Mogu'shan Palace is a dungeon added in World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, located within the Palace structure at the eastern edge of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. During the mogu reign over Pandaria, this palace served as the seat of power and capital of their immense empire.
This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.
During the Assault in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Magni Bronzebeard and an adventurer entered the palace following Ra-den's advice, seeking to activate the Engine of Nalak'sha. The areas they visited were devoid of mogu, leaving behind only a few terracotta warriors, traps, and Trapped Saurok in the tunnels below. The pair took one of the tunnels that led to the Mogu'shan Vaults.[1]
Adventure Guide
The ancient Mogu'shan Palace is the last true bastion of the mogu's strength. Three of their great clans recently gathered at this stunning location to meet with their king, Xin the Weaponmaster. This mighty ruler has formulated a bold plan to unite his scattered people and reclaim the glory of their fallen empire. With turmoil gripping Pandaria, Xin's lofty dream of conquest could become reality.
Upon entering the dungeon, players will find that the main hallway is closed. After fighting their way right, into a meeting hall, the group will witness an argument between king Xin and three clan leaders. The king leaves, and the three clan leaders fight the party to gain the kings favor. Upon beating them, the three clans get into a brawl with the three kings bickering, and players slip away under the cover of the dust stirred up by the fight into a hidden stairway. This stairway leads to a cavern infested with saurok pillaging a vault. After killing the saurok leader, players can ride a lift into a series of hallways where Xin's royal guards and the king himself resides. Upon the king's death, a door opens back into the meeting hall, where the three clans are still brawling. What is in the other two wings is unknown, though a lower floor is visited in the Siege of Orgrimmar.
Throne of Ancient Conquerors
Quest guide
Dungeon denizens
- The Palace was supposed to be a raid, but was split into two sections - a dungeon and a raid, which is now named as Mogu'shan Vaults.[2] This also confirms the reason why it was marked as a dungeon on a Pandaria concept map.[3] The Vaults are located in Kun-Lai Summit.
Mogu'shan Palace exterior (before 5.4)
Patch changes
External links
Mogu'shan Palace |
Vale of Eternal Blossoms |
Vale of Eternal Blossoms assault |
8.3.0 scenario |
Vale of Eternal Twilight
Icy Veins Mogu'shan Palace Walkthrough (Bosses, Achievements, Loot, and Quests)