Artisan's Courier

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NeutralArtisan's Courier
Start Haephesta
End Thomas Bright
Level 60-62
Category Professions
Experience 1,250
Rewards  [I.O.U.]
5g 61s 80c
Shareable Yes
Next N [60-62] A Gift for Miguel


Deliver the Artisan's Consortium Invoice to Thomas Bright.


Adventurer, are you headed into the Lifeshrine?

Would you mind taking this invoice to Thomas Bright? He ordered a few custom-made bottles and our glassblower has finally returned with the price of materials required.

He should be just down the path there, likely gushing to some poor soul about how great his husband is...

I am sure he will pay you for your time.


You will receive:


Oh, excellent! I've been meaning to fetch this from Haephesta. Thanks, <name>.


  1. N [60-62] Artisan's Courier
  2. N [60-62] A Gift for Miguel
  3. N [60-62] To Give One's Heart & N [60-62] Professionally Equipped

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