Stay a While

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NeutralStay a While
Start Veritistrasz [57.9, 66.8]
End Veritistrasz [57.9, 66.8]
Level 60-62
Category The Waking Shores
Experience 3,650
Reputation +50 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards 12g 87s
Shareable Yes
Next N [60-62] Memories
Veritistrasz looking off in the distance


Sit for a while, and look at the landscape.


<The old dwarf doesn't react to your presence as you approach. As he gazes over the landscape, a deep frown is set in his face. It's a pleasant view. It might be nice to take a break and watch the landscape.>


You will receive:


<The dwarf continues to look off into the distance. You notice water welling up in his eyes.>


Story not listened to

<The Dwarf continues to look off into the distance.>

Story listened to

Thank you for listening to me, young one. I appreciated it more than you can know.


Upon accepting the quest, click on the Stay a While Extra Action Button, then speak with Veritistrasz to continue.

It's possible to complete the objective at any time by selecting "<You are busy. Get up and leave.>" This will allow you to turn in the quest, and will result in different completion text. However, you won't be eligible for the next quest until you sit and listen to Veritistrasz fully.

  • Veritistrasz mutters something under his breath.
  • Veritistrasz says: Hrmph.
  • Veritistrasz says: Hmmm.
  • Veritistrasz lets out a long sigh.

Interact with him:

The dwarf stares off into the distance with a frown furrowed on his face.
Gossip <Sit and look at the view.>
Gossip <You are busy. Get up and leave.> (completes the objective)
Veritistrasz glances at you.
Veritistrasz says: This view, it may look beautiful to you. To me, it reminds me of how long we have been gone. I barely recognize this landscape.
Veritistrasz says: I grew up here, when it was called the Broodlands. I used to tend the Lifeshrine, so many years ago. Then we left to help safeguard the mortals...
Gossip Ask what it felt like to leave the Dragon Isles.
Veritistrasz says: The reason I am here, looking over this alien landscape, is that for such a long time... I dreamed about returning here.
Veritistrasz says: This was my home. I never expected we would be gone for so long. After a while, I never expected to return.
Gossip How does it feel to be back?
Veritistrasz says: You can probably remember where you grew up. The smell of your parents cooking, or can remember playing with your friends who lived close by.
Veritistrasz says: Now imagine that you have forgotten how to get to your childhood home. You can never visit again, can never walk the paths of your childhood.
Veritistrasz says: Perhaps you think me overly sentimental. You try living for ten thousand years, never being able to visit your home, finally visit it only to find it completely different, and then come back to me.
  • Blood elfBlood elfVoid elfVoid elf Veritistrasz says: Although... Arthas Menethil did cut a bloody swath through Silvermoon, I imagine you can relate to what I speak of.
  • DraeneiDraenei Veritistrasz says: Although... I heard about Argus. Whether you were born on the planet or after your people fled, I imagine you can relate to what I speak of.
  • Night elfNight elf Veritistrasz says: Although... I used to visit Teldrassil when I could, now it is yet another thing we shall both never see again. I imagine you can relate to what I speak of.
  • WorgenWorgen Veritistrasz says: Although... The loss of Gilneas was a tragedy on two fronts. Your curse is one that must be hard one to bear, I imagine you can relate to what I speak of.
  • GnomeGnome Veritistrasz says: Although... I heard Gnomeregan was lost for a while and the damage will last for many years? I imagine you can relate to what I'm talking about.
  • OrcOrc Veritistrasz says: Although... What Ner'zhul did to Draenor was unthinkable. To have your homeland destroyed... I imagine you can relate to what I speak of.
  • GoblinGoblinHumanHumanTaurenTaurenTrollTrollPandarenPandaren Veritistrasz says: Although... there is enough war in this existence that maybe you do know something about that after all.
Gossip Ten thousand years is a long time.
Veritistrasz says: Ten thousand years.... I can barely believe it's been that long since we left.
Veritistrasz says: You can't imagine how awful that time was, the fear that surrounded us. The Sundering, the Betrayal of the black dragonflight, the Dragon Wars.
Gossip Ask about the Dragon Wars.
Veritistrasz says: The Dragon Wars... you may call it something different, but I was there, and that's what I call it. All the dragonflights versus the black dragonflight.
Veritistrasz says: You would think it would be an easy fight? Four versus one after all, even with the Demon Soul.
Veritistrasz says: The blue flight was nearly destroyed in Neltharion's initial strike, so three to one. Still great odds. Until you realize what it was like.
Gossip What do you mean?
Veritistrasz says: You only know Neltharion as Deathwing, and his brood as mad, evil beings. We knew them before they fell.
Veritistrasz says: This wasn't some unknown menace. This wasn't some great evil looming like the Legion was. These were our friends, our loved ones.
Gossip That sounds awful.
Veritistrasz says: It was awful, not knowing what's going on. Thinking there was something you could do to snap them out of it.
Veritistrasz says: They were my friends... and they were killing my brothers and sisters.
Gossip You had friends in the black dragonflight?
Veritistrasz says: I had many friends in that dragonflight, some as close as clutchmates. Heh, growing up we used to play pranks on the elders.
Veritistrasz says: I remember one time we coated Alexstrasza's tail in honey while she slept and... ah... what does it matter.
Veritistrasz says: My best friend was of the black dragonflight. We intermingled a lot, back in those days... not like now, where most flights keep to themselves.
Gossip Tell me more about your friend.
Veritistrasz says: Isn't it funny? I can't remember her name. I can remember her face, I can remember how the light bounced off her beautiful scales, but I can't remember her name.
Veritistrasz says: I can remember the horror when I came home to find her standing over the bodies of my family, practically her family.
Veritistrasz says: I can remember the gut-wrenching despair as I plunged my claw into her throat, and I remember the hate in her eyes as the light went out in them... but I can't remember her name.
Veritistrasz says: I always wondered, if I had been a better friend, could I have prevented it? Did she not feel like she could come to me as she felt the corruption starting?
Veritistrasz says: Ebyssian was cleansed. There must have been something I could have done? But she didn't come to me, must have felt she couldn't talk to me about it.
Veritistrasz says: If I was a better friend... if I had told her... oh Titans, if I had told her how I felt... could it have gone differently?... I loved her... and I can't remember her name.


  1. N [60-62] For the Benefit of the Queen
  2. N [60-62] The Mandate of the Red and Dragonriding chain
    1. N [60-62] Dragonriding
    2. N [60-62] How to Glide with Your Dragon
    3. N [60-62] How to Dive with Your Dragon
    4. N [60-62] How to Use Momentum with Your Dragon
    5. N [60-62] The Need For Higher Velocities
    6. N [60-62] The Skytop Observatory
    7. N [60-62] A New Set of Horns
    8. N [60-62] Dragon Glyphs and You
    9. N [60-62] Return to the Ruby Lifeshrine
  3. N [60-62] Training Wings
  4. N [60-62] Who Brought the Ruckus?
  5. N [60-62] The Primary Threat
  6. N [60-62] Basalt Assault
  7. N [60-62] Proto-Fight & N [60-62] Egg Evac
  8. N [60-62] Cut Off the Head
  9. N [60-62] Exeunt, Triumphant

Alpha version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages of Dragonflight.

The quest was initially named A Long Time Ago and later Sit for a While.


Listen to Veritistrasz's stories


Hello Young One, would you do an old Dragon a favor and sit with me for a while?

Patch changes

External links