The Reckoning (airship)

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For other uses, see Reckoning (disambiguation).
The Reckoning above the Ruptured Lake.

The Reckoning is an Arathi airship initially docked at Light's Redoubt in Hallowfall.[39, 71] The Arathi bring it out to answer the Kaheti attack on Livia's Patience. Great Kyron and General Steelstrike send adventurers to evacuate the townsfolk[1] and hold back the nerubians while the Reckoning prepares to launch a bombardment on the town. The crew then bring the ship over to the balcony of the Patient Lake Inn, allowing adventurers, Anduin Wrynn, Alleria Windrunner, and Faerin Lothar to climb aboard.[2] Anduin notices the Kaheti aiming a Void-empowered ballista shot at the ship and leaps off the balcony to stop them, destroying the ballista at the last second. The Reckoning takes off and circles above the town, bombarding the Kaheti with ballista strikes, Faerin's Sacred Flame, and Alleria's Void abilities, until the latter two decide to steer the ship down through the Whispering Chasm into Azj-Kahet to rescue Anduin, inadvertently delivering the ship into a nerubian trap. The Kaheti fire ballista webs at the Reckoning, trapping it in place[3] above the Ruptured Lake, where it then remains stuck as a permanent subzone.[29, 42.5]


  •  Reckoning Deckhands


Patch changes
