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A Fin of Every Kind

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NeutralA Fin of Every Kind
Start Al'kubian [60.2, 68.7]
End Al'kubian [60.2, 68.7]
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 5,800
Rewards 11g 70s
Previous N [78-80] Kaheti Hospitality
Next N [78-80] Moonlight Gutter Swim, N [78-80] Rescuing the Food


Fill up the Kobyss Innards Sack.

  • Innards Sack filled (0/100%)


Oh! My! LEGS!

You're perfect! Yes! You're a perfect, little, unassuming biped for my work.

Alchemy is my trade, and an alchemist is only as good as their ingredients. See these kobyss below? I've been camped out here for weeks observing them.

They seem tougher than average kobyss. My conclusion? They must be made of stronger stuff! And I want that stuff!

Here's a sack. Fill it up! Fill it up with their innards! As much as you can carry!


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s
  • 5,800 XP


Is that really as much as you can carry?


Brilliant! Fabulous!

A sack brimming with promise, date, and... arterial goop.



The Executor will surely reward me for the new branch of Kobyss-based alchemy I bring to our people.

...Even if it did originate from our sewer water.

On accept:

Al'kubian says: That's the only innards sack I have. Don't ask for another.

The sack is filled by collecting Mangled Kobyss Innards, Chunked Kobyss Innards, Uncertain Kobyss Innards, and Rotting Kobyss Innards from Adolchompers, Dead Kobyss, Drooling Salamunchers, and Gutter Scarfers. One of them will drop the  [Familiar-Looking Appendage] which starts N [78-80] That's Pretty Gross.


  1. N [78-80] A Fin of Every Kind & N [78-80] That's Pretty Gross
  2. N [78-80] Moonlight Gutter Swim & N [78-80] Rescuing the Food
  3. N [78-80] Short-Term Slaughter Solutions

Patch changes

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