User:Flemischdk/Call of the faction

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

World of Warcraft : Call of the Factions

Working on this Idea will soon proceed after a long break.


Sylvanas gets kicked out of the horde after another trick of hers , starting a new faction. At the same time the war between the Alliance and the Horde keeps rising . Especially now Kul Tiras re-joins the Alliance after the destruction of Theramore . After recent volcanic activity all 3 factions found out 2 new continents arose from the sea and they all race to conquer it before the other. During the fight for the new continents they find new races and another attempt from the Burning Legion to conquer Azeroth . However between those new races is a malignant bug race wich aim is to spread over entire Azeroth and all 3 factions do their best to make sure it doesn’t happened. In the meantime the Alliance is rebuilding Theramore so they can start pushing back the Horde from the South.


After Sylvanas gets kicked out of the horde she starts her own faction, the Forsaken Excile's (these forsaken got a choice, see misc.) , like her race is called. She seeks help and get them from a Naga tribe,a Jinyu tribe, (lesser) Val'kyr's, a band of Satyrs,some Darkfallen and free Vrykul . To replace the loss from the forsaken , the Horde recruits a new races into its ranks, the Ogres from Dunemaul. The alliance finally accept the High elves into their ranks as equals.

Thanks to Thanks to Zainstorm- Nagrand(eu) for hes feedback on the Ogres , Forsaken (and now removed Arrkora)

A new Class + Changes to existing ones

The Dragonsworn

For centuries, the great dragonflights have noted the potential of younger races. In a few select cases, they choose a creature of another race to be one of a select few with the privilege of directly serving a dragon or an entire group of dragons. Such devotees dedicate their lives to the protection and service of their dragonflights, and reap the benefits of the great knowledge and power that their draconic masters share.


Bronze (time): Melee dps, aided by their patron dragon( bronze (time)), these chosen dragonsworn uses manipulation of time to deal damage to them, allowing to use abilities such as rewind time - teleports back to the place the caster was 20 seconds ago and give a temporary speed buff-.

Red (life): Healer, aided by a red dragon (life) , they can plant seeds of life(Heal over Time) and red fire (removes debuff and healing in a wide aoe)

Blue (magic): Ranged dps, The caster will have 25% increased damage aslong as they say 30yard within their patron, which can be called upon every 3 minuts and stays for 30 seconds

All races can become Dragonsworn.

Dragonsworns start at level 1, since they are studying with their patron for most of the time, allowing them to communicate with other people once they reached level 10.

Also they have to do certain Class quests if they wish to stay a dragonsworn.

Class updates

Each talent specialization will give them a few spells which can be only used on non-player targets and heals that cannot be used in pvp

Changes to the Existing ones

All classes will get new spell which can only be used on non-player targets (PvE)  

New Playble races and (new) combinations


-High elves : Warrior - Hunter - Mage - Paladin - Priest - Rogue

-Humans : Necromancer added

-Gnome : Necromancer added

-Draenei : Necromancer added


-Orcs: Necromancer added

-Ogres: Warrior - Mage - Warlock - Hunter - PriestShaman

-Blood elf : Necromancer added

-Troll : Necromancer added

-Forsaken : Necromancer added

Forsaken Excile's

-Forsaken : Necromancer added

-Naga : Warrior - Mage - Rogue - Warlock - PriestShaman

-Jinyu : Warrior - Priest - Rogue - Mage

-Val'kyr :Mage - Warrior - Priest - HunterNecromancer

-Satyrs :Warrior - Rogue - Mage - Warlock - HunterNecromancer

-Darkfallen :rogue - death knight - warrior - mage - priest

-Vrykul :Warrior - Mage - Hunter - Warlock - PriestNecromancer


When rolling a character , you will be able to chose between a few subspecies. (Existing characters get the chance after logging in for the first time on the character during the expansion)


Normal Stormwind/Lordearon humans

Kul Tiras humans ( little pony tails in the back of their hair like 18th colonials )



Broken (Krokul)



Dark Iron



Former Human

Former High/Blood Elf

Night Elves:

Night Elves



Shore Murloc

Deep Sea Murloc


Ogre (Automatically one-headed for physical classes and two-headed for magical classes.)

Half-Ogre (other half Orc.)









Jungle Troll (Darkspear)

Forest Troll (Revantusk)

Ice Troll (possibly Winterax)



Frost Vrykul



High elves:

High elves

Half elves



Underwater breathing (Passive) Unlimited.


Racial ability to slither like a sidewinder. (Mount)

Underwater breathing (Passive) Unlimited.

Affinity to magic (Passive) Racial bonus to Inscription.


Vampiric drain , allows the player to drain 7.5% health of a friendly/enemy target , 3 minutes cd

Vampiric blood ( passive) , because you are a vampire you take 5% more damage from holy spells


Expert fisherman (passive) Increase fishing by 15.

Water Forging (passive) Increased Blacksmith skill by 15.

Waterspeaking (2 minutes Cooldown) Seeing into the futher making you prepared for the following blows. Increases Haste and Mastery for 15 seconds.


Corruption (2 minute cooldown) Like the Warlock DoT. Does not interfere with the Warlock DoT.

Arcane Resistance (Passive) Increases your resistance to harmful Arcane effects by 1 per level.

Racial bonus to Alchemy. (Passive) Create 1 extra Potion.


War Shout (2 minute cooldown) fears enemies for 5 second , 15yard range

Strength of the North (Passive) +5% Strength


War Stomp (2 minute cooldown) Same as Tauren War Stomp.

Me Big! (Passive) +5% Stamina +5% Strength -5% Agility

Racial Bonus to Mining. (Passive) They mine twice as fast.

High Elves

Meditation (2 minute cooldown) Racial form of Evocation (Mage).

Arcane Resistance (Passive) Increases your resistance to harmful Arcane effects by 1 per level.


Take to the Skies (Mount)

Revive a fallen friendly (15 minute cooldown) (can be used in combat)


The new races shall have new mounts


Racial ability to slither like a sidewinder. (Think Worgen, Land and Water)


Makrura (slow) -> Bogstrok (swift) (Both Land and Water)


May the water flow - The jinyu calls with the aid for Waterspeaking upon the water nearby, making a solid (water) mount (upgrades with speed)

Any suggestions for a better mount? :/


Take to the Skies - Racial ability (Automatically learned, upgrades to flying with training.)


