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The Underhalls.

The Underhalls is a vrykul hall built into the mountain on the southeastern end of Valhalas,[32, 32] in Jotunheim in northwest Icecrown. It is aa dank place filled with bones and rotting flesh and vargul.[1] The Hall of Horrors and the Circle of Suffering are found here. The vargul are generally exiled here after failing the ring at Valhalas,[2] and were used for experiments by Dr. Terrible, including Bethod Feigr, who sought out vengeance for his betrayal.[3]

During the war against the Lich King, The Bone Witch sent the adventurers here to find out information about what the Doctor was up to, notably by beating out his apprentice Osterkilgr.[4] They later found out what Dr. Terrible had done with the corpses of the vargul, namely combining them into a powerful amalgamation, Nergeld, which they ironically used to kill its own creator.[5][1]

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard reported that there are still vargul in the hall.[1]

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