Rip and Tear (quest)

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For the feral druid talent, see [Rip and Tear].
NeutralRip and Tear
Start Thanikos [40.6, 55.2]
End Thanikos
Level 51-60
Category Bastion
Experience 7,100
Rewards 24g 10s 20c
Previous N [51-60] Now or Never
Next N [51-60] Double Tap, N [51-60] Clear as Crystal


Slay House of Constructs forces.


We will show these Maldraxxi insurgents the price for their betrayal.

The northern grounds have been taken by the House of Constructs, home to Maldraxxus' most resilient warriors.

They have earned no mercy this day, and we will give them none. We will carve through them side by side until this sacred ground is cleansed.


You will receive:

  • 24g 10s 20c
  • 7,100 XP


This is what must be done.


You fight with the poise of a true kyrian, outsider.


On accept:

Thanikos says: Keep your wits about you. Our enemy has no honor.

Pick up the other two quests before working on killing.

Eligible mobs are Rotting Discards, Skullboar Spinebreakers, Decrepit Bilespawn, Bonewrought Thrashers, Hulking Warflesh, and Frail Spotters.

Occasionally, Thanikos provides anima for healing

Thanikos says: I have sheared off a portion of their anima! It will heal your wounds if you approach it.


  1. N [51-60] Imminent Danger
  2. N [51-60] Now or Never
  3. N [51-60] Rip and Tear, N [51-60] Stay Scrappy, N [51-60] Fight Another Day
  4. N [51-60] Double Tap, N [51-60] Clear as Crystal
  5. N [51-60] The Final Countdown
  6. N [51-60] A Time for Courage

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