Warp Stalkers - Unarmored (slow) -> Armored (swift)


skeletal horse -> unarmored (slow), Armored(fast)


Polar Bears - Unarmored (slow) -> Armored (swift)


Clefthooves - Unarmored (slow) -> Armored (swift)

High Elves

Elven Horses (Quel'dorei Steeds). They generally have one to two horns on their heads

Unarmored +1 horn (slow) -> Armored + decorated + 2 horns (swift)  

World Pve/PvP

One Continent shall be focused on world pvp (east of Eastern kingdoms) (also few old ruins etc found)

The zone shall have a few villages which can be builded (starting out from a few tents)

Players can bring materials(resources) towards the villages to help them build up and train people (army) to protect it.

At the start villages can expand rapidly but near the end it will be slower , on very active realms , they can become major cities.

Villages can grow out to city’s/fortresses with more vendors etc (a bit like molten front were you unlock vendors with points but larger scaled).

Even harbor city’s(Capital ones cannot be captured) can be build , at first it’s nothing more than a dock with few tents . at the end there can be multiple docks to multiple places , maybe even to other coastal citys?

Eventually it will house unique vendors selling epics only buyable in certain villages.

Villages can be a mix between different factions due the possibility to take it over.

You will need XXX rep with the village before you can buy stuff from it so you have to help by giving materials and doing quests for the villages. When I city gets taken over your rep stays, however since there are other people habiting it than you're faction, you cannot interact with the npc’s , if the city gets taken back over by your faction, you can interact again with the reputation you normal have.

Every village shall have its own name.

the continent is kinda huge (see map).

No flying allowed in this zone.

The Buildings

  • The keep (1/town) (Upgradeble with commanding room to send units around.)
  • Barracks
  • Stables
  • Workshop
  • Auction House
  • Bank
  • Uniqe vendors
  • Blacksmith
  • Harbor (Optional)
  • Housing
  • Townhall (1/town)
  • Flying Master (1/town)
  • Walls
  • Mines (If mountains nearby) (allows a small amount of metal been mined by the city itself)
  • Lumbermill (if forest nearby) (allows a small amount of wood being cut by the city itself)
  • Trader (allows city to trade good with other cities)
  • Train Station ( Cities can be connected by a (gnomish)railroad, making transport between cities easyer. If the connected city(ies) are in hand of the enemy, the railroad will be out of service.)

Troop training

A Barrack will spawn 1 basic infantery regiment/day (if enough free villagers are avaible). Upgrading the barracks will cause units to spawn faster or Stronger units (This can be chosen at the town hall). Building more barracks will allow the city to train more units at once. Soldiers can be Equiped with a mount (Stables) Or can pick up Siege stuff (Catapult, Siege tank, Cannon,....) Boats can be made at the docks, Marines can be trained at a higher level Barracks. Troops can be Equiped with better armor trough the Blacksmith.


Factions can engage other cities (pvp realms only) in the hope to capture them, They must first assemble an army in 1 or more cities and than marsh towards the enemy city (This can easly take up a day, if not more.) The siege of cities can take up an entire day so the entire faction can help to attack/defend. Defence positions can be made all over the map (example.: An army could be placed near the great bridge)

Towns council

Every month the Town council shall be picked. It will be picked by the people that did the most for the city/faction. The towns council decide where to build what, and what soldiers to train. Majority of the votes win. There many cities around the continent so the amount of people / city will be Limited. When a council members brings up building plan/troop mangement , the other members have 24Hours to vote. Its possible in lager cities that the council splits up into 2 difrent councils, Council of Building and Council of Troops. Chosen members can chose which 1 they join.


Once a trader has been build, Cities can trade with other cities (decided by the town council of both cities), A city with to much stone could trade in stone with a city that got to much wood.


There are 6 main resources.

  • Wood, Needed to build and craft things.
  • Metal, Needed to build and craft things.
  • Gold, attracts merchants, allow city trading, Each villager generates income.
  • Food, People need food to eat, if there is a shortage, people will die or move away.
  • Housing, Villagers need houses to live in.
  • Population, Cities need population to work.

Enemy cities

It will be unknow which faction holds which city until you scouted the others.

Colonizing new cities

At the start, the other cities will need be be Colonized, These settlers must be trained at the Town hall. The council decide which city they try to colonize. If you try to colonize a city that has been colonized by the enemie alreayd, your settler will die and you get no refund in resources.

City Goverment

The Town Council can decide what sort of city it is. Depending on this chose, the city will spawn difrent units (for example : alliance : human,gnome,dwarf,night elf, draenei and high elf)


Before Patch X.2 demons can/will randomly attack villages all around the continent.

  • Update* Its possible that the villages are not capturble. So its just the pve aspect of building them up since I doubt people on pve servers will like the hole take over thing. (thanks to Pämela - Outland (EU)
  • Update* The Map:

PvP content

As the war between the Alliance and the Horde is the main aim , and also with the Forsaken , there shall be new sorts of battlegrounds. New Bg’s

-Sort of gathering

a faction have to get XXX wood and XXX stone to make a catapult, these cannot be destroyed and will start on completion attacking the enemy base. Whoever his base gets destroyed first loses . this example gives a basic idea how the map should look.

- New arena like bg

10v10(v10?) , NO respawn 2 possible modes : Last Man Standing or Team with the most kills wins. After 2 minutes "orbs of stealth vieuwing" will appear, allowing the player to see stealthed people without any sort of debuff. (thanks to Làdysylvanas - Sporeggar(EU) for pointing that Stealth classes/Night elves can wait till the end to win.)


2 Factions fight each other on 2 ships , players control the cannons etc, trying to sink the enemy ships.

Firestorm Island

the wg/tb of call of the faction

however this 1 is a bit different , there is 1 flagpole in the middle of the map, every faction starts from the same distance away , a faction will have to hold the middle for 5 minutes while holding off the other 2. Possible at the Broken Isles Players start from 1(or more) ships and will fight their way to the middle, around the map are captureble buildings which will allow players to get tanks, gunships etc , maybe even buffs (for example +10% damage) The middle is protected by giant walls with 3 gates, adding chokepoints for the defenders to defend. There will be a capturble Graveyard inside with a 20 second respawn timer instead of 30. This to help out the defender against the 2 other factions. (thanks to Làdysylvanas - Sporeggar(EU) for pointing the problem for the defenders.)

-Guild sea wars

a 20vs20 guild RBG where guilds fight against each other using their own boats Changes for the current Bg’s (Maybe 10v10 since finding 20 players could be hard) (thanks to Làdysylvanas - Sporeggar(EU) for pointing it out.)

-Changes for TB/wg

2 factions will attack combined ( 50% of 1 faction, 50% of the other) against the defender, if the attackers win , 1 of the factions shall be randomly picked to defend while the other attacks, whoever wins that fight shall owns it.

-For current bg’s it will be randomly picked who vs who , changing the building’s depending wich faction fights.

