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Klaskin's Great Escape

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NeutralKlaskin's Great Escape
Start Klaskin [47.9, 13.2] / [49.3, 71.9]
End Arax'ne [64.1, 15.9] / [54.3, 72.9]
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 11,600
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [78-80] Searching the Web
Next N [78-80] Don't Cry for Me, Azj-Kahet


Return Klaskin to Arax'ne in the Umbral Bazaar.

  • Returned to wife


You're here to help me?

Silken threads, I'm saved!

Its incredibly important that I make it back home without my wife seeing me.

I took off after our wedding last night, and if she sees me, she's going to kill me!

She even alerted the guards to keep an eye out for me.

But if the guards catch me, they'll surely alert Arax'ne, which is what I need to avoid.

Will you help me avoid the guards and get back home?


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,600 XP


Please hurry!


Wonderful! Klaskin, you are such a treat.


On accept:

Klaskin says: I'll wait while you go on ahead, to make sure the path is clear.
Klaskin says: Once you give the signal, I'll head to you.
Klaskin says: Let's get moving.

Players gain an extra action button:

Coast is Clear! 40 yd range — 1.1 sec cast (5 sec cooldown)

Run up to 40 yards away from Klaskin, target him, then use the extra action button to have him run forward. Steer well clear of the fixed and patrolling Bazaar Guards.

On complete:

Arax'ne says: What a treat! You have my gratitude.
Klaskin says: <Name>! You said you wouldn't let my wife see me!
Arax'ne says: Dearest Klaskin, who do you think sent them to find you?
Arax'ne says: Now for tradition...
Mix'ni says: Arax'ne!
Plinkni says: I didn't think you'd have it in you!
Rakva says: Such a traditionalist!
Arax'ne kills Klaskin and runs off.

His corpse starts the next quest, N [78-80] Don't Cry for Me, Azj-Kahet.

Nearby members of Grieve and Weave have gossip:


Can I help you?

Gossip <Ask her what she thinks of Arax'ne eating Klaskin.>

Consuming one's husband is so old-fashioned.

I didn't think that Arax'ne was actually going to go through with it.

It's so gauche!

And now our Grieve and Weave meeting is ruined! How am I supposed to enjoy myself with a corpse a stone's throw away?

Arax'ne always wanted to be the center of attention.


Our club is BYOS. Bring your own silk.

Gossip <Ask her what she thinks of Arax'ne eating Klaskin.>

I think Arax'ne was right to do it!

It's a rite of passage for all nerubian women to consume their first husband. It's only natural.

I didn't know our exoskeletons were so fragile these days!


What kind of stitching could an overcrawler be interested in?

Gossip <Ask her what she thinks of Arax'ne eating Klaskin.>

Arax'ne comes from a very... shall we say, traditional family.

Ever since she was a spiderling, her mother had been weaving stories about the beauty of consuming the object of one's love. About how that way, they are guaranteed to be together until the end of time.

Her mother ate her first husband, and her grandmother before that.

I tried to warn Klaskin that she was serious, but he didn't listen until it was too late.


We're here to knit and complain. If you're not going to participate, leave.

Gossip <Ask her what she thinks of Arax'ne eating Klaskin.>

Arax'ne had confided in me that she planned to go through with tradition, but I didn't think she was serious.

Klaskin wasn't that bad to have around. I may even miss him!

I hope it was worth it to her.


  1. N [78-80] A Most Intriguing Invitation
  2. N [78-80] Into a Skittering City
  3. N [78-80] Rewriting the Rewritten & N [78-80] Like a Spider on the Wall
  4. N [78-80] Kaheti Hospitality
  5. N [78-80] Beginning Anew From Rock Bottom

Patch changes

External links