Earthmender Narvra

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NeutralEarthmender Narvra
Image of Earthmender Narvra
Gender Female
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Class Shaman
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Earthen Ring, Dragonscale Expedition
Occupation Earthmender
Location Various
Status Alive
In the Dragonscale Basecamp.

Earthmender Narvra is an orc shaman of the Earthen Ring. She was first encountered in the Temple of Earth in Deepholm where was seen channeling magic into the World Pillar.

Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

She joined the Dragonscale Expedition and traveled to the Dragon Isles. She can be found with Rupert, the Gentleman Elemental at the Dragonscale Basecamp in the Waking Shores.

She also attended the gathering in Amirdrassil when it bloomed on the Dragon Isles after Fyrakk's death.

TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to The War Within.

Following the destruction of Dalaran, she was captured by the nerubians and taken to Azj-Kahet, but was freed and relocated to the Faerin's Advance.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Temple of Earth, Deepholm[49.4, 52.9] 30-35 Elite Alliance Horde
Dragonscale Basecamp, Waking Shores[47.0, 83.2] 10-70 Alliance Horde
Dragonscale Camp, Zaralek Cavern[40.2, 68.4] 70 Alliance Horde
Amirdrassil 70 Alliance Horde
Faerin's Advance, Azj-Kahet[59, 19] 80 Alliance Horde



Dragonscale Basecamp gossip

Hello adventurer, have you met Rupert?
I have never met an elemental quite like him, and I'll admit I'm fascinated. He has been helping out around the camp, but I think he might be interested in aiding you on some of your explorations of the Dragon Isles.

Dragonscale Camp, Zaralek Cavern gossip

<Narvra winces in pain.>

Sheridon laid down his life to buy us time to retreat. He... he will be remembered.

We aren't a combat unit. Butterfingers has never even wielded a weapon. This was his first assignment as a full chef...

He was so proud and now I don't know if he'll make it out alive.

My healing isn't working on them. Can you help?


Patch changes

External links