Bonewrought Thrasher

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MobBonewrought Thrasher
Image of Bonewrought Thrasher
Race Maldraxxi abomination (Undead)
Level 51-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of Constructs
Location Temple of Courage, Bastion
Status Killable

Bonewrought Thrashers are abominations sent from the House of Constructs in Maldraxxus to the Temple of Courage in Bastion.


  • Spell frost stun.png Shambling Rush — Rushes to a nearby location, stunning enemies in the path.

Objective of


  • Face me!
  • Fight!
  • For eternal glory!
  • Glorious battle!
  • I will end you!
  • Witness the fury of Maldraxxus!
  • Your defeat comes!
  • I fought... to... the end...
  • I... am broken...
  • My... final... battle...
  • Not... done... yet...
  • Remember... me...
  • So this... is defeat...
  • The war... goes on...

Patch changes

External links