PvE content

There shall be more content, however these shall come faster behind each other

new dungeon/raid mode : Hardcore , it’s harder than heroic , so for dungeons its normal->hc->hardcore and for raids raidfinder->normal->heroic->hardcore raids : 10Man/25Man/40Man , back the old loot system of 10 man heroic = 25 normal (so 10 man hardcore = 25 man heroic = 40 normal).

Return of the seperate lock out.


Patch X.1

  • Bonoris , a infected cave by silerg , 5 bosses
  • The mines of (1 of the villages on a new continent) ,a mine has been infected by the silithid (7 bosses)
  • The gates of lordearon , players will have to do this dungeon first on heroic before be able to enter the raid (2 different portals but some sort of pre quest thing) (4 bosses)
  • The House of Flenix , a hostile human cult which was 1 of the first people to reach 1 of the newer continents and building a base , lead by their leader Fleghel Kamarms (6 bosses)
  • The tower of Sygick , a underground tower of a evil spellcaster of the Hurgine , found on a small island between the 2 new continents (4 bosses)
  • Tunnels of Jaguero Island, a small earthquake made a tunnel system visible on Jaguero Island , however the tunnels are infected by Silerg’s (8 bosses with not that much trash)

Patch X.2

  • The lost shrine , a lost shrine of Elune has surfaced after the recent vulcanic activity. However its still in hands of the Naga (3 bosses)
  • The Fenniel bubble , after the volcanic activity a race which only can live underwater went to the surface, however the survive on the surface they made a city of bubbles, filled with water, players will have to fight in this bubbled city but must watch out for their breath! (5 bosses)
  • The infested ruins, old Highborn ruins got surfaced , however the Silerg moved in faster than any of the factions could , now they will have to fight for the ruins (4 bosses)

Patch X.3

  • the venture fleet, scouts has spotted 4 boats (1 boss on each) of the Venture & co heading towards the Undermine

you and your allies get send on gryphon’s to intercept them getting aid by 1 of the scouts (alliance : Mavren , Horde : Garona Halforcen , Forsaken : Melisara)

  • Venture & co weapon smith, scouts have found the hidden weapon smith of the venture & co , a small squad has been send it to neutralize it after they destroyed the boats, helped by (alliance : Mavren , Horde : Garona Halforcen , Forsaken : Melisara ) (6 bosses)
  • The defend of the mine ,You rush to aid of your faction when 1 of their mines is under attack attack by the venture & co , players will need to repel the incoming forces ( about 25 waves, 1 boss every 5 waves)

Patch X.4

  • The Grand Attack , a big assault towards the home base of the Silerg(pre dungeon 1 for The landing of Silerg raid) the heroes will support the army of their faction led by General Flem “deadly knight” Nightswing , a death knight who made her name through the ranks of the alliance, Han “Leet “ Ghoulhunter , 1 of the most trustworthy mages of Sylvanas or Mike “hell “ Nosebasher , Clan leader of the small and almost unknown Axe Basher clan (9 bosses but nearly no trash)

  • Ambush , together with a officer of your faction you ambush a party of Silergs that are transporting the artifact of Stxah from there landing towards an outpost

the officers are : Kaylai “colddead” Nightswing, sister of Flem Nightswing and most trusted officer (alliance) , Intuitia Nightswing, a Blood Elf priest of the Axe basher clan and Nathanos Marris, champion of the forsaken (4 bosses)

  • The artifact of Nirox ,while the party enters the temple they meet up with a unknown race (the Nea’nyeis ) (5bosses)

Patch X.5

  • the city of Krybold , trying to lure the remaining enemies away from Bremant, a party will be send in to wreak havoc and hopefully luring the enemies (4 bosses)

  • the gates of Bremant , a fight for the walls of bremant aided by your faction general and its army, however there is heavy resistance and the casualties are heavy (

  • the forge of Nasurah , reports have resulted into the finding of the big forge of the Nea’nyeis , however this might be a hard fight because the enemy soldiers stationed here are veteran warriors with brand new stronger gear (5 bosses)

  • The comet of the Hurgine , news has gone around there is a comet going to crash into 1 of the new found island (6 bosses)

all 3 factions send explorers out but as the reach they see the comet brought a new race which is very hostile towards them, only a few explores of each side could make it back and thus alarming the leaders ,sending a well trained group to take care of them

  • House of Rocedut, an assassination mission to kill High templar Rocedut of the Nea’nyeis in his house at Krybolt , lead by the Crusader Kris (3 bosses )


  • note* this are the spells the bosses use in normal mode (exept sargeras ) and the spells are basic, to get an idea of the encounter , more spells /phases should be added .

Patch X.1

- =====Lordaeron=====, because sylvanas got kicked out the horde they were unable the maintain the city, all sorts of un-loyal forsaken wanders through the hallways ,5 bosses

  • Sharlindra (a Banshee , will cast every 45seconds a Banshee Wail (aoe , not single target) , leaving a dot on the targets for 2 minutes (not dispelble) which makes them take increased damage of the Banshee Wail by 100% , this is interruptible , every 30 seconds she silence a random member for 10 seconds (dispelble) , Banshee’s Touch, a spell she use on the tank, reducing hes armor and healing taken by 10% , stacks)

  • Exceth (a Wraith of a high elf mage , he got 1 health but he has a lot of mana, players got to destroy the mana (he got a buff which reduces 25% of the damage taken) , he casts fireball volley the entire fight, every 20 seconds it takes 5% longer to cast but deals 15% more damage (interruptible) , at the beginning of the fight and every 55 seconds he cast a dot on all player which deals 10% of the players health every 5 seconds (dispelble) after 275 seconds in the fight, the dot become undispelble , if a player dies with the dot on he turns into a wraith himself using hes main abilities (they can be cc’d) when the shield is down she will cast wraith explosion, takes 3 seconds to cast and instantly kills every member in a 30 yard range.

  • heller ( a ghost of a human warrior, every 40 seconds she will copy a random raid member (no healers) and will use his spell to attack , at 30% she will go in a 2th phase , in this second phase she shall copy 2 players are once, 1 of the copy will be into a lesser form (so you got 1 boss and 1 lesser mob wich both are different copies) , at 10% she will go in the last phase copying 1 of the healers, starting to heal herself however the cast takes 100% longer than the real spell, should be interrupted and be dpsed as soon as possible, if she reaches 15% of health (because of the heals) she will start casting aoe spells of 1 of the ranged members , damaging all members

  • Sasub ( a light slayers, she will use the entire fight hit and run tactics , she got low health but is hard to hit, players with get a bar on their screen : "enlightened" , slow moving light beams shall move through the room, if a player gets hit by 1 of the beams their bar fills, at 25% = you get a dot which deals 30% of your hp every 10 seconds, at 60% you will get a 2th dot, now hitting 70% of your health every 10 seconds and at 100% she sees you fully , instantly killing you, if you stay long enough in the shadow (there will be a few objects in the room, depending where the lights are , different shadows will be created) the bar starts draining , however the dot will never be fully gone and deal 5% every 10 seconds) at 20% the boss get annoyed and starts dealing massive damage (can easly 1 shot a dps) she is immune to taunt so dps have to watch their agro!)

