They explode 5 seconds after being picked up and deal a burst of flame damage to anyone nearby, knocking them into the air. They deal massive flame damage when thrown and can be used against enemies, including Warmachine's Treads.
Dread Iron Engineer
  • Iron Mending  —  Replenishes the health of one of the Warmachine's Treads.
Heroic DifficultyDread Iron Sapper
  • Explosivo!  —  Sappers will move towards a random target at high speed and attempt to destroy them, dealing a burst of flame damage to all players and throwing their target high into the air. If slain, they drop Dread Iron Heavy Charge.
  • Dread Iron Heavy Charge  —  Explodes 10 seconds after dropping. Players can pick up and throw Dread Iron Heavy Charges at any location within 25 yards. They cannot move while holding a Heavy Charge. If the Charge lands on another player, that player will catch it. Deals massive damage when it explodes, killing anything within 5 yards and dealing a burst of flame damage to all other players. Can be used against enemies, including Warmachine's Treads.

Phase Two - Master of War

During Phase Two, the Warmachine will move to the center of the area, and a circular section will lower, reducing the combat area significantly. Anyone not in the lowered circular section will be hit with Killing Field.

The Warmachine

Warmachine retains Shelling, Tracking Lasers, and Magma Mortar from phase one, losing all his other abilities. He also gains the following:

  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Earthquake Strike — The Warmachine's physical attacks are split between his primary target and the nearest other target within 10 yards of the primary target.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Earthquake Pulse — Warmachine deals a burst of physical damage to a target. Used when there are no targets within melee range.
  • Ability warrior bloodnova.png Desolation Wave — The Warmachine charges up his power then unleashes it in a wave of flame. Deals massive fire damage to all players and knocks them back. Damaged is reduced based on distance from the impact. Players will be knocked back to the outer wall of the area.
    • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Killing Field  — After Warmachine uses Desolation Wave, the dread iron dwarves will begin shelling the area in a random pattern. Only a few safe paths exist through through the Killing Field.
  • Inv gizmo supersappercharge.png Total Annihilation  — After Warmachine uses Desolation Wave, he will begin casting Total Annihilation. When cast, deals lethal damage to all players. Can be interrupted by physical damage at melee range.


Heroic Difficulty Heroic Mode

  • Ability vehicle sonicshockwave.png Energy Shields — Warmachine protects itself from all damage while Energy Shields are active. They can only be pierced with Dread Iron Heavy Charges. When shields go down, Warmachine will be stunned for 5 seconds and take 100% more damage.
  • Dread Iron Sappers and Engineers will continue spawning in phase two.


  • Disturbed - Destroy all four of the Warmachine's treads within 10 seconds of each other and then defeat the Warmachine.


  • No explanation will matter after we begin.
  • I'll have you know that I've become indestructible.
Earthquake Rush
  • Determination that is incorruptible.
  • Annihilation will be unavoidable.
Magma Mortar
  • A terror to behold.
  • Another fuse uncovered now, for me to light.
Killing a Player
  • I carry out my orders without a regret.
  • Every broken enemy will know.
  • No hesitation when I am commanded to strike.
  • You will discover a war you’re unable to win.
  • I'm an... indestructible... master... of...