Trial of the King
- Not to be confused with Trials of the High King.
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Race | Mogu (Humanoid) | ||||||
Level | 20-35 Elite | ||||||
Resource | Mana | ||||||
Reaction | Alliance Horde | ||||||
Location | Crimson Assembly Hall, Mogu'shan Palace | ||||||
Status | Defeatable | ||||||
The Trial of the King is the first encounter in Mogu'shan Palace.
Adventure Guide
Ming the Cunning, Kuai the Brute, and Haiyan the Unstoppable have journeyed to the palace with their clans, vying to prove their worth to their king. Yet these mogu factions are plagued with bitter rivalries. Violence threatens to flood the palatial grounds unless the bickering clans can find a way to test their strength without coming to blows with one another.
Kuai the Brute
Clan Gurthan favors the use of fist weapons and prizes their Quilen companions.
- Mu'Shiba — Mu'Shiba is the Gurthan Chief's loyal companion and will cease fighting after he is defeated.
— The Gurthan Chief sends a shockwave along the ground in front of him. All targets hit by the shockwave are launched into the air and will take falling damage.
Ming the Cunning
The Harthak are masters of wind and lightning based magic.
Whirling Dervish — The Harthak Chief summons a Whirling Dervish nearby. The Whirling Dervish will move about the arena randomly and throw nearby creatures around the room, inflicting physical Damage.
Magnetic Field
— Ming the Cunning rapidly spins in place, creating a Magnetic Field that pulls nearby creatures into its vortex. Creatures in the vortex suffer 40500 Nature damage every 1 sec.
Lightning Bolt
— The Harthak Chief inflicts Nature Damage to his current target.
Haiyan the Unstoppable
The Korgesh are strong warriors who favor large weapons and fire magic.
Conflagrate — The Korgesh Chief inflicts Fire Damage on a random player. While Conflagrated, the victim suffers Fire Damage every second and is Disoriented. When Conflagrate ends it passes to any creature nearby.
— The Korgesh Chief hurls a fiery boulder at a random player. When the meteor lands it deals a large amount of Fire Damage divided evenly among all in the area of effect.
Traumatic Blow
— Haiyan the Unstoppable inflicts 200% of his weapon damage as Physical damage to his current target. The victim receives 50% less healing for the next 5 sec
Kuai the Brute and Mu'Shbia: Ignore Mu'Shbia throughout and focus on Kuai. It will Ravage a random player and heal that player. Dodge the Shockwave, it doesn't hurt you, but will toss you up in the air.
Haiyan the Unstoppable: Be aware of the person being Conflagrated and Meteor.
Ming the Cunning: Dodge his Whirling Dervish and run away when he dodge Hurricane.
Item | Type | |
Normal | Heroic | |
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Agility mail helm |
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DPS plate helm |
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Strength DPS necklace |
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DPS cloth gloves |
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Spirit leather belt |
- Combat Intro
- Xin the Weaponmaster yells: Useless, all of you! Even the guards you've given me in tribute cannot keep these lesser beings from my palace!
- Xin the Weaponmaster yells: Redeem - nay, prove yourselves now! Deal with these intruders! The clan who brings me their heads will have my favor!
Ming the Cunning
- Intro
- These other clans aren't worthy of your time, great King!
- Our clan holds true to the ways set forth by the ancients! We deserve the King's favor above all others!
- Aggro
- Clan Harthak will show all why they are the truest of Mogu!
- Killing a player
- This is the might of Harthak!
- Defeated
- Our clan is the true clan! No interloper can change that!
Kuai the Brute
- Intro
- We are the greatest!
- These other clans are nothing!
- Aggro
- Clan Gurthan will show our King and the rest of you power hungry imposters why we are the rightful ones at his side!
- Killing a player
- The glory of Gurthan!
- Defeated
- We will never surrender our right to rule the destiny of our people!
Haiyan the Unstoppable
- Intro
- The Mogu cannot reclaim our rightful glory without our clan's strength!
- These other clans are beneath you, my king! They sullied our great legacy of our people!
- Aggro
- Clan Kargesh will demonstrate why only the strong deserve to stand at our King's side!
- Killing a player
- For Kargesh!
- Defeated
- Impossible! Our might is the greatest in all the empire!
- All three defeated
- Kuai the Brute yells: Who allowed these outsiders in our halls!? Only Clan Harthak or Clan Kargesh would stoop to such treachery!
- Ming the Cunning yells: Only the dogs of Clan Gurthan would point fingers at others for their own failures! Your clan is the most desperate! It must have been you!
- Haiyan the Unstoppable yells: Clan Gurthan is right! Only the honorless Clan Harthak could bring in a lesser race to do their bidding! You must be traitors!
- Kuai the Brute yells: A well-scripted exchange, but we are not fooled! Your clans are clearly in league with one another! For the glory of our King, our empire, we will put you all down!
- All three clans charge at each other and begin fighting in an all-out brawl.
- Taunts
- Your mother is so old, she saw the rise of the first kingdom!
- Your father is so weak that a Pandaren took pity on him and invited him to dinner!
- Your clan is so low that Hozen tell stupid jokes about them!
- Where did you get that weapon from? Your sister?
Unused quotes
- Ming the Cunning: Silence, you motherless mu'shan herders! I'd blame your clan, but your skulls are too thick to figure out a child's puzzle box, let alone how to usurp power.
- Haiyan the Unstoppable: Clan Kargesh will not suffer these insults! We will have your heads to offer to the King as proof of our might soon enough!
- This encounter was named Clan Leaders of the Mogu during the beta.
Patch changes
Hotfix (2014-03-11): Resolved an issue where Trial of the King may not reset correctly if the party dies during the encounter.
Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.