  • Master Apothecary Faranell (the master mind that tried to set the forsaken against their queen , at the start of the fight the room fills with plague , dealing 5% damage of the players health every 5 seconds, if a player dies in this plague he get raised as a zombie , he also uses randomly plague bottles at enemies which deals for about 50% damage of the player's health , every 50s he calls up a wave of zombies , the zombies leave a dot behind “bitten by a zombie” it does no damage but if it reaches 30 stacks, the player gets a new dot , doing 40% damage every 10 seconds, if the player dies while having this curse (it only stays for 30 seconds) , instead of becoming only a zombie, he spawns 2 extra waves of zombies. The zombies are slow and can be slowed by bascially everything.

-=====Caverns of time===== : Korialstrasz Demise

help Korialstrasz preventing the corruption of the eggs with at the end the sacrifice of Korialstrasz also removing this character out of the wyrmrest temple on the realm once the raid has been completed for the first time , 4bosses

  • Resonus (a primal elemental , he will cast a wide variety of fire aoe, frost aoe, earth single target and water single target , every of this elemental abilities is in a different phase which can be randomized , during each phase he shall summon elementals to help him of the opposite element, also he will summon every phase transition a lot of twilight hammer members to help him in his cause at 10% he becomes mad , casting combined spells (for example a fire-earth mix , a spell wich does massive damage on hes target and aoe around it )

  • Bladrim ( a ettin , first phase : a bunch of twilight summoners hold him in place with a lot of persons to defend him, players have to kill all of them , 2th phase: since the summoners are dead ,he can break free, he will grab the nearest person and will try to smash other members with it, when he hits someone he does a lot of damage on both targets, every 45 seconds he will jump in the air , players will have to run to the sides because when he lands he does a big aoe wich will kill players beneath him, directly afterwards he grabs again the nearest target , 3th phase( 15%) he will start grabbing eggs and trow them at the players, the more eggs that gets destroyed , the harder the last boss gets , he is stunable/interuptble)

  • Korialstrasz fate ( players take control of korialstrasz wile they try to fight the twilight hammer hwo is spreading corruptions among the eggs , after a period of time korialastrasz starts changing from the absorbtion he substained (10mins?) , loot will be dropped in 1 of the eggs)

  • Corruption within Korialstraz (players must fight the corruption within korialstrasz so he can sacrifice himself to save the world , a bar will appear with at 1 side corrupted and at the other side sacrifice , how more corrupted blood the players kill , how more it goes to the sacrifice side, when a player dies the corruption gets a big boost, also korialstasz gets more corrupted every 5 seconds, when there are 10 adds+ alive the corruption will be speed up , when the bar is about 25% awey from the sacrifice the eggs that didn’t got destroyed during the 2th boss hatches to help the players , at 5% korialstrasz summons hes last power to summon the players away and sacrifices himself , if the bar reaches over 50% corrupted the destroyed eggs start hatching additional corrupted bloods, there are also during the fight corrupted spines, when destroying these , it boost a lot in the direction of sacrifice, the fight starts at about 45% away from sacrifice


a new hive found of Silithid on 1 of the 2 new continents, players will try to defeat it’s leader so they cannot spread among the new continent The main hive of the silithid on a new continent with smaller around it. The players will have to attack 1 of the smaller hives before they can get to the main hive. 6 bosses

The small hive counts 2 bosses

  • Narokie (a big Silithid Swarmer , 1 of its main abilities is to spawn a lot of adds (weak but loads of them , wich leaves a small dot behind when hit (only deadly after 50+ stacks))

  • Corous and Routh ( 1 caster , 1 melee, about the same tactics as Twin Emperors in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj )

The main hive counts 4 more bosses,

  • Iceren ( a new sort silitih, he uses ice attacks , about every 1 minut he uses ice volley , all players that get hit will be frozen for 10 seconds taking huge damage, there will be many objects in the room to LoS him ) ,

  • Flirskick ( a mutation of a silithid colossus and a naga , will use water sources as main attack, destroying these waterwells will reduce the strength of the boss )

  • Ghorub ( a huge Silithid Grub that will move slowly trying to eat the tank(s) ,the tank(s) will need to kite him , if they get hit, they eaten , untaunteble so dps will have to watch their agro!)

  • Swathirmi ( a corrupted bronze drake , players will have to fight this boss in 2 different times , 1 team goes to the past and 1 group stays in the current time , when there is no one left in 1 of the time zones he start casting a aoe , weak at the start but it gets stronger evry 5 seconds ; player will also get a debuff, a small dot , at 10 stacks they will have to switch the time zone (past group goes to current time and current time group goes to the past time) )

Patch X.2

-=====the fields of Indumoz=====

A portal appears out of nowhere , players rush to the aid of a village nearby defeating wave after wave and eventually destroying the portal. 4 Bosses (5 on heroic)

  • Coria Fireheart ( a fel blood elf , spell caster, she will polymorph a random player every 35 seconds , the target takes extreme amount of damage while polymorphed , other players will have to free the person by killing the polymorph, when a polymorph gets destroyed , it does extra damage against the boss

also every 45 seconds she will cast a Fel Volley , every player gets hit, dropping their health to 50%, they get a debuff which gets stronger every 10 seconds , players will need to be healed over 75% to stop this , when a player dies from the debuff, the boss will get Fel anger , increasing her cast speed by 50% , and taking 25% less damge for 30 seconds (this debuff stacks! )

  • Nominator the hungry ( a beholder that will try to eat the tank every 1 minute , he does every 75 seconds a acid aoe spit which can be dodged , at 30% he goes enrage dealing 75% more damage but also take 25% more damage

  • Rosatix ( a corrupted furbolg wich summons every 65 seconds a bunch of Imps, Voidwalkers and Succubus , they have to be aoe down fast , he does have a fast enrage timer (5 minutes) so it’s a dps race to defeat him

  • Mavaho ( a doomlord , he abilities are about the same as the ones Highlord Kruul got)

  • Heroic/Hardcore

players will attempt now to destroy the portal wile doing so they meet up with one of Sargeras most powerfull luitenants (he will use a wide variety of melee and ranged) every 45 he well cast a illusion , if players look directly at this vision they will become a slave for 45 seconds (you can cc the affected players ) , at 15% The luitenant says “this world does not deserve my attention” leaving a box with loot behind and closing the portal behind him he does have a enrage timer of 15 minutes, after this enrage timer he casts “ body flames” killing every player instantly .

