Battlesewn Render

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MobBattlesewn Render
Image of Battlesewn Render
Race Maldraxxi abomination (Undead)
Level 51-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Constructs
Location Temple of Courage, Bastion
Status Killable

Battlesewn Renders are abominations located at the Temple of Courage in Bastion.


  • Achievement boss festergutrotface.png Disease Cloud — Inflicting Nature damage to nearby enemies.
  • Ability demonhunter bloodlet.png Gash — Gashes an enemy, inflicting Physical damage and causing them to bleed for Physical damage every 3 sec for 12 sec.
  • Ability rogue grapplinghook.png Hack — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.

Objective of


  • Bow before my might!
  • I will show you real strength!
  • Let the battle begin!
  • Nothing will be left of you!
  • Prepare to lose!
  • You are in over your head!
  • You will be forgotten!
  • A... worthy... foe...
  • But... how...
  • I... can't... lose...
  • Im... possible...
  • Is that... all.. you've got...
  • Not... bad...
  • You... cheated...

Patch changes

External links