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Main leader IconSmall Earthen Female.gif Lufsela
  Formerly IconSmall Earthen Male.gif Baelgrim †
Race(s) EarthenEarthen Earthen
Base of operations Dornogal
Theater of operations Isle of Dorn
Affiliation Oathsworn
Status Active

The Stormriders are the protectors of the Isle of Dorn. Following the events of incident report 605-D9, the Stormrider designation was instituted in an effort to keep the Coreway and the surrounding sector safe from exterior threats. Utilizing newly-bound storm elementals (referred to as "stormrooks") the Stormriders were calibrated with militant prowess and strategic awareness in order to execute their assigned designation. The Stormriders were originally assigned to the western watchtower of Dhar Oztan. Following the construction of Storm's Watch, Stormriders were assigned to multiple sites around their patrol district within Sector AR-938.[1]


