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Temple of Courage

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The Temple of Courage after the Maldraxxi attack

The Temple of Courage, located in the west of Bastion, is one of the region's major holy sites, each of which represents one of the virtues of the Kyrian Ascended. Its purpose is training the Kyrians in combat.[1] It is overseen by the Paragon of Courage, Xandria.[2] It is the base of the Bearers.[3]

On arrival, the temple is under attack by the Maldraxxi House of Constructs.[1] The entrance to Necrotic Wake, the zenith of the incursion, is located here, in Xandria's Vigil.



  1. N [10-53] Imminent Danger
  2. N [10-53] Now or Never
  3. N [10-53] Rip and Tear, N [10-53] Stay Scrappy, N [10-53] Fight Another Day
  4. N [10-53] Double Tap, N [10-53] Clear as Crystal
  5. N [10-53] The Final Countdown
  6. N [10-53] A Time for Courage

World quests


Patch changes