=====Mini raid=====

-Onyxia’s … , she shall come back! Again. since she died already 3 times its only bones, however bones can hit a lot . her basic attacks are Fire breath in a 40% cone in front of her and wing clip (all members stationed near the wings or the tail fly away she summons adds, allot of them…. Since she’s only bones she cannot fly anymore , however when she tries to do it (at 50%) she causes a big shockwave in all directions for 30 yards, if players don’t get away in time they die(tanks need to pop cd's).

She could look like

Patch X.3

-=====The venture co. headquarters=====

lead by Mogul Razdunk. Its time this threat will be erased, however there leader mogul razdunk has risen a huge army , ready to defend himself scouts have spotted him near 1 of the headquarters when he was visiting all the different operations, it’s now the time to strike! 9 bosses

  • The Charge (the raid splits over tanks and airships/planes and start making their way towards the gate, while the airships/planes handle the goblin/gnome ace’s in a big dogfight , the tanks have to make their way through the enemy defense line, which includes some anti tank cannons, both machines can target air and ground, however the tank ground attack is stronger than its air and the airship/plane is stronger against air than ground.)

  • Franclorn the darker (a dwarf bombardier, the players enter a minefield after they breached the gate , while they are trying to get past it to get to the boss his bombarding the players, once they players are past the minefield the boss starts throwing bombs at them , and with his fist he will try to squish the tank , he got numerous abilities such a dark iron grip (deals 15%hp/tick , boss should be stunned than) , and explosive smash (the boss sticks a dynamite into the tank, the tank got to run away while the other tank taunts over , when the dynamite goes off after 10s it will kill everything in a 10 yard radius except the tank because the amount of hp he got) , at 30% he will call aid , at the sides some mortar teams will appear, starting to bombards the player, their damage gets increased by 10% every time they hit )

  • MVH-22122011 (a hybrid machine between a mechanical planter and a shredder , 3 /7/12 (depending 10/25/40) players have to step in cannons and start shooting on the machine while the rest of the raid tries to hold the goblin warriors of from destroy the cannons, 1 tank should tank the machine, the other the goblins, the machine is equipped with chainsaws and a rocket launcher which shoots at random raid members , at 75% a first malfunction appears, 1 chainsaw get launched of its arm and flies towards a random members, which deals a lot of damage , at 50% the same will happen to the other chainsaw , at 30% the rocket launcher flies off into the air, releasing its load mid air , players get a shower of rockets (these rockets can also kill the small adds) at 25% he goes into a total malfunction, target random members and trying to plant them into the ground

  • the counter (the venture co is trying a counter attack, out of nowhere 2 zeppelins appear , players have to get in the anti air cannons take it down, however every 45 seconds an loads of buccaneers drop down, trying to destroy the cannons , when 1 zeppelin is destroyed , it crashes onto an hangar, showing 2/5/8 planes to continue the fight, the zeppelins will bombard the alliance army that’s coming behind you , you should try to make sure there are as low casualties as possible, after +- 10 minutes the army is destroyed and the zeppelins drop bombs on your position

  • the 4 bruisers ( while trying to enter the main building the players stumble upon 4 bruisers, the fight is about the same as the 4 horseman in Naxxramas)

after the gate you see 3 rooms

Left room:

  • Graawr’Grall ( a 2 headed ogre witch doctor , the entire encounter long he will keep trowing potions, some are good (gives you a buff) some are bad (deals a lot of damage , makes you hallucinate (so you attack your friends because you think they are enemies) ) or heals the player standing in it , at 40% he will activate the goblinish potion thrower , making him throw the potions twice as fast , at 10% he will drink it himself , he will go in an enrage mode and start smashing the tank with his bare hands)

Middle room:

  • Gazul Shadowfogger ( A clever goblin warlock , his accompanied by an imp , he will cast unique spells like chaotic affliction (a dot that deals 25% damage every 3s for 20s , dispellble ) , however like normal encounters this boss does not attack the person with the highest threat , he attacks the person that does the most healing , the imp uses basic imp abilities except it’s a bit modified, phase shift makes also the warlock into an un attackble phase for 10s ( 50s cd) )

Right room :

  • Mipsy the giant rat ( a giant rat, pet of Mogul Razdunk, she will bit his target every 30s, leaving a dot “damage taken increased by 80%) which stays for 1 minute , every 50 seconds she will squeak , immobilizing every player for 5 seconds and dealing 10% damage , players should not stand behind the boss since she got a tail swipe dealing 90% damage when swiped)

After these quarters has been cleared Mogul Razdunk enters and yells “what is all this noise “

  • Mogul Razdunk (Razdunk begins by using his arcitech connection ability to imbue frost nova into his long rifle (opening a small hatch in the armor’s side to touch the weapon), then blasts away with it. After this tactic, he takes great joy in all of his armor’s weapons, flailing away with rifle, dragon mouth, steam fist and slicers. If Razdunk is having problems hitting his opponents, he calms down enough to make single attacks with his steam fist. If the battle looks grim, he attempts to escape with the help of invisibility (interruptible)

-Mini raid : Blacklash and Hematus , 2 black drakes

Patch X.4

  • =====The landing of the Silerg===== , a group of travelers found the crater where the Silerg landed on Azeroth and quickly inform their kings ,the players are send to kill all the enemy forces in the zone while the main army heads towards Bremant , however they are helped by a small squad , 11 bosses

  • Code pen ( a silerg activator , during the entire encounter the boss will keep activating defense systems , players should destroy these asap since they do a lot of damage , the boss itself will sometimes use both his tentacles to impale a random members, the tentacles can be destroyed and will regrow after 45 seconds , he impales again a member, same rotation trough the fight , every 30 seconds the boss will do spit, a acid bubble hits the tank dealing 99% damage (other tank should taunt over when he starts casting it) , leaving a dot that deals 20% damage every 5 seconds for 25 seconds , at 50% he will gain an ability called acid rain , a big tentacle rips open the ceiling and players get a shower of pure acid, every second in it they take 20% damage , every minute he will repeat the same (soft enrage?) , at 10% he goes into a volley mode, shooting poised pieces of tentacle around him , this pieces hit for 1% (at the start) and leave a dot , every 5 seconds you take 1% more damage , at the same time he keeps doing the acid bath)

