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Image of Marithos
Title <The Sundered Flame>
Gender Male
Race Dracthyr (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Sundered Flame
Location Zaralek Cavern
Status Alive

Marithos is a dracthyr located in Zaralek Cavern. He, Amythora, and Winglord Dezran accompanied Scalecommander Sarkareth to Nal ks'kol in his quest to secure Neltharion's legacy for the Sundered Flame. When Ebyssian, Scalecommander Emberthal, and an adventurer arrived, Dezran ordered them to warn Sarkareth while he held them off.[1] After Dezran's defeat, Marithos did not engage them on Sarkareth's orders, who had a surprise ready for them. Sarkareth revealed that he recovered a partially repaired Oathbinder and attempted to enslave the dracthyr in the room. The adventurer was able to defeat Sarkareth, allowing Emberthal to destroy Oathbinder. Undeterred, Sarkareth left for Aberrus, leaving his soldiers behind.[2] Feeling betrayed by his Scalecommander, Marithos and Amythora abandoned the Sundered Flame and pledged themselves to Emberthal's cause.[3]

In the aftermath of Sarkareth's death, Emberthal tasked Marithos and Amythora with finding and repatriating other independent dracthyr bands. The two were ambushed by the Sundered Flame at Lonely Falls in the Azure Span, resulting in Marithos' capture.[4] Marithos was gravely injured for his apparent betrayal of the Sundered Flame, but was rescued by Emberthal, Amythora, and an adventurer.[5] Too wounded to fly and too heavy to carry, due to his shackles, Amythora tasked the adventurer with finding his key and gathering  [Wingfoil] to aid in his recovery.[6][7] After they killed Quartermaster Doros, the Sundered Flame moved to retaliate against them, but were stopped by Dezran, who convinced them to become the Ebon Scales once more.[8] With conflict averted, Marithos was brought back to Valdrakken to recuperate.[9]


  • Ability evoker disintegrate.png Disintegrate — Tear into an enemy with a blast of blue magic, inflicting Spellfrost damage over 3 sec and reducing their movement speed by 30%.
  • Spell fire fireball02.png Fireball — Throw a fiery ball that deals 100 Fire damage. Afterwards, the target burns for an additional 30 Fire damage over 9 sec.


  • Cold Feet Activequest
  • Stress Fractures Availablequest
  • Empty Chairs Availablequest

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