Rotting Discard

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MobRotting Discard
Image of Rotting Discard
Race Abomination leftover (Undead)
Level 51-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Constructs
Location Temple of Courage, Bastion
Status Killable

Rotting Discards are abomination leftovers sent from the House of Constructs in Maldraxxus to the Temple of Courage in Bastion.


  • Ability karoz leap.png Leap — The caster leaps towards an enemy.

Objective of


  • Aggro
    • Attack!
    • Break you to pieces!
    • I claim your parts!
    • I'm gonna enjoy this!
    • I'm gonna slaughter you!
    • Raaagghhh!
    • Victory!
  • Death
    • Can't... end... like this...
    • Falling... apart...
    • Fate... isn't... fair...
    • Going to... pieces...
    • My name... forgotten...
    • No glory... for me...
    • Stronger... than you... look...

Patch changes

External links