Sneed's Shredder

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MobSneed's Shredder
Image of Sneed's Shredder
Title <Lumbermaster>
Race Shredder (Mechanical)
Level 20 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Deadmines
Status Killable
Sneed's Shredder.jpg

Sneed's Shredder is an elite shredder found in the Deadmines.


  • Ability racial cannibalize.png Distracting Pain — Reduces an enemy's casting speed by 35% for 15 sec.
  • Ability physical taunt.png Terrify — Terrifies an enemy, causing it to flee in fear for 4 sec. Only 1 target can be terrified at a time.
  • Spell fire fire.png Eject Sneed — Ejects Sneed from the shedder cockpit.


Sneed's Shredder is a giant lumber mill on legs. Sitting on top of the Shredder is Sneed who tries to chop everyone into planks of wood. Make sure you kill as many mobs as possible before attempting to take on Sneed, as he will occasionally use Terrify, causing your character to run in a random direction away from him. This could lead you straight into a mass of goblins if you haven't killed them yet, in which case the group will probably be wiped out. After you defeat the Shredder, Sneed will jump out and continue the fight on his own legs. He is still very dangerous in this form, do not attempt to loot the shredder or move on until you are sure Sneed himself is dead.

Objective of


Inv sword 24.png [Buzz Saw] Inv weapon shortblade 05.png [Buzzer Blade]


  • Sneed's Shredder can be controlled by a  [Gnomish Universal Remote].
  • Sneed, while in his Shredder, has a topknot, while once outside, is bald.
  • Upon the defeat of Sneed's Shredder, you can see that Sneed himself is crushed by the shredder, as it is using the default shredder animation.
  • Sneed's Old Shredder appears as a legendary card in the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion of Hearthstone. Its flavor text reads: "When Sneed was defeated in the Deadmines, his shredder was sold at auction to an anonymous buyer. (Probably Hogger.)"

Patch changes

External links