Siege Engineer Quarterflash

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AllianceSiege Engineer Quarterflash
Image of Siege Engineer Quarterflash
Title <7th Legion>
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 15-30 Elite
Class Engineer
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valiance Expedition, 7th Legion
Location Wintergarde Keep, Dragonblight
Status Alive

Siege Engineer Quarterflash is a gnome quest giver in Wintergarde Keep.



Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig and Siege Engineer Quarterflash have the following conversation:

Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig: The mine is lost. All of our defenders have perished and the miners resurrected as Scourge aberrations!
Siege Engineer Quarterflash: It does get worse, old friend. According to my calculations, without suitable materials to repair our parapets, the walls protecting this keep will crumble in twelve hours.
Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig: Grim news, my pint-sized companion. Should we suffer a defeat here the ramifications will be felt across this frozen wasteland. Highlord Fordragon and our armies at the Wrathgate will be defenseless against an assault from Naxxramas.
Siege Engineer Quarterflash: We have been through worse and survived, Leoric. Do not forget Hyjal...
Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig: Yes, yes, I haven't forgotten Hyjal, or Silithus, or the march of the Legion, or every other damnable confrontation the 7th Legion has faced. It... I don't want the soldiers to hear this, Two-bit, but for the first time in my life...
Siege Engineer Quarterflash: Say no more, Leoric. We all feel the chill in our bones. Yet, each day, heroes arrive from across the world - and beyond.
Siege Engineer Quarterflash: I have heard whisperings from the east that our esteemed Scarab Lord has joined the battle, as have entire battalions from Shattrath: heroes blessed by A'dal himself, granted rank as Hand of A'dal!
Highlord Leoric Von Zeldig: You are right, of course, old friend. Let us hope that these heroes arrive soon.

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon fights for us all, newcomer. Were it not for him, Arthas would be sitting upon the throne of Stormwind right this very moment.

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