Legacy of Tyr: Secrets of the Past (Alliance)

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Tempest Unleashed
The subject of this article or section was part of Tempest Unleashed, a world event that heralded the opening of the Dragon Isles.
AllianceLegacy of Tyr: Secrets of the Past
Start Wrathion
End Wrathion
Level 10-60
Type Dungeon
Category Stormwind City
Experience 9,050
Rewards  [Tomb Raider's Shank]
or  [Beheader's Poleaxe]
or  [Knowledge Seeker's Cudgel]
or  [Scarab Blaster]
or  [Dunesplitter]
or  [Fist of the Treasure Seeker]
or  [Scorpion Slicer]
or  [Raider's Lost Spire]
25g 74s
Shareable Yes
Previous B [10-70] Whispers on the Winds
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-60D] Legacy of Tyr: Secrets of the Past.


Enter Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr in the Badlands and recover the disc.


To stop Raszageth from freeing the other Incarnates, the power of the Aspects must be restored.

Inconveniently, the Titans are rather preoccupied and Keeper Tyr is long dead.

Queen Alexstrasza has suggested a plan. In the depths of the Badlands lies a Titan facility called Uldaman. Apparently allies of Tyr may have hidden a disc of his memories there.

Word is that the place has been overrun by troggs. Gather your allies, head to Uldaman, and seize the disc in the name of the Dragon Queen!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv polearm 2h dragonquest b 02.png [Beheader's Poleaxe] Inv sword 2h dragonquest b 01.png [Dunesplitter]
Inv hand 1h dragonquest b 01.png [Fist of the Treasure Seeker] Inv mace 1h dragonquest b 01.png [Knowledge Seeker's Cudgel]
Inv staff 2h dragonquest b 02.png [Raider's Lost Spire] Inv firearm 2h dragonquest b 01.png [Scarab Blaster]
Inv sword 1h dragonquest b 02.png [Scorpion Slicer] Inv knife 1h dragonquest b 01.png [Tomb Raider's Shank]

You will also receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,050 XP


Did you retrieve the disc?


Infinite dragons? Their kind always has some kind of plan.

I will inform the Dragon Queen that she will have to find some other way to restore the power of the Aspects.


Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr is found under the "World Events" category in the Dungeon Finder.


  1. B [10-70] The Dragon Isles Await
  2. B [10-70] Aspectral Invitation
  3. B [10-70] Expeditionary Coordination & H [10-70] The Dark Talons / A [10-70] The Obsidian Warders
  4. B [10-70] Whispers on the Winds
  5. B [10-60] A Primal Threat & B [10-60] Chasing Storms
  6. B [10-60 Daily] Calming the Storms

Patch changes

External links