  • Kïländ ( a silerg mind loser , every 20 seconds the players lose their mind for 5 seconds watching the boss like they are brainless , every 35 seconds the boss will corrupt a player, forcing them the run against a wall with spikes (spikes deal 30% damage/sec) , after 10 seconds or when dispelled the players get their “mind” back , at 50% 1 player permanently lose his mind and start to attack random raid members with 1 of their basic attacks , at 30% the boss casts mind void, every raid member goes into a shadowphase were it have to fight its own members , when all other members are dead they return to the normal world . at 10% he repeats the same shadowphase )

  • Arkert (a silerg producer , the entire encounter the boss will keep making music, if a player gets hit by a music note he takes 50% damage and leaves a debuff that increases damage taken by 25% , at 75,50 and 25% the boss will cast music volley (it’s about 10 seconds and in this phase the boss spawns music noted 10x as fast and they move twice as fast) every 55 seconds the boss will cast music bomb , bomb starts moving slowly towards a targeted player, this player have to run away from the raid, for each member in a 10 yard range the damage of the boss gets doubled )

  • Branivick ( a silerg war master , uses charge on random members knocking them back and silence them for 5 seconds , he will cleave hes target and the nearest damage , every 40 seconds he will do a whirlwind dealing damage to everyone in a 15 yard range

  • Krindus ( a silerg defense system , players will have trough run through a long hallway while being fired upon by the system by acid arrows etc , once they reached the end they have to smash the core of the system, however the system won’t allow this and uses acid sprays on players (dealing 15% damage /5s and slow attack/casting speed by 50%) , spawn small adds etc)

  • Gholker ( a silerg brood mother , killing this boss within 5 minutes will greatly reduce the adds on the last encounter , the boss is a pure dps rage , she keeps spawning small adds the entire time but aoe is strong enough to 1 shot them, however the amount of adds increase every second, and after 5 minutes she will go into a mad state, doubling the amount of adds, and after 7 minutes she will go into an enrage , at this points the room will be swarmed by big adds that come to aid her and easy take care of the players

  • exci and etha ( 2 silerg veteran soldiers, 1 is a ranged boss wich should be tanked by a warlock (or dk since they also got a few magic abilities) he takes no damage at all from melee, the other 1 is a melee boss wich takes no damage from ranged, etha (the ranged boss) will keep dotting people up and mind controlling / fearing people, the mind controlled people should be cc’ed , exci will do regulary a bladestorm trough the entire room , and sometimes trow hes weapon to a random caster , silencing him and afterwars charge on the caster dealing 80% damage to pickup hes weapon again, if they get in a range of 20 yards of in each other they get an buff called : twin power , increasing their damage by 200% and their speed by 150%

  • Robrea (a silerg starcaller , the players jump ontop of some silerg warriors controlling them to defeat Robrea , robrea will cast at random times a spell called Starpowah, killing a random silerg warrior , when all warriors are dead the boss will cast and starical enrage, destroying all life in the room (exept himself) , the silerg warriors do not have eni special ability exept they they allow people to cast while moving and it soaks the damage of starpowah instead of killing the player , hes fists are also imbued with star powder, increasing the damage taken by 1% whenever he hits someone with hes fists

  • Danamoz ( a silerg guardian , at the start of the fight she calls 3 silerg soldiers a healer a melee dps and a ranged dps , players will have to kill them , every time an add dies , the boss loses 11% hp, the add will be resurrected (max 3 times) , each add got special abilities like the healer can heal and cc , the ranged can do volleys and aoe wile the melee does high single target damage

-Lelita (a silerg wing crafter , killing this boss within 5 minutes will reduce the amount of flying adds in the last encounter , every 24 seconds the boss will do wingclip, dealing massive damage on the tank and leaving a dot which makes me take 300% damage from wingclip , every 36 seconds the boss will cast spinning wind, dealing aoe damage to everyone within 15 yard range and knocking them 20 yards away , at 66 and 33% the boss will call in aid of 2 giant wasps, when you get stinged you get a debuff wich deals 50% damage every 10 seconds, if you die with this debuff a extra wasp spawns , at 25% the boss equips himself with wings taking off to the air gaining a new ability poison spit, spitting on a random member dealing a lot of damage , when she takes damage in the sky , pieces of wing will fall off that the tank / melee dps can take up , after 5 pieces of wing they will be able to fly

  • Headstyack (a silerg king , upon engaging the remaining silerg soldiers will come to aid their king (if you killed Gholker and Lelita within 5 minuts the amount is reduced by 90%( 45% each)) , the boss will randomly warp someone for 30 seconds(when it ends, a other person gets warped) , he uses an abilitiy called Silergish cleave, attacking all enemy’s infront of him (reduced damage how more people stand infront of him) , the entire fight long acid pieces keep falling off the roof (landing spot is marked) if you get stuck under 1 you are impaled until the piece is destroyed , taking 40% damage / 3 seconds , every 45 seconds he will eat a dps , once inside his stomach the dps have to fight some adds on the way back to the mouth , once their he will have to destroy a teeth to get out , while inside , the person takes 2% damage every 3 seconds , at 50% the boss mutates, adding 6 tentacles to his side, allowing to do tentaclestorm, the boss starts spinning fast dealing damage to players within 15 yards range , at 15% the boss goes into an enrage, adding 4 extra tentacles and releasing bugs out of many gaps in his body , at 5% the boss gets paralyzed

Patch X.5

- =====The temple of Bremant===== last resistance of the Nea’nyeis you will be aided by the army of your faction and its general which forms a steady (but low) dps and healing and if you’re lucky with RNG also some (unique?) buffs , 11 bosses)

  • All Hue (a Nea’nyeis time caller, at the start of the encounter he will summon a random raid boss (including end game bosses) when defeating this boss , All Hue shall take damage (1 boss in raidfinder, 2in normal , 3 in heroic , 4 in hardcore) when all summoned bosses are defeated , the boss dies for exhaustion , when a boss is summoned , the players get teleported to the zone, first everything is black-and white but after a while colors start to appear (for example, Lich king -> frozen throne , Alizibal-> Barandin hold , ….)

