Patch 4.3.2 (undocumented changes)

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Patch 4.3.2 (undocumented changes)
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This article lists all undocumented changes for patch 4.3.2. All documented changes should be listed on the main article.


  • Undid a change from 4.3.0 where while swimming and leaping out from the surface of the water, players would move at the same speed as they do on land for the duration of that jump.

Darkmoon Faire

  • Competitors already inside the Deathmatch Pit prior to the start of the Darkmoon Deathmatch are teleported out when the treasure chest spawns to begin the event.
  • Competitors are now placed in random locations along the inner wall when they teleport into the Pit.





World Environment

  • Gilnean NPCs in Surwich now correctly use Gilnean voices rather than Stormwind human voices.

Not Actually Changed

  • GM confirms that Blizzard QA is aware that the Mature Language Filter does indeed continue to reset upon exiting the game, and is being looked into.