Mr. Smite

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MobMr. Smite
Image of Mr. Smite
Title <The Ship's First Mate>
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 20
Class Pirate
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Defias Brotherhood
Occupation First mate
Location Ironclad Cove, Deadmines
Status Deceased
Mr. Smite.

Mr. Smite was an elite tauren who could be found in the Deadmines. Mr. Smite was the first mate under Captain Greenskin.

He enjoyed playing with his victims, making them believe they could win, while gradually wielding increasingly deadly weapons. The weapons used were  [Thief's Blade],  [Smite's Reaver], and  [Smite's Mighty Hammer].[1]


Mr. Smite's Corpse.

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

In a vision of the past accessed through Thoralius'  [Incense Burner], Mr. Smite' body can be seen on the ramp leading to the boat.[2]

Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

In the Vale of Eternal Blossoms on Pandaria, a tauren named Yorik Sharpeye has a chance to drop  [Mr. Smite's Brass Compass], which allows players to turn into their favorite first mate. How someone on a lost continent was able to obtain something from a dead member of the Defias Brotherhood is unknown, and it is speculated that Yorik is, in fact, a disguised Mr. Smite. Even their voices are the same and when aggroed he recognizes the player, presumably from the Deadmines. Next to Yorik is a small ship toy, likely a reference to the Deadmines vessel.


Smite is accompanied by two rather tough, stealthed bodyguards that should be polymorphed by a mage, if possible. You generally have to deal with them first while occupying Smite with the tank. Once he is damaged enough, Smite will War Stomp your party and run back to a chest for a stronger weapon. The War Stom lasts 7 seconds and will occur twice during the fight, at 66% and 33% health. After the first stomp, Smite switches to dual reavers, and after the second stomp he switches to his hammer. He still takes damage from DoTs during the stuns, and it is possible to kill him during them in that manner.

It is recommended that the two adds be killed before trying to kill Smite, while main tank is focusing on Smite, otherwise they will keep beating on your party while your party is stunned by his stomp.

If you don't want to be left helpless due to Smite's stomp, it is possible to stun him before 66% and 33% and bring his life down far enough to escape the stomp.

One handy trick against this boss is to have the fastest party member pull Smite back to the end of the dock, then have the main tank keep him busy while the rest of the group burns off his guards. When he uses his stomp ability, he will have to run all the way back to the chest to retrieve his next weapon. If his guards are down, this will give the group time to heal up before he returns. If you have enough DoTs stacked on him during this time, it is possible for him to die during the trip, or he could even perform another War Stomp on the return trip, refreshing the stun on the group as he runs back to grab his hammer.


  • Inv gauntlets 05.png Smite Slam — Inflicts 50 damage to an enemy, stunning it for 3 sec.
  • Ability warstomp.png Smite Stomp — Stuns all enemies within 45 yards for 10 sec.
  • Ability ghoulfrenzy.png Thrash — Gives the caster 2 extra attacks.


You there, check out that noise!
We're under attack! A vast, ye swabs! Repel the invaders!
You landlubbers are tougher than I thought. I'll have to improvise!
D'ah! Now you're making me angry!


Inv hammer 09.png [Smite's Mighty Hammer] Inv axe 22.png [Smite's Reaver]
Inv sword 24.png [Thief's Blade]

In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Mr. Smite appears as a legendary card in the United in Stormwind expansion of Hearthstone. The flavor text reads: "Please, Mr. Smite was my father. Call me Yorik."



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Due to his dark coloring and personality, it has been suggested that he may have been a Grimtotem like Hapana, another Grimtotem who turned to piracy.


Patch changes

See also


External links

es:Don Mamporro fr:M. Châtiment