  • Xenic Iso (a big gnome whose hungry , player will run away from this gnome , if the gnome can catch a player he dies instantly (eaten) , on the way while they are running, adds will spawn, killing the adds will drop small bombs on the ground (the gnome shall eat them , taking damage , after an amount of bombs the gnome will die (since he got 0 health left)

  • Mna Rev (a nea’nyeis scout recruit , the boss runs over a parcour , the players got to follow him (jumping over obstacles etc) if they cannot kill the boss at the end of the parcour , the boss presses a big shiny red button which kills all players

  • All Mikslav (a nea’nyeis veteran) , A powerful warrior, this is just a dps race, he boss got loads hp, deals loads of damage and has a short enrage timer )

  • Mna cosu (a nea’nyeis time caller recruit, he can do some basic time changing like removing all buffs, go back 1 min in time (after 10-20s cast time, interupteble) wich also heals him etc, but hes by far not as powerfull as All Hue)

  • Sh milk (a nea’nyeis Exemplar , a continues spawn of adds will come to defend the banner, players have to fight their way up to the boss and then kill him , when the players start close the boss will start doing difrent melee attacks, from cleave to a whirlwind (all with his one-handed) to charges to stuns )

  • All dea (a nea’nyeis high divinist , he primarily uses heals and holy spells however he isn’t scared to mind control someone or use some shadowspells)

  • All dus (a nea’nyeis warrior in control of a Goblinish Steam warrior , the steam warrior is upgraded so it became a lot bigger than usual thus allowing the nea’nyei take place in it , players will have to kill the steam warrior by killing the feets, hands, heads, …. , when the steam warrior dies , it explodes , launching the warrior itself high in the sky and hitting the ground a little bit too hard)

  • Mna Roch (a nea’nyeis Mounted Warrior , he fights from a cart driven by 10 mechano zerglingish things , when 1 of the zerglingish things die the boss takes 5% less damage but loses a lot of speed , at the start it might be too fast for melees and tanks to catch up but when a zerglingish thing dies it loses a lot of speed and after enough killed the boss becomes slow enough , during the fight hes trowing all sorts of stuff to players like bombs , when all 10 zerglingish things are dead , the boss comes to a stop and can do nothing exept trowing stuff, however once 5 zerglingish things are dead the boss gets 10% Damage reduction (so its 5-10-15-20-25-35-45-55-65-75 damage reduction) the boss will randomly move to a place , if you stand its it way you takes a lot of damage (maybe even killed?)

  • The council of steel ( players take up against 6 veteran warriors with each uniqe abilities, they all attack at the same time and should be focused to die all together because when 1dies the other get +20% attack speed, damage , armor, …. (not stamina)

  • Fle mid ( the nea’nyeis king , dragonsworn of the black dragonflight , he will use abilities such as teleport, stealth , bladestorm, death and decay ,…. Also got the ability to call up black dragons, at about 10-30%(RNG ftw) your faction general will get hurt, players think he/she died and going in enrage ,adding +50% to every stat.

PvP raid

Firestorm Dungeon

A small Prision founded on the Island of Firestorm to imprision dangerous individuals of the newer races. the PvP raid.

Patch X.1

  • Saving Private Riotblade

The lead guard has been captured.Your team is send in to free Industria Riotblade from her capture. Players will have to defeat wave after wave. The mobs get harder every wave. Freeing Industria will add a buff of 10% for every stat while Inside Firestorm Dungeon. Upon freeing here, she shall give the players loot.She also holds the key to the other parts of the dungeon. only the raid leader can dismiss her.

Patch X.2

  • Agynie ( A Fenniel sorcerer , main abilities are fireball volley and dark control (think raid wide mc of Azshara)

Patch X.3

  • Loxi ( A Bloof elf Paladin , main abilities are bubble (bubble should be dispelled as soon as possible , while bubbled he will heal himself) and hammer of justice (stunning hes target, while stunned the target takes 500% more damage)

Patch X.4

  • Therekal ( A Silerg swarm master , main abilities : swarm infection ( milions of small scarabs enter the room, infecting every player with a (dispelleble) dot) and acid spray ( sprays in a 30° cone infront of the boss, upon hit the player shall get a debuff that deals 50% damage every 10 seconds and increase damage taken by 100% ).

Patch X.5

  • Misery ( A Hurgine warlock , main abilties are Fel link( players get linked together and have to get 30 yards out of each other, player standing between the 2 players will take 10% damage/2 sec) and Chaos strike ( hitting the target , removing all hes armor and +1000% damage taken for the duration of the dot).


Quest Rewards

Make it back Pre-MoP system.

-High elves leveling zone

Phased version of the Eversong woods with different quest , after level 10 the player will go to the normal zones (Westfall, …), ending with the attack on Silvermoon by the scourge and the dead of lady Sylvanas Windrunner

-Naga leveling zone

They start right after the sundering has arrived and the first nagas were born, players will have to help building up a naga city , however at the end they fall into a Coma , thousands of years later they re-awake with burning hearths to kill enemies after they see their beloved city in ruins

-Val'kyr ,Darkfallen and Vrykul leveling zone

a phased version of icecrown were they witness the rise of the scourge, while vrykull’s quest are more related to stop the scarlet crusade counter offensive and the val’kyr’s quest more to bringing dead soldiers back alive

- New guild feature:

Guild boat , you start with a small (fishing) boat.

Guild members can bring materials to upgrade it .

Sea fights can be done fighting other factions boats.

Generals of the alliance/horde/new faction can ask the guildmaster to use the boat in combat against the enemy, the guild master can accept this or decline , accepting this and completing it successful gives the guild extra materials/money/a 2th boat?…. As a reward.

when a quest starts, players can go on to their boat , these quests can take about a day so all members got chance to participate . to make it fair for the smaller guilds, the difficulty scales with the amount of people you got in your guild, so small guilds got relative easy quests that they can do with for example 50% of their members , so a guild with 50 players only need 25 to do it (not online needed at same time, just help the quest while its busy) , a big guild with 1000 members would need 500 for the same difficuly, yet they could always go with less, its only harder than.

-Learn Languages

Players can learn Languages from their own faction

-virulent plague (pre-patch)

Right before Sylvanas and her followers fled from undercity, they made the plague containers explode. Trade goods got infected and has been spread all around azeroth, a new epidemic starts , players getting in 10 yard range of the infected goods (they can be near the auctioneers for example) will get a debuff dealing 25% damage (of a maxed out player (can be 5k , 100k depending what the healths are of level 95’s)), when coming close to other people( even npc’s) the plague spreads , after a few days cleaned zones will be in cities, upon entering , the player shall be decursed by some priests/shamans/paladins , at the same time new daily quests arrive to find a cure for the plague, after day 10 the curse has been found and the infection is done

-stimulate world pvp

even with the extra continent I would like to stimulate world pvp again by removing the max level guards in the low level quest hubs allowing zombie raids on villages, however there is also an entire continent dedicated to it but it isn’t the same. This will probably cause a massive outcry of people complaining about getting ganked.

