The Bleeding Ore

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AllianceThe Bleeding Ore
Start Siege Engineer Quarterflash
End Siege Engineer Quarterflash
Level 15-30
Category Dragonblight
Experience 20300
Reputation +250 Valiance Expedition
Next A [15-30] Understanding the Scourge War Machine


Siege Engineer Quarterflash at Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight wants you to recover 10 samples of Strange Ore from Wintergarde Mine.


Hours before the Naxxramas invasion, one of the miners stumbled upon a dark ore that was oozing a viscous fluid. In the chaos that occurred during the evacuation of the mine, we lost the samples taken from the alien node. Now the Scourge prospects the ore for use in their machines of death.

You must get back to Wintergarde Mine, due northeast of here in the Carrion Fields, and recover the strange ore. It is imperative to our mission's success!


Have you recovered samples of the strange ore?


This might be the moment, the very second, that the tide turns against the Scourge. You have proven yourself as a hero of the Alliance, at least in my eyes, <name>.

Now if you would be so kind as to give me some space. I will require additional time to study this ore in order to isolate impurities and weakness.

Carry on, ally. I will contact you once I have an update.


This quest combines well with A [15-30] The Search for Slinkin and A [15-30] Not in Our Mine, as both send you to Wintergarde Mine.

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