-the leveling continent

it will be split in 2 parts , 1 for the 3th faction low leveling and 1 part for the max leveling (90-95).

-the call of sylvanas

since sylvanas was taking loyal forsaken with her they could add this quest options :

-i rather stay with the horde (no special reward)

-ill follow my queen everywhere ( extra gold /xp rewared /a special mount , only avaible to old undead. New undead don't have this option)

so by doing this they actualy don't have to leave their horde guild :)

thanks to Shirubámún-Magtheridon(EU) for pointing the sylvanas leaves horde thing out

New forsaken (Thanks to Zainstorm- Nagrand(eu))

Newly made Forsaken got the option to join the Horde or the Forsaken Excile's

-High Elf leader(s) (thanks to Opheliare-Bronzebeard (EU) for his thoughts about this :))

There are 2 options for this Alleria Windrunner returns from Outlands and lead them or Vereesa Windrunner leads it together with her Silver Covenant. Or both together as sister :)

-Dark ranger (thanks to Opheliare-Bronzebeard (EU) for his thoughts about this :))

Hunters of the Forsaken will be reskinned to a Dark ranger ,giving a minor buff to spells such as Black Arrow

-[United Elves?]] (thanks to Skydancer-Outland (eu) for this idea)

While remaining to their own factions the Elven races decided to set the first step to become united. Making a Elven only capital (sanctuary so A cannot attack H) Where they can talk with each other and even forum Elven only guilds/raid/dungeon groups.

If a guild decide to be a Elven guild , they cannot invite other races , Outside this city the elven can attack each other again (exept if they are from the same guild).

-Rebuilding of Theramore

Theramore is being re-build so the Alliance can once again push the Horde from the South. While old Theramore lacked anti air defence, the New city shall have suificent against any horde attacks. The Horde doesn't like the idea of Theramore being re-build and send a armed forced to stop the building. Luckly the Alliance station sufficient troops in the area. And after a long chain quest for both Alliance and Horde the city is being rebuilded. Now with portals , Ah and other city related stuff.

New non-playble races

- The Nea’nyeis , a mix between a Dreanei, Naga and val’kyr , about the size of a gnome/goblin , A never discoverd before race.

-The Hurgine , a mix of a human , orge, infernal and Eredar , about 11-12 feet , A never discoverd before race.

-Silerg , a mix of the Silithid and Starcraft’s Zerg, landed on Azeroth with the aim to conquer this planet.

-The Fenniel , a mix of a High elf ,Annihilian and a Fel reaver , about 15 feet , it used to live underwater but came now above water with the volcanic activity And many more


Sylvanas and her Forsaken Exciles

Basically it was a set up by Master Apothecary Faranell to get her kicked out, he planned to take Undercity for his own for a long time. He suggested to use the plague once more to conquer entire Arathi , even tho she was forbidden to use the plague once more (not that she listend in Gil neas to garrosh but assume that was the last warning).

At the battle for theramore she didn't helped out herself, she send just some army which disapointed garrosh verry badly aswell, reducing the trust towards the forsaken (especially since the forsaken army leader there got blown up because garrosh assumed he was betraying the entire horde)

So again she, only had 1 more chance to prove she's worth being horde, and with the plague usage in Arathi she ruined it. It was Faranell who told about the plague usage in Arathi to the new warchief (if rumours are right , garrosh dies this expansion so a new warchief will be chosen, The Alliance quests there change abit due the plague but it stays a quest hub.) and this new warchief decided to be harder than Garrosh, but keep it to more conventional weapon mechanics.

So she took her loyal servants with them (undeads get the chose which side they go) and left undercity before she would be arrested. At the same time Faranell does his coup, with the forsaken remaining in Undercity verry weak due the disapearing of their (ex)leader, it falls fast into his hands. the few forsaken that didn't want to serve Faranell fled to Orgimmar(Horde Players).

So this also explains why one of the first raids is the Battle for Undercity :)

Now about the races that join her. Forsaken is quiete obvious. She controls most of the Val'kyrs (if not all) after the dead of Arthas , so that's clear aswell. Darkfallen and Vrykull got sort of restless after the dead of Arthas (true , there is the new one but he is not the same as Arthas) and Sylvanas, her forsaken and the Val'kyrs managed to get a tribe of vrykul and some Darkfallen to join them.

The naga, Jinyu and Satyr are a diffrent story.

The naga tribe joined due the promised wealth + they have a good excuse to kill their most hated enemy, The elves. Agree Sylvanas used to be a elf, but now she is dead so they do not care about her.

The satyr band also joined for the wealth and for the hatred against healths (Remeber they used to be Night elves :) )

Why a tribe of Jinyu joined because they are mad about the destruction the Alliance and the Horde brought to Pandaria.

Currently I am thinking of replacing the Jinyu by Blood elves since the Blood elves rather stay with the undeads than the trolls, probably with the same option as the forsaken. But with the adding of High Elves for the Alliance that seemed to much.

This expansion is supposed to take place a few years after the last expansion ended. the coup is right at the end of the latest expansion , and those few years between the latest one and this one is mostly finding allies for Sylvanas. This also gives Faranall time to fortify Undercity and deal some damage to the Blood elf nation. (This allows a new questing zone for the Horde forsaken and the blood elves. skirmishes Vs Faranells coup :).) I never thought about the Forsaken losing their home city so perhaps (since there is already so much phased starting zones anyway) they get new starting quests. Abit like the Pandaren, start neutral as a normal forsaken and withness the coup.

Flem “deadly knight” Nightswing

During war of the ancients she had to flee with her sister towards Mount Hyjal because of the demons destroying everything , her parents are presumed murdered by the demons because nor she, nor her sister have seen them afterwards.

When she was on her way towards stratholme to visit friends she got ambushed by the roaming Scourge , killing her and raising her as a death knight, she helped Mograine in taking over Ebon hold and afterwards fighting the Scourge with her own team “Ghostclass” , where she showed to be a valuable soldier and got promoted to lieutenant of the alliance.

During the cataclysm she slayed countless hordes in defending the night elf nation from the invading hordes in ashenvale, however she got heavy wounded during a fight with countless number of orcs, if not for her sister who dragged her away from the fight she was dead. When King Varian Wrynn heard of her noble deed to help the pandas , he called her to come , together with her past deed she got promoted to General of the Alliance.

Now she leads the Alliance in Wars against the Horde , the Forsaken Exciles and unknown enemies. During the fight inside the temple of Bremant she gets hurt pretty bad during the fights

More lore to be added ;)

Last and final edit 7/09/2013 @ 17.10 Gmt+1 : Removing several feature's that no longer apply.